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Reputation bymby

Total received: Total given:
   reputation 60.8    reputation 86.7
   positive Votes 19    positive Votes 8
   negative Votes 6    negative Votes 1

Who Whom Direction How much Post Comment Date
bymby walk3r Respect
[Aprobat]Cerere marire Knight --->Nobil HellsChaos gg 27-07-2012, 15:28:38
Tyg bymby Respect
[Respins]Cerere Slot Tal[E]nT ca si cati ani ai tu atata reputatie sa ai :)) 11-07-2012, 19:30:05
bymby AsKyUtZA Disrespect
Codatii lui AsKyUtZa gg 24-06-2012, 23:05:34
iulian21 bymby Respect
Cerere Admin sergent ia ca te cunosc=)) 24-06-2012, 00:34:34
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Bazat pe "Users Reputations system v1.0.0" de Anton Granik