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[Mentally Stable]
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(since 14-07-2017 18:53)
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Posted: 12-08-2016, 02:27:04
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Salut La baietii
As avea de fapt 2 cereri la voi.
1. Ma intereseaza daca pot intra si eu in posesia addonului GunGame de pe serverul SIN.Freakz.Ro ?
2 .Ma intereseaza daca pot intra in posesia unui addon CS-GO pe platforma CS.1.6 ?
Ma puteti ajuta ?
A si scuze , mai am o intrebaRE.
Poate cineva dintre voi sa modifice un plugin de genul ESP , ca un admin cand moare sa poata vedea si Tero si CT ?
Multumesc , Zi Placuta all !!
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(since 12-03-2020 22:13)
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Posted: 12-08-2016, 11:43:05
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1.Discuta cu ownerul acela , nu cred ca il va da free.
2.Exista un addons free dar acela este bugat.
Daca ai ceva de modificat poteaza pluginul.
Retired from Amxmodx
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[Mentally Stable]
Status: Offline
(since 14-07-2017 18:53)
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Posted: 12-08-2016, 17:54:37
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Asta ar fii Pluginul
#include <amxmodx>
#include <fakemeta>
#define VERSION "1.5"
#define OFFSET_TEAM 114
// Feel free to change this flag.
ESP_ON = 0,
new bool: bAdminOptions[ 33 ][ 10 ];
new bool: bAdmin[ 33 ], bool: bFirstPerson[ 33 ],
bool: bDucking[ 33 ], bool: bIsInMenu[ 33 ];
new g_pCvarESPEnabled, g_pCvarESPTimer,
g_pCvarESPAllowAll, g_pCvarESPDisableDefaultKeys;
new iTeamColors[ 4 ][ 3 ] =
{ 0, 0, 0 },
{ 150, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 150 },
{ 0, 150 ,0 }
new iEspColors[ 5 ][ 3 ] =
{ 0, 255, 0 },
{ 100, 60, 60 },
{ 60, 60, 100 },
{ 255, 0, 255 },
{ 128, 128, 128 }
new iLaser;
new g_iDamageDoneTo[ 33 ], g_iViewTarget[ 33 ],
g_iSpectator[ 33 ];
new g_iMsgSayText;
new g_iMaxPlayers;
new iWeapons[ 30 ][ 10 ] =
"None", "P228", "Scout", "HE", "XM1014", "C4",
"MAC-10", "AUG", "Smoke", "Elite", "Fiveseven",
"UMP45", "SIG550", "Galil", "Famas", "USP", "Glock",
"AWP", "MP5", "M249", "M3", "M4A1", "TMP", "G3SG1",
"Flash", "Deagle", "SG552", "AK47", "Knife", "P90"
public plugin_init( )
register_plugin( "Admin Spectator ESP", VERSION, "KoST" );
server_print( "^n^tAdmin Spectator ESP v%s, Copyright (C) 2006 by KoST^n", VERSION );
register_clcmd( "esp_menu", "ESP_Menu", ASESP_LEVEL_RCON, "Show ESP Menu" )
register_clcmd( "say /esp_menu", "ESP_Menu", ASESP_LEVEL_RCON, "Show ESP Menu" )
register_clcmd( "esp_toggle", "ESP_Toggle", ASESP_LEVEL_RCON, "Toggle ESP On/Off" )
register_clcmd( "say /esp_toggle", "ESP_Toggle", ASESP_LEVEL_RCON, "Toggle ESP On/Off" )
register_clcmd( "esp_settings", "ESP_Settings", ASESP_LEVEL_RCON, " ESP Settings" )
g_pCvarESPEnabled = register_cvar( "esp_enabled", "1" )
g_pCvarESPTimer = register_cvar( "esp_timer", "0.3" )
g_pCvarESPAllowAll = register_cvar( "esp_allow_all", "0" )
g_pCvarESPDisableDefaultKeys = register_cvar( "esp_disable_default_keys", "0" )
new g_pCvar = register_cvar( "esp_version", VERSION, FCVAR_SERVER | FCVAR_UNLOGGED | FCVAR_SPONLY )
set_pcvar_string( g_pCvar, VERSION )
register_forward( FM_PlayerPreThink, "Fw_PlayerPreThink" )
register_event( "StatusValue", "SpecTarget", "bd", "1=2" )
register_event( "SpecHealth2", "SpecTarget", "bd" )
register_event( "TextMsg", "SpecMode", "b", "2&#Spec_Mode" )
register_event( "Damage", "Damage", "b", "2!0", "3=0", "4!0" )
register_event( "ResetHUD", "ResetHUD", "be")
register_menucmd( register_menuid( "Admin Specator ESP" ), iKeys, "AdminSpectatorESP_Menu" )
g_iMsgSayText = get_user_msgid( "SayText" );
g_iMaxPlayers = get_maxplayers( )
// Start esp_timer for the first time.
