
[REJECTED] DK death strike
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 25-11-2011, 15:32:02 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link: Death Strike
Descrierea bugului / Bug description: Deja este a 3-a oara cand mi se intampla sa stau in arena 16min+ , 2 versus 1 nu putem bate dkul deoarece da heal mai mult decat ar trebui... Please fix this! arena sa terminat in cele din urma deoarece s-a plictisit dku si cam asa se intampla mereu.
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Post Posted: 25-11-2011, 17:26:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Pai din ss se observa ca DK a dat lejer de 2 ori damage mai mare ca tine, nu inteleg cum ai vrea sa castigi in fata la DK, daca DK-ul da damage mai mare ca tine.
Cu warr dai lejer dmg mai mare ca un DK.

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Post Posted: 25-11-2011, 17:47:57 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

bloodiethink wrote:
Pai din ss se observa ca DK a dat lejer de 2 ori damage mai mare ca tine, nu inteleg cum ai vrea sa castigi in fata la DK, daca DK-ul da damage mai mare ca tine.
Cu warr dai lejer dmg mai mare ca un DK.

Pai normal ca dkul a dat mai mult damge din moment ce da aborb la toate abilitatile warr-ului cu asta (wowhead link) . E o mica posibilate sa bati blood dkul ca warr (asta numa sa fie dk-ul nab) si anume sa il tii in slow cu (wowhead link) astfel incat sa nu dea death strike pe tine (asa se activeaza shieldu ala) si parteneru tau sa dea spell dmg pe el si sa dai reck pe el...

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 25-11-2011, 17:57:58 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

ca asta?

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 25-11-2011, 19:49:19 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Si care este bugul?
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 25-11-2011, 23:41:10 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Cum ma care este bugul?! scrie pe spell clar " A PERCENTAGE OF YOUR HEALTH" nu " YOUR FULL HEALTH " pentru scut , nu cred ca scriau ei la misto chestia aia , defapt nici nu mai e vorba de ce cred dar sa ajunga un dk sa dea heal cat un healer in arena si damage cat da el pe cap res laso dreaq ca sunteti niste noobi notorii daca nu stiti sa jucati clasele blizzlike si va aparati bugurile din cauza aberantei nevoie de dovada , pt ca aici dovada ai foarte clara in ochi oricand te bati cu un dk blood si anume robot de bucatarie tankdpsheal=150%of health absorbshield(once every dunno.. 20 seconds)+20k/skill damage+deathrunes(6-8 skills in 6-8 seconds)+30k-40k heal/deathstrike+aoeslow 100% of the time with no god damn any way of being possible.

Si daca iar ma frecati cu aberez inseamna ca e real ce mi sa zis , nu joc wow eu joc ... bambilici.

Ete rahat , daca ne-am lua toti dupa copii am ajunge in gradinita , la 9.
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[The Pedobear]

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Post Posted: 26-11-2011, 00:18:21 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

mcandrew wrote:
Cum ma care este bugul?! scrie pe spell clar " A PERCENTAGE OF YOUR HEALTH" nu " YOUR FULL HEALTH " pentru scut , nu cred ca scriau ei la misto chestia aia , defapt nici nu mai e vorba de ce cred dar sa ajunga un dk sa dea heal cat un healer in arena si damage cat da el pe cap res laso dreaq ca sunteti niste noobi notorii daca nu stiti sa jucati clasele blizzlike si va aparati bugurile din cauza aberantei nevoie de dovada , pt ca aici dovada ai foarte clara in ochi oricand te bati cu un dk blood si anume robot de bucatarie tankdpsheal=150%of health absorbshield(once every dunno.. 20 seconds)+20k/skill damage+deathrunes(6-8 skills in 6-8 seconds)+30k-40k heal/deathstrike+aoeslow 100% of the time with no god damn any way of being possible.

Si daca iar ma frecati cu aberez inseamna ca e real ce mi sa zis , nu joc wow eu joc ... bambilici.

cat adevar ai grait aici. multi cred ca ii normal sa aiba scut de 100k dmg absorb si sa spameze un buton. partea nasoala:
1. frost spec. multi te fac nab pt ca threath of tassarian ii buguit(dai heal cu ds cu ambele arme)..poate ii normal poate nu.
2. blood spec. sa fim seriosi..ii 100% nub
3. unholy spec. dupa ce mi-am rupt nervii in wow pe unholy spec/ gargoyle deabea da 1k dmg/ scourge striek deabea dai 5k ajuns la concluzia ca dai dmg mai mare cu unholy spec si obliterate.

