
[COMPLETED] Bendy Glass Tubes

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Post Posted: 24-10-2017, 15:41:49 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Character Name:Uchoo
Item Name & ID: Bendy Glass Tubes 127877
Armory Link:
Details: (optional) I destroyed this item because I thought it was useless for me. Turns out it's pretty important.. Anyways, Google tells me that I can't reacquire this so I'm pretty useless without it.

Can you replace for me please?

EDIT: In case there is some deliberation involved here, I will provide some correspondence I found online.


By nitromethane (1,517 – 11·15) on 2016/10/07 (Patch 7.0.1)
I feel stupid... I got the bile, got credit for killing the boss, but died during the fight. Then, I never ran back in to loot the boss to get the quest. Can I do it all over again (drink the invisibility potion to open the door, kill boss) and loot the Bendy Glass Tubes? Or am I screwed?
Domixus on 2016/10/20 (Patch 7.0.1)
Make a ticket and game masters will send you this item to start the quest as you cannot do the quest again to summon that special boss -
By Stoochies (2,013 – 3·24) on 2017/01/20 (Patch 7.1.5)
If you have completed the Vault of the Wardens: Demon's Bile quest prior to the quest started by this item, but did not get this one, hit up CS as there is a bug currently preventing you from obtaining it.
jackiejor on 2017/04/17 (Patch 7.2.0)
Actually there is not a bug preventing this. This is NOT a 100% drop chance, so you have to be lucky and get it first try or abandon the quest and redo it if you really want the quest. It is not intended for everyone to get the item during the Grimoira quest, as it is not required to finish the alchemy quest chains, although you must get it if you want to 100% the profession.
CycloneDuke on 2017/04/29 (Patch 7.2.0)
It's a 100% drop and it's intended to auto-push to you upon killing Grimoira. Because you can only kill her one time within normal game progression - when you are on the Demon's Bile quest. If you kill her and don't loot the tubes - you can't get the chance to loot the tubes again, because you're no longer on the Demon's Bile quest. Open a ticket if you didn't get them.

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Post Posted: 25-10-2017, 13:21:51 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


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