set_task( 1.0, "ESP_Timer" )
public plugin_precache( )
iLaser = precache_model( "sprites/laserbeam.spr" );
public client_putinserver( id )
bFirstPerson[ id ] = false
if( ( get_user_flags( id ) & ASESP_LEVEL_RCON ) || get_pcvar_num( g_pCvarESPAllowAll ) == 1 )
bAdmin[ id ] = true
AdminOptions( id )
AdminOptions( id )
for( new i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
bAdminOptions[ id ][ i ] = true
bAdminOptions[ id ][ ESP_TEAM_MATES ] = false
LoadData( id )
public ESP_Menu( id )
if( bAdmin[ id ] && get_pcvar_num( g_pCvarESPEnabled ) == 1 )
ShowESP_Menu( id )
ShowESP_Menu( id )
bIsInMenu[ id ] = true
new iOnOff[ 2 ][ ] =
{ "Off" },
{ "On" }
new iText[ 2 ][ ] =
{ "(use move forward/backward to switch On/Off)" },
{ "(use esp_toggle command to toggle)" }
new iTextIndex = get_pcvar_num( g_pCvarESPDisableDefaultKeys )
if( iTextIndex!= 1 )
iTextIndex = 0
new iMenu[ 301 ];
formatex( iMenu, charsmax( iMenu ), "Admin Specator ESP^nis %s %s^n^n1. Line is %s^n2. Box is %s^n3. Name is %s^n4. Health/Armor is %s^n5. Weapon is %s^n6. Clip/Ammo is %s^n7. Distance is %s^n8. Show TeamMates is %s^n9. Show AimVector is %s^n^n0. Exit",
iOnOff[ bAdminOptions[ id ][ ESP_ON ] ], iText[ iTextIndex ], iOnOff[ bAdminOptions[ id ][ ESP_LINE ] ], iOnOff[ bAdminOptions[ id ][ ESP_BOX]], iOnOff[ bAdminOptions[ id ][ ESP_NAME ] ],
iOnOff[ bAdminOptions[ id ][ ESP_HEALTH_ARMOR ] ], iOnOff[ bAdminOptions[ id ][ ESP_WEAPON ] ], iOnOff[ bAdminOptions[ id ][ ESP_CLIP_AMMO ] ], iOnOff[ bAdminOptions[ id ][ ESP_DISTANCE ] ],
iOnOff[ bAdminOptions[ id ][ ESP_TEAM_MATES ] ], iOnOff[ bAdminOptions[ id ][ ESP_AIM_VEC ] ] )
show_menu( id, iKeys, iMenu )
public ESP_Toggle( id )
if( bAdmin[ id ] && get_pcvar_num( g_pCvarESPEnabled ) == 1 )
ESP_Status( id, !bAdminOptions[ id ][ 0 ] )
ESP_Status( id, bool: bOn )
if( bOn )
bAdminOptions[ id ][ 0 ] = true
if( !bIsInMenu[ id ] )
ChatColor( id, "!g[ Admin Spectator ESP v%s ] !yStatus: !gON!y.", VERSION )
if( bIsInMenu[ id ] )
ShowESP_Menu( id )
bAdminOptions[ id ][ 0 ] = false
if( !bIsInMenu[ id ] )
ChatColor( id, "!g[ Admin Spectator ESP v%s ] !yStatus: !gOFF!y.", VERSION )
if( bIsInMenu[ id ] )
ShowESP_Menu( id )
public ESP_Settings( id )
if( bAdmin[ id ] )
new iOut[ 11 ];
read_argv( 1, iOut, charsmax( iOut ) )
new iLen = strlen( iOut )
for( new i = 0; i < iLen; i++ )
if( iOut[ i ] == '1' )
bAdminOptions[ id ][ i ] = true
bAdminOptions[ id ][ i ] = false
public Fw_PlayerPreThink( id )
if( !is_user_connected( id ) )
static iButton;
iButton = pev( id, pev_button )
if( iButton == 0 )
static iOldButton;
