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Reputation gandacel

Total received: Total given:
   reputation 89.7    reputation 96
   positive Votes 55    positive Votes 7
   negative Votes 38    negative Votes 2

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In2ition gandacel Disrespect
Romanian Spam Zone #23 10-09-2015, 08:37:16
Cariga gandacel Respect
Romanian Spam Zone #23 Sa fi si tu pe plus 09-09-2015, 22:59:06
funerals gandacel Respect
Pony Zone 10 - 2016s We know who its, but you dont know. 08-09-2015, 06:31:11
In2ition gandacel Disrespect
Post is in hidden forum or was deleted Who is gandacel? 06-09-2015, 11:31:02
Qwertyy gandacel Disrespect
Post is in hidden forum or was deleted ...(continuare) Pastreaza-ti comentariile inutile, nu impresionezi! 26-08-2015, 16:56:47
Qwertyy gandacel Disrespect
Post is in hidden forum or was deleted Vointa se exprima prin folosirea a doua verbe: "a voi" si a "vrea". Insa, la modul imperfect: "voiam" si "vream". Asa, ca sa stii si tu. Pastreaza-ti comentarii 26-08-2015, 16:55:50
gandacel Sartorius Respect
Post is in hidden forum or was deleted se scrie voiam dar qwerty stie ca asa trebuie dar nu si de ce 26-08-2015, 12:49:04
IngerDr00gat gandacel Respect
Romanian Spam Zone #22 Bravo 24-08-2015, 14:50:19
k S k gandacel Respect
Romanian Spam Zone #22 hvhj 24-08-2015, 13:30:57
PaZuZu gandacel Respect
Romanian Spam Zone #22 LOLOLOLOLOL 24-08-2015, 13:12:19
Qwertyy gandacel Disrespect
Post is in hidden forum or was deleted ...(continuarea) si lasa dramele. 24-08-2015, 11:59:54
Qwertyy gandacel Disrespect
Post is in hidden forum or was deleted Eu te-am rugat sa termini cu acuzatiile si sa-ti vezi de treaba ta. Daca nu esti in stare sa gandesti, nu e problema mea. Vezi-ti de treaba ta si nu mai acuza aiurea. Nu mai face pe nevinovatul si las 24-08-2015, 11:58:53
Qwertyy gandacel Respect
Romanian Spam Zone #22 poate termini cu mistourile si cu sefia asta. Ca sa vezi ca nu sufar dp reputatie si nu port pica nimanui. 22-08-2015, 14:07:05
Qwertyy gandacel Disrespect
Romanian Spam Zone #22 No no. 22-08-2015, 13:45:40
eM gandacel Respect
Romanian Spam Zone #22 22-08-2015, 13:39:28
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Bazat pe "Users Reputations system v1.0.0" de Anton Granik