
[3v3][H][Genesis] <Frost mage & Shadow Priest> LF resto druid

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(since 18-05-2012 09:51)
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Post Posted: 13-05-2012, 11:02:10 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Frost Mage & Shadow Priest , cautam un resto druid pentr 3v3 (2k pentru arma , poate si title sezonu viitor - ) . Astept PM aici (sunt foarte activ pe forum) sau /W in-game pe charu Exorder - .
-2.2k achiv @2s
-sa nu faceti rage dupa 1-2 loseuri , nu am chef de emo-rageri .
Salut .

Hardwell wrote:
Hares e calit, dar daca ai tinta buna ii dai oneshot.

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