iOldButton = pev( id, pev_oldbuttons )
if( iButton & IN_DUCK )
bDucking[ id ] = true
bDucking[ id ] = false
if( ( get_pcvar_num( g_pCvarESPEnabled ) ==1 ) && ( get_pcvar_num( g_pCvarESPDisableDefaultKeys )!= 1 ) )
if( bAdmin[ id ] )
if( bFirstPerson[ id ] && !is_user_alive( id ) )
if( ( iButton & IN_RELOAD ) && !( iOldButton & IN_RELOAD ) )
ShowESP_Menu( id )
if( ( iButton & IN_FORWARD ) && !( iOldButton & IN_FORWARD ) && !bAdminOptions[ id ][ 0 ] )
ESP_Status( id, true )
if( ( iButton & IN_BACK ) && !( iOldButton & IN_BACK ) && bAdminOptions[ id ][ 0 ] )
ESP_Status( id, false )
public SpecTarget( id )
if( id > 0 )
new iTarget = read_data( 2 )
if( iTarget!= 0 )
g_iSpectator[ id ] = iTarget
public SpecMode( id )
new iSpecMode[ 12 ];
read_data( 2, iSpecMode, charsmax( iSpecMode ) );
if( equal( iSpecMode, "#Spec_Mode4" ) )
bFirstPerson[ id ] = true
bFirstPerson[ id ] = false
public Damage( id )
if( id > 0 )
new iAttacker = get_user_attacker( id )
if( iAttacker > 0 && iAttacker <= g_iMaxPlayers )
if( g_iViewTarget[ iAttacker ] == id )
g_iDamageDoneTo[ iAttacker ] = id
public ResetHUD( id )
g_iSpectator[ id ] = 0
public AdminSpectatorESP_Menu( id, iKey )
if( iKey == 9 )
bIsInMenu[ id ] = false
if( bAdminOptions[ id ][ iKey + 1 ] )
bAdminOptions[ id ][ iKey + 1 ] = false
bAdminOptions[ id ][ iKey + 1 ] = true
ShowESP_Menu( id )
SaveData( id )
if( bAdmin[ id ] )
new uAuthId[ 35 ];
get_user_authid( id, uAuthId, charsmax( uAuthId ) );
new iTmp[ 11 ];
for( new s = 0; s < 10; s++ )
if( bAdminOptions[ id ][ s ] )
iTmp[ s ] = '1';
iTmp[ s ] = '0';
iTmp[ 10 ] = 0
// server_print( "STEAM-ID: %s OPTIONS: %s", uAuthId, iTmp );
new iKey[ 41 ];
formatex( iKey, charsmax( iKey ), "ESP_%s", uAuthId )
set_vaultdata( iKey, iTmp )
LoadData( id )
if( bAdmin[ id ] )
new iData[ 11 ], uAuthId[ 35 ];
get_user_authid( id, uAuthId, charsmax( uAuthId ) );
new iKey[ 41 ];
formatex( iKey, charsmax( iKey ), "ESP_%s", uAuthId )
get_vaultdata( iKey, iData, charsmax( iData ) )
if( strlen( iData ) > 0 )
for( new s = 0; s < 10; s++ )
if( iData[ s ] == '1' )
bAdminOptions[ id ][ s ] = true
bAdminOptions[ id ][ s ] = false
public DrawAimVector( i, s, iLen )
new iTmp[ 3 ];
get_user_origin( s, iTmp, 1 )
new Float: fVec[ 3 ];
new Float: fEndPoint[ 3 ];
IVecFVec( iTmp, fVec )
fVec[ 2 ]-= 6.0
velocity_by_aim( s, iLen, fEndPoint )
AddVec( fEndPoint, fVec )
Make_TE_BEAMPOINTS( i, 4, fVec, fEndPoint, 10, 255 )
public ESP_Timer( )
if( get_pcvar_num( g_pCvarESPEnabled )!= 1 )
set_task( 1.0, "ESP_Timer" ) // Check for reactivation in 1 sec intervals.
