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Reputation 'ZeNN

Total received: Total given:
   reputation -38.8    reputation 9278.6
   positive Votes 435    positive Votes 564
   negative Votes 27    negative Votes 87

Who Whom Direction How much Post Comment Date 'ZeNN Disrespect
Romanian Spam Zone #21 1 warn de la BonJovi4EveR 18-11-2014, 17:54:30
Faydwer 'ZeNN Respect
Discutii libere Esti mica, singurica si te-ai udat :* 16-11-2014, 00:04:19
Faydwer 'ZeNN Respect
Discutii libere Ia de aici ca esti goala pisi, umplete :]] 16-11-2014, 00:03:25
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Bazat pe "Users Reputations system v1.0.0" de Anton Granik
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