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Reputation Andreea <3

Total received: Total given:
   reputation 459.9    reputation 804
   positive Votes 48    positive Votes 55
   negative Votes 6    negative Votes 15

Who Whom Direction How much Post Comment Date
Andreea <3 DaRKGaby Respect
Vorbaraie :* 14-01-2013, 13:47:54
Andreea <3 Cm.PuNky Respect
Spam zone 2 [ English ] :x 12-01-2013, 21:23:02
Cm.PuNky Andreea <3 Respect
Spam zone 1 [ Romanian ] -Part 14- Dublu :*:* 03-01-2013, 02:53:16
[p47]gigel_frone Andreea <3 Respect
Spam zone 1 [ Romanian ] -Part 14- :* 03-01-2013, 02:10:03
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Bazat pe "Users Reputations system v1.0.0" de Anton Granik