static iSpectatorId, Float: fMyOrigin[ 3 ], iMyTeam, Float: fSmallestAngle, iSmallestId, Float: fX_Pos, Float: fY_Pos, Float: fDist, iTargetTeam, Float: fTargetOrigin[ 3 ], Float: fDistance, iWidth,
Float: fMiddle[ 3 ], Float: fHitPoint[ 3 ], Float: fDistanceToHitPoint, Float: fScaledBoneLen, Float: fScaledBoneWidth, Float: fBone_Start[ 3 ], Float: fBone_End[ 3 ], Float: fOffSet_Vector[ 3 ],
Float: fEyeLevel[ 3 ], Float: fDistanceTargetHitPoint, iActualBright, iColor, Float: fRet[ 2 ], Float: fX_Angle, iName[ 37 ], iHealthAndArmor[ 25 ], iClipAndAmmo[ 22 ], iWeaponId, iWeaponName[21];
for( new i = 1; i <= g_iMaxPlayers; i++ )
if( bAdminOptions[ i ][ ESP_ON ] && bFirstPerson[ i ] && is_user_connected( i ) && bAdmin[ i ] && ( !is_user_alive( i ) ) && ( g_iSpectator[ i ] > 0 ) && is_user_alive( g_iSpectator[ i ] ) )
iSpectatorId = g_iSpectator[ i ];
pev( i, pev_origin, fMyOrigin ) // Get origin of spectating admin.
// Get team of spectated.
iMyTeam = get_pdata_int( iSpectatorId, OFFSET_TEAM )
iSmallestId = 0;
fSmallestAngle = 180.0;
// X,Y of hudmessage.
fX_Pos = 2.0
fY_Pos = 2.0
for( new s = 1; s <= g_iMaxPlayers; s++ )
if( is_user_alive( s ) )
iTargetTeam = get_pdata_int( s, OFFSET_TEAM )
if( !( iTargetTeam == 3 ) )
if( iSpectatorId!= s )
if( ( ( iMyTeam != iTargetTeam && ( iTargetTeam == 1 || iTargetTeam == 2 ) ) || bAdminOptions[ i ][ ESP_TEAM_MATES ] ) )
// Get origin of target.
pev( s, pev_origin, fTargetOrigin )
// Get distance from me to target.
fDistance = vector_distance( fMyOrigin, fTargetOrigin )
if( bAdminOptions[ i ][ ESP_LINE ] )
if( fDistance < 2040.0 )
iWidth = ( 255 - floatround( fDistance / 8.0 ) ) / 3
iWidth = 1
Make_TE_BEAMENTPOINT( i, fTargetOrigin, iWidth, iTargetTeam )
// Get vector from me to target.