multi fac qq ca nu exista unholy dk. pai sincer acuma, cum ati vrea sa existe un spec unde dai dmg mai mare cu frost spells decat cu unholy spells.
un player(dumnezeu sa-i deie sanatate ca s-o gandit si la unholy spec) a facut ss cu dmg-ul de la ghoul/gargoyle/scourge strike(shadow dmg too), acuma urmeaza sa vedem. o sa mai luam un nerf sau un buff? pe langa ca o ducem nasol cu gargoyle+ghoul dmg..o mai scazut dmg-ul si mai mult la dark transformation(30 sec de glorie)
Rayzer90 wrote:
Vad ca sunt multe nelamuriri despre uh dk asa ca am facut niste printuri de pe retail cu ss dmg,normal pet dmg,enrage pet si gargoyle pet dmg pe dummy de lvl 85.
In primul rand armory la dk:
Akm , stiu ca e cu un sezon si un patch peste freakz dar totusi ca sa vedeti cat da la aceste statusuri: - stats dk

Scourge strike: - 2 hits din paranteza inseamna physical+shadow part , nu 2 ss

Maxim cu clas buffs si full cd pe dummy cu ss am prins 50k crit (26k physical 24k shadow). In pvp pe 4k resi in mediu dau cu 8k hit , 16k crit akm depinde de armorul targetului.

Normal pet:

Dark Transf pet:


Eu momentan nu mai joc pe freakz asa ca nu stiu ce bugs sunt si ce nu asa ca daca cnv are nevoie de vreun print legat de dk il aduc cu drag, din pacate nu pot filma cu pcul care il am dar sper sa ajut pe cn are nevoie cu prints.

pare rau ca am scris atata dar ii enervant cand vine un copil la tine si face qq ca joci blood sau frost si ca nu sti unholy.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 26-11-2011, 01:33:36 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I dont understand romanian too much but i was about to make topic like this only thing here problem are not blood death knights since they got abillitys to heal and all problem are frost death knights that are starting to abuse heals they can get
few days ago i did arena vs one frost death knight and when it was 1 v 1 he switched from 2 hand weapon to 2x1 hand weapons i dont know if he had Glyph of Dark Succor or what but he was making constantly 20-30 k + heals with each death strike look at this picture this match didnt last more then 3 minutes


300 k damage 600 k healing something is serious wrong its possible that Glyph of Dark Succor effect that increase healing gain works for off-hand too giving it 15% also but it would be too much

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 26-11-2011, 01:39:25 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

eu sincer nu ma pricep la DK insa stiu sigur 100% Ca niciun caracter nu ar trebui sa bata alte 2 charuri de unu singur! asta s-a intamplat doar odata la inceputu TBC cand resto druid batea 2 oameni singur si urmatoarea zi chiar daca nu era resetu BLIZZ a schimbat patchu si au fixat druidu.
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[The Pedobear]

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Post Posted: 26-11-2011, 08:06:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

DBZVlada wrote:
300 k damage 600 k healing something is serious wrong its possible that Glyph of Dark Succor effect that increase healing gain works for off-hand too giving it 15% also but it would be too much

that glyph works fine. the problem with frost dk's heal is (wowhead link) . while using that talent and spamming death strike you'r healing with you'r offhanded weapon also...instead of using only you'r main-hand.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 26-11-2011, 10:08:32 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Well this bug is going on for already too long and I m starting to belive that GM's don't want to fix it... no idea why but I've seen a full blue itemed frost dk winning over a semi full vicious retri paladin in a duel, and the dk was FULL HP all the time because of the heals.... +I never said its the blood dks which have a problem... I was refering to death strike and the bug is obviously on Frost.
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Post Posted: 26-11-2011, 10:11:45 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Well, if you'd tell us where the bug is -.
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[The Pedobear]

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Post Posted: 26-11-2011, 10:15:08 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

ToTeR wrote:
Well this bug is going on for already too long and I m starting to belive that GM's don't want to fix it

respeck unholy... then you could say that "gm's dont want to fix it" 1k crit wirh gargoyle/ 5k crit scourge strike/ 3k crit with ghoul(dark transformation on)

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 26-11-2011, 16:10:41 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

ToTeR wrote:
Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link: Death Strike
Descrierea bugului / Bug description: Deja este a 3-a oara cand mi se intampla sa stau in arena 16min+ , 2 versus 1 nu putem bate dkul deoarece da heal mai mult decat ar trebui... Please fix this! arena sa terminat in cele din urma deoarece s-a plictisit dku si cam asa se intampla mereu.
Dovada / Proof:

daca joci war si te plangi de dk clar nu stii cum sa joci war, mai baga o fisa si invata clasa, ca war ar trebui sa pui dk jos fara stres.

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Post Posted: 26-11-2011, 18:04:54 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

endles wrote:
ToTeR wrote:
Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link: Death Strike
Descrierea bugului / Bug description: Deja este a 3-a oara cand mi se intampla sa stau in arena 16min+ , 2 versus 1 nu putem bate dkul deoarece da heal mai mult decat ar trebui... Please fix this! arena sa terminat in cele din urma deoarece s-a plictisit dku si cam asa se intampla mereu.
Dovada / Proof:

daca joci war si te plangi de dk clar nu stii cum sa joci war, mai baga o fisa si invata clasa, ca war ar trebui sa pui dk jos fara stres.

Ai jucat vreodata cu warr ?
Tu te referi la 1v1 ? Sa pui jos un blood dk care stie cat de cat sa joace ?

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