
Rules and Regulations

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Author Message157482

[Freakz owner]

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(since 08-02-2020 12:17)
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Post Posted: 07-01-2011, 20:33:59 [Valuable post] | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

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Any of the following actions will result in a temporary/permanent ban of your in-game account:
  • To threaten/bash the staff in any way
  • To lie to the staff (no matter how insignificant the lie is);
  • To pretend you're a Gamemaster, threaten with mute/ban or say you have GM friends/relatives that will favor you in any way;
  • To advertise any other server;
  • To use any type of hacks/exploits or being in a party with a hacker/exploiter;
  • To use auto-move/auto-cast/auto-etc bots to prevent AFK in battlegrounds / farming / etc
  • To trade anything involving real money;
  • To abuse serious bugs/exploits that favor you in any way (for example: instant kill spells/items, a chest with infinite respawn, an action that severely changes the course of an event);
  • Arena farming (join the arena with your own chars / just join/leave / wintrading);
  • Honor farming (kill your own characters or do that with another player, both agreeing);
  • To scam players through mails/trades.
  • To insult other players in regards with their religion or nationality

Any of the following actions will result in a temporary/permanent mute of your in-game account:
  • To spam excessively:
    • Specifically that the global chats are spammed by the same people only when the discussions can be very well done in private
    • More than 3 rows of the same sentence is spammed on the global chat at a very short time period

  • To create characters/guilds with obscene names or use such language, no matter the chat channel or if it's for a player or not; [Inappropriate language-related rules are applied to all channels of communication mentioned here.]
  • To try to make any joke with a GameMaster from which he might be actually offended or only feel any offense;
  • To swear at anything related to the server or the server itself (rollbacks, restarts, scripts, site, forum, etc);
  • Spamming (especially vulgar/items spamming)
  • To use colors on public channels (using scripts, addons, hacks, etc).

Refund Policy:

We accept the following forms of payment:

  • Credit Card with our credit card processor Monetico
  • GamePoints Code (
  • Any Method provided by PaymentWall

You agree to provide current, complete, and accurate purchase and account information for all purchases made via the Site. You further agree to promptly update account and payment information, including email address, payment method, and payment card expiration date, so that we can complete your transactions and contact you as needed. Sales tax will be added to the price of purchases as deemed required by us. We may change prices at any time.

You agree to pay all charges at the prices then in effect for your purchases and any applicable fees, and you authorize us to charge your chosen payment provider for any such amounts upon placing your order. We reserve the right to correct any errors or mistakes in pricing, even if we have already requested or received payment.

We reserve the right to refuse any order placed through the Site. We may, in our sole discretion, limit or cancel quantities purchased per person, per household, or per order. These restrictions may include orders placed by or under the same customer account, the same payment method, and/or orders that use the same billing or shipping address. We reserve the right to limit or prohibit orders that, in our sole judgment, appear to be placed by dealers, resellers, or distributors.

When you purchase a product or a service, the contract execution is immediate when you place your order, and the product available at the same time, PRODUCTS/SERVICES ACQUIRED ON THE http://WWW.WOW-FREAKZ.COM SITE ARE NOT REFUNDABLE.

Please visit this page to get more informations :

Please see below for more information on our return policy.

The following items cannot be returned:

  • Character level boost
  • Items pack
  • Skills
  • Titles
  • Mount Skills
  • Learned Mount / Pet
  • Consumable items
  • Copied characters
  • Golds
  • Used services (Customize / Change Race / Change Faction / Rename)
  • Guild rename

For defective or damaged products, please contact us at the customer service here to arrange a refund or exchange.

For any issue during you payment process please contact Paymentwall support here: WoW Freakz don’t have any access of your payment informations.

Please Note Sale items are FINAL SALE and cannot be returned. We do not provide assistance on the following matters:

Purchased the wrong item.
Chose the wrong realm to send your items to.
Chose the wrong character to send your items to.
Character deleted that hold a purchased shop item.
Account hacked/lost, and with it the items purchased.
Making the mistake of the above mentioned matters is considered your own fault.
Don't be hasty in purchasing an item or currency (gold) as we cannot be taken responsible for your mistake. Any attempt to be assisted when the above situations happened to you is disregarded and denied.

More information:
You may contact the shop support ([email protected]) if you face the following issues:

Didn't receive my item that I purchased.
Something went wrong with an item or service purchased on the shop.
When buying gold, do not forget that the gold limit per character is 999.999 gold coins (9.999.999 in Legion), so in case the gold that you are supposed to receive exceeds the gold limit on your character, you will get a warning in-game from the server asking you to get rid of your money excess for delivering the rest of your gold.
If you purchased a shop service (character rename, change faction, change race, migration, guild rename, profession, set, gold, mount, etc…) and you never received it after 24 hours, you have to send a ticket to the support email [email protected]. You have to specify everything about your issue: Your account username and email, the transaction that provoked your issue, specify the character affected (name and realm), and all the possible information about the problem.
When purchasing a service from the shop, do not forget to have enough room on your bags, since the item or the items will be added directly there. It’s also important to completely close the game client, although the shop might ask you to do it.
(In case you have your game client closed, and you keep getting the warning “disconnect in-game before purchasing” on the shop, wait a few hours and try again).

Other information:
  • Game masters are above players when it comes to hierarchy, thus any attempt to defy them will result in any punishment the GM wants (most probably permanent ban);
  • I reserve the right to change these rules anytime without notification. By continuing to play on this server you automatically agree with any changes.

If you do not agree with any of these rules/conditions you are obligated to leave this community.

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