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Author Message291
Umilitu :o3

[Account disabled]

Status: Offline
(since 31-05-2015 17:32)
Joined: 05 Jan 2015
Posts: 289, Topics: 28
Location: PuMa

Reputation: 50.9
Votes: 8

Post Posted: 25-03-2015, 22:03:17 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. Imaginea stock (posteaza link cãtre imagine). Link sters
2. Marimea semnaturii/avatarului/bannerului (in pixeli). 48x48
3. Textul dorit (optional). LTZ
4. Indicatii (optional). nimic
5. Multumesc (specifica daca vrei sa recompensezi efortul depus cu reputatie si in ce conditii). Multumiri
EDIT : Imi cer scuze Seager.. - Puteti da T/c

Staff message (SeaGer):
Ti-am sters link-ul pentru ca faceai reclama. Iar icoane nu se fac. Plus ca icoana in sine era o reclama. Data viitoare nu mai scapi. Fii mai grijuliu.
Casuta Vocala : @PuMa
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Locked by Mitrut, 28 March 2015 10:30

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