SubVec( fTargetOrigin, fMyOrigin, fMiddle )
// Trace from me to target, getting hitpoint.
engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, fMyOrigin, fTargetOrigin, 1, -1, 0 )
get_tr2( 0, TR_vecEndPos, fHitPoint )
// Get distance from me to hitpoint (nearest wall).
fDistanceToHitPoint = vector_distance( fMyOrigin, fHitPoint )
// Scale.
if( bDucking[ iSpectatorId ] )
fScaledBoneLen = fDistanceToHitPoint / fDistance * ( 50.0 - 18.0 )
fScaledBoneLen = fDistanceToHitPoint / fDistance * 50.0
fScaledBoneLen = fDistanceToHitPoint / fDistance * 50.0
fScaledBoneWidth = fDistanceToHitPoint / fDistance * 150.0
// Get the point 10.0 units away from wall.
Normalize( fMiddle, fOffSet_Vector, fDistanceToHitPoint - 10.0 ) // Offset from wall.
// Set to eye level.
CopyVec( fMyOrigin, fEyeLevel )
if( bDucking[ iSpectatorId ] )
fEyeLevel[ 2 ]+= 12.3
fEyeLevel[ 2 ]+= 17.5
AddVec( fOffSet_Vector, fEyeLevel )
// Start and end of green box.
CopyVec( fOffSet_Vector, fBone_Start )
CopyVec( fOffSet_Vector, fBone_End )
fBone_End[ 2 ]-= fScaledBoneLen
fDistanceTargetHitPoint = fDistance - fDistanceToHitPoint;
iActualBright = 255;
if( bAdminOptions[ i ][ ESP_BOX ] )
if( fDistanceTargetHitPoint < 2040.0 )
iActualBright = ( 255 - floatround( fDistanceTargetHitPoint / 12.0 ) )
iActualBright = 85
if( fDistanceToHitPoint!= fDistance )
iColor = 0
iColor = iTargetTeam
if( g_iDamageDoneTo[ iSpectatorId ] == s )
iColor = 3
g_iDamageDoneTo[ iSpectatorId ] = 0
Make_TE_BEAMPOINTS( i, iColor, fBone_Start, fBone_End, floatround( fScaledBoneWidth ), iActualBright )
if( bAdminOptions[ i ][ ESP_AIM_VEC ] || bAdminOptions[ i ][ ESP_NAME ] || bAdminOptions[ i ][ ESP_HEALTH_ARMOR ] || bAdminOptions[ i ][ ESP_WEAPON ] || bAdminOptions[ i ][ ESP_CLIP_AMMO ] || bAdminOptions[ i ][ ESP_DISTANCE ] )
fX_Angle = GetScreenPos( iSpectatorId, fMiddle, fRet )
// Find target with the smallest distance to crosshair (on x-axis).
if( fSmallestAngle > floatabs( fX_Angle ) )
if( floatabs( fX_Angle )!= 0.0 )
fSmallestAngle = floatabs( fX_Angle )
g_iViewTarget[ iSpectatorId ] = s
iSmallestId = s // Store nearest target id.
fX_Pos = fRet[ 0 ] // And x, y coordinates of hudmessage.
