
Demonic Pact + Arcane Brilliance

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Post Posted: 30-05-2012, 07:27:55 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link: (wowhead link) // (wowhead link)
Descrierea bugului / Bug description: Demonology Warlock's Demonic pact buff is getting overlapped by Mage's Arcane Brilliance, no matter which one you recieve first Mage buff is deleting the Warlock's buff when they are supposed to stay active at the same time, but they shouldnt stack their SP buff, so you should have both buff and with a 10% spellpower gain and the increased mana, not 16%
Dovada / Proof:

here im with the mage buff and in a group with a demo lock with the pet and demonic pact, but only the mage buff is shown.

when i cancelled the mage buff, the warlock's buff got activated and the spellpower increased to 7572 up from 7297 so this is not a visual bug

here are some proofs about how it should work:

some posts on MMO-champion about this

and here is a SS of this video where you can see both buffs active, (the video was made on 4.0.6)

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Post Posted: 01-06-2012, 11:32:11 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Stack means: Arcane Brilliance + Demonic Pact
No stack means: Only Arcane Brialliance or only Demonic Pact
The information you have is corect. The bug is in that video, which it means that demonic pact should not be active... unfortunatelly -
What you should do: remove arcane brilliance and say to your demonology lock to resummon his pet to refresh the buff.
The risk is that if the pet dies, the buff goes with it.

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Post Posted: 01-06-2012, 17:36:07 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

demonic pact si orice buff cu increase spell power se stackeaza, doar ca cel mai puternic buff este folosit si orice altceva ce primesti din celalalt buff este stackabil in afara de acel spell power. Deci ai sa primesti 10% increase spell power si 2k mana de la mag. Also daca sunt 2 de acelasi fel buffurile sunt luate random gen elemental cu 10% increase sp si demo. Aman2 apar la buffuri insa doar una este luata in considerare. Ai sa ai doar 10% increase sp nu 20%.

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Post Posted: 02-06-2012, 08:51:22 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

piciupitik wrote:
Stack means: Arcane Brilliance + Demonic Pact
No stack means: Only Arcane Brialliance or only Demonic Pact
The information you have is corect. The bug is in that video, which it means that demonic pact should not be active... unfortunatelly -
What you should do: remove arcane brilliance and say to your demonology lock to resummon his pet to refresh the buff.
The risk is that if the pet dies, the buff goes with it.

that video is from retail on 4.0.6, so its not a bug there... and you can see both buffs active on any cataclysm video because it has been like that since 4.0.1. just search for a video of someone without the consolidate buff option enabled, with a mage and a demo lock in the raid, and without an elemental shaman because the totem removes this buff since their effect is the same.

also i just found that this bug is affecting the elemental shaman 10% sp buff too,Totemic Wrath (wowhead link), which should work exactly the same as demonic pact

had 7453 Spell Power before cancelling the mage buff, and as soon as i canceled it, Totemic Wrath (wowhead link) came active and increased the spell power

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