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Reputation kubo

Total received: Total given:
   reputation 46.4    reputation 49.6
   positive Votes 6    positive Votes 7
   negative Votes 0    negative Votes 5

Who Whom Direction How much Post Comment Date
kubo LoGi. Disrespect
Demisii Leaders BOOOOOOOOOM! OPA Gagnam STYLE 14-02-2013, 16:52:56
kubo [Striker] Respect
Update-uri Multiple 3 Suntem cei mai vechi :* tino tot asa la server :D 14-02-2013, 16:09:25
hah195 kubo Respect
UnBan Kubo Striker pentru vechime!!!! 12-02-2013, 23:57:32
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Bazat pe "Users Reputations system v1.0.0" de Anton Granik