fY_Pos = fRet[ 1 ]
fDist = fDistance
if( !is_user_alive( iSmallestId ) )
iSmallestId = 0
fX_Pos =-1.0
if( iSmallestId > 0 && bAdminOptions[ i ][ ESP_AIM_VEC ] )
DrawAimVector( i, iSmallestId, 2000 )
if( fX_Pos > 0.0 && fX_Pos <= 1.0 && fY_Pos > 0.0 && fY_Pos <= 1.0 )
set_hudmessage( 255, 255, 0, floatabs( fX_Pos ), floatabs( fY_Pos ), 0, 0.0, get_pcvar_float( g_pCvarESPTimer ), 0.0, 0.0, -1 )
iName[ 0 ] = '^0'
if( bAdminOptions[ i ][ ESP_NAME ] )
new uName[ 33 ];
get_user_name( iSmallestId, uName, charsmax( uName ) )
formatex( iName, charsmax( iName ), "[%s]^n", uName )
iHealthAndArmor[ 0 ] = '^0'
if( bAdminOptions[ i ][ ESP_HEALTH_ARMOR ] )
new iHP = get_user_health( iSmallestId )
new iArmor = get_user_armor( iSmallestId )
formatex( iHealthAndArmor, charsmax( iHealthAndArmor ), "Health: %d Armor: %d^n", iHP, iArmor )
iWeaponName[ 0 ] = '^0'
if( bAdminOptions[ i ][ ESP_WEAPON ] )
if( ( iWeaponId - 1 ) < 0 || ( iWeaponId - 1 ) > 29 )
iWeaponId = 1
formatex( iWeaponName, charsmax( iWeaponName ), "Weapon: %s^n", iWeapons[ iWeaponId - 1 ] )
iClipAndAmmo[ 0 ] = '^0'
if( bAdminOptions[ i ][ ESP_CLIP_AMMO ] )
new iClip, iAmmo;
iWeaponId = get_user_weapon( iSmallestId, iClip, iAmmo )
formatex( iClipAndAmmo, charsmax( iClipAndAmmo ), "Clip: %d Ammo: %d^n", iClip, iAmmo )
new iStrDist[ 19 ];
if( bAdminOptions[ i ][ ESP_DISTANCE ] )
formatex( iStrDist, charsmax( iStrDist ), "Distance: %d^n", floatround( fDist ) )
show_hudmessage( i, "%s%s%s%s%s", iName, iHealthAndArmor, iWeaponName, iClipAndAmmo, iStrDist)
set_task( get_pcvar_float( g_pCvarESPTimer ), "ESP_Timer" ) // Keep it going.
Float: GetScreenPos( id, Float: fMeToTarget[ 3 ], Float: fRet[ 2 ] )
new Float: fAim1[ 3 ];
velocity_by_aim( id, 1, fAim1 ) // Get aim vector.
new Float: fAim2[ 3 ];
CopyVec( fAim1, fAim2 ) // Make backup copy of fAim1.
fAim1[ 2 ] = 0.0 // Project aim vector vertically to x,y plane.
new Float: fTarget[ 3 ];
CopyVec( fMeToTarget, fTarget )
fTarget[ 2 ] = 0.0 // Project target vector vertically to x,y plane.
// Both fAim1 and fTarget are in the x,y plane, so angle can be calculated.
new Float: fX_Angle;
new Float: fX_Pos = GetScreenPos_X( fTarget, fAim1, fX_Angle ) // Get the x coordinate of hudmessage..
new Float: fY_Pos = GetScreenPos_Y( fMeToTarget, fAim2 ) // Get the y coordinate of hudmessage..
fRet[ 0 ]= fX_Pos
fRet[ 1 ]= fY_Pos
return fX_Angle;
Float: GetScreenPos_X( Float: fTarget[ 3 ], Float: fAim[ 3 ], &Float: fX_Angle )
new Float: fX_Angle1 = floatacos( VectorProduct( fAim, fTarget ) / ( GetVecLen ( fAim ) * GetVecLen( fTarget ) ), 1 ) // Get angle between vectors.
new Float: fX_Pos;
if( ScalarTripleProduct( fAim, fTarget ) < 0.0 )
if( fX_Angle1>=-45.0 && fX_Angle1<= 45.0 )
fX_Pos = 1.0 - ( floattan( fX_Angle1, degrees ) + 1.0 ) / 2.0
fX_Angle = fX_Angle1
return fX_Pos;
fX_Angle = 0.0
return -2.0
Float: GetScreenPos_Y( Float: fTarget[ 3 ], Float: fAim[ 3 ] )
new Float: fTarget1[ 3 ]
// Rotate vector about z-axis directly over the direction vector (to get height angle);
RotateVectorZ( fTarget, fAim, fTarget1 )
// Get angle between aim vector and target vector.
new Float: fY_Angle = floatacos( VectorProduct( fAim, fTarget1 ) / ( GetVecLen( fAim ) * GetVecLen( fTarget1 ) ), 1 ) // Get angle between vectors.
new Float: fY_Pos;
new Float: fNormTarget[ 3 ], Float: fNormAim[ 3 ];
// Get normalized target and aim vectors.
