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Reputation LILaleex

Total received: Total given:
   reputation 50.5    reputation 75.2
   positive Votes 6    positive Votes 11
   negative Votes 1    negative Votes 1

Who Whom Direction How much Post Comment Date
ShRiNk LILaleex Respect
Sedinte National Guard ASD 18-08-2011, 20:27:16
LILaleex madescu Respect
Raporteaza un membru show me the money :P 200k 18-08-2011, 13:35:58
LILaleex GueSs. Respect
Post is in hidden forum or was deleted 200k 16-08-2011, 12:51:31
LILaleex flocan100 Disrespect
Aplicatii National Guard nu are respect si se poarta urat 25-07-2011, 13:29:42
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