Normalize( fTarget, fNormTarget, 1.0 )
Normalize( fAim, fNormAim, 1.0 )
// Since the 'angle between vectors' formula returns always positive values.
if( fNormTarget[ 2 ] < fNormAim[ 2 ] )
if( fY_Angle>=-45.0 && fY_Angle<= 45.0 )
fY_Pos = 1.0 - ( floattan( fY_Angle, degrees ) + 1.0 ) / 2.0 // Calulate fY_Pos of hudmessage.
if( fY_Pos>= 0.0 && fY_Pos<= 1.0 )
return fY_Pos;
return -2.0
// Vector Operations ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Float: GetVecLen( Float: fVec[ 3 ] )
new Float: fVecNull[ 3 ] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }
new Float: fLen = vector_distance( fVec, fVecNull )
return fLen;
Float: ScalarTripleProduct( Float: fA[ 3 ], Float: fB[ 3 ] )
new Float: fUp[ 3 ] = { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 }
new Float: fRet[ 3 ];
fRet[ 0 ] = fA[ 1 ] * fB[ 2 ] - fA[ 2 ] * fB[ 1 ]
fRet[ 1 ] = fA[ 2 ] * fB[ 0 ] - fA[ 0 ] * fB[ 2 ]
fRet[ 2 ] = fA[ 0 ] * fB[ 1 ] - fA[ 1 ] * fB[ 0 ]
return VectorProduct( fRet, fUp )
Normalize( Float: fVec[ 3 ], Float: fRet[ 3 ],Float: fMultiplier )
new Float: fLen = GetVecLen( fVec )
CopyVec( fVec, fRet )
fRet[ 0 ]/= fLen
fRet[ 1 ]/= fLen
fRet[ 2 ]/= fLen
fRet[ 0 ]*= fMultiplier
fRet[ 1 ]*= fMultiplier
fRet[ 2 ]*= fMultiplier
RotateVectorZ( Float: fVec[ 3 ], Float: fDirection[ 3 ], Float: fRet[ 3 ] )
// Rotates vector about z-axis.
new Float: fTmp[ 3 ];
CopyVec( fVec, fTmp )
fTmp[ 2 ] = 0.0
new Float: fDestLen = GetVecLen( fTmp )
CopyVec( fDirection, fTmp )
fTmp[ 2 ] = 0.0
new Float: fTmp2[ 3 ];
Normalize( fTmp, fTmp2, fDestLen )
fTmp2[ 2 ] = fVec[ 2 ]
CopyVec( fTmp2, fRet )
Float: VectorProduct( Float: fVec1[ 3 ], Float: fVec2[ 3 ] )
return fVec1[ 0 ] * fVec2[ 0 ] + fVec1[ 1 ] * fVec2[ 1 ] + fVec1[ 2 ] * fVec2[ 2 ]
CopyVec( Float: fVec[ 3 ], Float: fRet[ 3 ] )
fRet[ 0 ] = fVec[ 0 ]
fRet[ 1 ] = fVec[ 1 ]
fRet[ 2 ] = fVec[ 2 ]
SubVec( Float: fVec1[ 3 ], Float: fVec2[ 3 ], Float: fRet[ 3 ] )
fRet[ 0 ] = fVec1[ 0 ] - fVec2[ 0 ]
fRet[ 1 ] = fVec1[ 1 ] - fVec2[ 1 ]
fRet[ 2 ] = fVec1[ 2 ] - fVec2[ 2 ]
AddVec( Float: fVec1[ 3 ], Float: fVec2[ 3 ] )
fVec1[ 0 ]+= fVec2[ 0 ]
fVec1[ 1 ]+= fVec2[ 1 ]
fVec1[ 2 ]+= fVec2[ 2 ]
// Temporary Entities --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// All messages are sent with MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE flag to avoid overflow in case of very low esp_timer setting and much targets.
Make_TE_BEAMENTPOINT( id, Float: fTargetOrigin[ 3 ], iWidth, iTargetTeam )
message_begin( MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, SVC_TEMPENTITY, { 0, 0, 0 }, id )
write_byte( 1 )
write_short( id )
write_coord( floatround( fTargetOrigin[ 0 ] ) )
write_coord( floatround( fTargetOrigin[ 1 ] ) )
write_coord( floatround( fTargetOrigin[ 2 ] ) )
write_short( iLaser ) // Sprite index.
write_byte( 1 ) // Starting frame.
write_byte( 1 ) // Frame rate in 0.1's.
write_byte( floatround( get_pcvar_float( g_pCvarESPTimer ) *10 ) ) // Life in 0.1's.
write_byte( iWidth ) // Line width in 0.1's.
write_byte( 0 ) // Noise amplitude in 0.01's.
write_byte( iTeamColors[ iTargetTeam ][ 0 ] )
write_byte( iTeamColors[ iTargetTeam ][ 1 ] )
write_byte( iTeamColors[ iTargetTeam ][ 2 ] )
write_byte( 255 )
write_byte( 0 )// Scroll speed in 0.1's.
message_end( )
Make_TE_BEAMPOINTS( id, iColor, Float: fVec1[ 3 ], Float: fVec2[ 3 ], iWidth, iBrightness )
message_begin( MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, SVC_TEMPENTITY, { 0, 0, 0 }, id )
write_byte( 0 )
write_coord( floatround( fVec1[ 0 ] ) ) // Start position.
write_coord( floatround( fVec1[ 1 ] ) )
write_coord( floatround( fVec1[ 2 ] ) )
write_coord( floatround( fVec2[ 0 ] ) ) // End position.
write_coord( floatround( fVec2[ 1 ] ) )
write_coord( floatround( fVec2[ 2 ] ) )
write_short( iLaser ) // Sprite index.
write_byte( 3 ) // Starting frame.
write_byte( 0 ) // Frame rate in 0.1's.
write_byte( floatround( get_pcvar_float( g_pCvarESPTimer ) *10 ) ) // Life in 0.1's.
write_byte( iWidth ) // Line width in 0.1's.
write_byte( 0 ) // Noise amplitude in 0.01's.
write_byte( iEspColors[ iColor ][ 0 ] )
write_byte( iEspColors[ iColor ][ 1 ] )
write_byte( iEspColors[ iColor ][ 2 ] )
write_byte( iBrightness ) // Brightness.
write_byte( 0 ) // Scroll speed in 0.1's.
message_end( )
public client_disconnect( id )
SaveData( id )
bAdmin[ id ] = false
g_iSpectator[ id ] = 0
stock ChatColor( id, szInput[ ], any:... )
new iCount = 1, g_iPlayers[ 32 ];
static iMsgId[ 191 ];
vformat( iMsgId, 190, szInput, 3 );
replace_all( iMsgId, 190, "!y", "^1" ); // Default Color
replace_all( iMsgId, 190, "!g", "^4" ); // Green Color
replace_all( iMsgId, 190, "!team", "^3" ); // Team Color
if( id )
g_iPlayers[ 0 ] = id;
get_players( g_iPlayers, iCount, "ch" );
for( new i = 0; i < iCount; i++ )
if( is_user_connected( g_iPlayers[ i ] ) )
message_begin( MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, g_iMsgSayText, _, g_iPlayers[ i ] );
write_byte( g_iPlayers[ i ] );
write_string( iMsgId );
message_end( );
Si m-ar interea ca , Chiar daca serverul are setata camera doar pe Tero sau CT , as dorii ca admini sa se poata pune automat pe orice player de la Tero sau Ct atunci cand moare.
Se poate asa ceva ?
Multumesc !
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