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Author Message10158

[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 29-01-2012 14:22)
Joined: 09 Nov 2009
Posts: 267, Topics: 7
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Reputation: 257.6
Votes: 5

Post Posted: 18-03-2010, 22:50:02 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Nick: @rici
Data/ora/harta: 18.03.2010 / 22.08 / De_nuke
Motiv: wall + aim
** Screenshot taken on player "@rici" by admin "Pytbull" (03/18/2010 - 22:08:32) **

** Screenshot taken on player "@rici" by admin "Pytbull" (03/18/2010 - 22:08:33) **

** Screenshot taken on player "@rici" by admin "Pytbull" (03/18/2010 - 22:08:)


Nu a fost banat.

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[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 29-01-2012 14:22)
Joined: 09 Nov 2009
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Location: langa tine !

Reputation: 257.6
Votes: 5

Post Posted: 20-03-2010, 15:53:05 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Nick : alt_nick986
Data/ora/harta : 20.03.2010/15.12.03/de_inerno2
Motiv: wall+aim
** Screenshot taken on player "alt_nick986" by admin "Pytbull" (03/20/2010 - 15:12:03) **
[SS]IPUL LUI: alt_nick986 este
** Screenshot taken on player "alt_nick986" by admin "Pytbull" (03/20/2010 - 15:12:04) **
alt_nick986 died
Yoo_Be@uty killed termita with m4a1
(ADMINS) Juno ReactoR : cand nu scrii nimic
** Screenshot taken on player "alt_nick986" by admin "Pytbull" (03/20/2010 - 15:12:05) **
** Screenshot taken on player "alt_nick986" by admin "Pytbull" (03/20/2010 - 15:12:06) **
** Screenshot taken on player "alt_nick986" by admin "Pytbull" (03/20/2010 - 15:12:07) **
*SPEC* Pytbull : id?

(ALL) WeeDoO : ct fara rush!!!
*SPEC* alt_nick986 : ****aaa

PTB: Round ended, checking teams.
*DEAD* AZI#NU : ce ratati

*** Yoo_Be@uty killed AMD with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*DEAD* pufy : ggg
LeO_13 is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
z3n0 killed termita with awp
] amx_chat eu nu am comanda de ban,datii altul
(ADMINS) Pytbull : eu nu am comanda de ban,datii altul
* Juno ReactoR changed name to SeaGer // Point8
* Juno ReactoR changed name to SeaGer // Point8
*SPEC* alt_nick986 : pu laaaaa

HeaLeR killed raZna with mp5navy
AMD dropped
AMD has left the game
*SPEC* alt_nick986 : pu la ****

*** z3n0 killed cucO.O with a headshot from deagle ***
*SPEC* alt_nick986 : F1: I'm too retarded to play CS on !

PTB: Forcing LeO_13 to the CTs (WTJ: 72/5).
SeaGer // Point8 killed pufy with ak47
*** HeaLeR killed vex with a headshot from mp5navy ***
z3n0 killed BuL[A]n.MzQ with awp
(ADMINS) Pytbull : eu nu am comanda de ban,datii altul
alt_nick986 has left the game
*** Mandelas killed z3n0 with a headshot from ak47 ***
BuL[A]n.MzQ is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
*** SeaGer // Point8 killed KZIR with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** SeaGer // Point8 killed Lollypop with a headshot from ak47 ***

*SPEC* alt_nick986 : adminu su ge pul a\
] amx_chat asa
(ADMINS) Pytbull : asa
*SPEC* alt_nick986 : F1: I'm too retarded to play CS on !

*** SeaGer // Point8 killed S.O.S. with a headshot from ak47 ***
*DEAD* termita : /resetscore

*** Mandelas killed gBr with a headshot from ak47 ***
HeaLeR killed SeaGer // Point8 with mp5navy
*SPEC* alt_nick986 : F2: I'm too retarded to play CS on !

Welcome to | -- kill or be killed ! -
Up_In_The_Air killed Mandelas with aug
Pentru reclamatii codati folositi amx_page + mesaj
Up_In_The_Air killed LIve Speedy with aug
HeaLeR killed AZI#NU with mp5navy
ADMIN raZna: ban alt_nick986 permanenlty

dovada :

Banat de RAZNA !

Mos Craciun de Romania.
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[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 29-01-2012 14:22)
Joined: 09 Nov 2009
Posts: 267, Topics: 7
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Reputation: 257.6
Votes: 5

Post Posted: 23-03-2010, 11:19:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

nick : gascone

ip :

data/ora/harta : 23.03.2010 / 11:09:37 / de_cpl_mil32

motiv : wall + aim

** Screenshot taken on player "gascone" by admin "Pytbull" (03/23/2010 - 11:09:37) **
[SS]IPUL LUI: gascone este
[SS]IPUL LUI: gascone este
gascone died
*** t killed MeR3u 41cY with a headshot from ak47 ***
** Screenshot taken on player "gascone" by admin "Pytbull" (03/23/2010 - 11:09:38) **
fr3aked_out killed zbest with m4a1
MeR3u 41cY dropped
MeR3u 41cY has left the game
^7uP*S!leNt dropped
*** t killed joK3r with a headshot from ak47 ***
** Screenshot taken on player "gascone" by admin "Pytbull" (03/23/2010 - 11:09:39) **
** Screenshot taken on player "gascone" by admin "Pytbull" (03/23/2010 - 11:09:40) **
gascone dropped
gascone has left the game
*SPEC* gascone : acuma
^7uP*S!leNt connected
*SPEC* Pytbull : id

dovada :

Banat de zbest !

Mos Craciun de Romania.
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[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 29-01-2012 14:22)
Joined: 09 Nov 2009
Posts: 267, Topics: 7
Location: langa tine !

Reputation: 257.6
Votes: 5

Post Posted: 23-03-2010, 11:54:41 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

nick : ][CR@ZY][V.I.P

ip :

data/ora/harta : 23.03.2010 / 11:41:27 / fy_snow

motiv : lanT

mark_12371: pozele
™•...:::[[[C.D.A BOY]]]:::...•™ calin: 1 min
mark_12371: k
™•...:::[[[C.D.A BOY]]]:::...•™ calin is typing...
™•...:::[[[C.D.A BOY]]]:::...•™ calin: ce mapafy?
mark_12371: fy_snow
™•...:::[[[C.D.A BOY]]]:::...•™ calin: 3 poze
mark_12371: da
mark_12371: ce versiune de cs foloseti?
™•...:::[[[C.D.A BOY]]]:::...•™ calin: 1.6 lant final
mark_12371: k
™•...:::[[[C.D.A BOY]]]:::...•™ calin: pot juca?
mark_12371 (3/23/2010 11:44:38 AM): nu ai voie cu lant t
dragne_calin (3/23/2010 11:44:45 AM): dc?
mark_12371 (3/23/2010 11:44:46 AM): schimba versiunea apoi poze pe forum

** Screenshot taken on player "][CR@ZY][V.I.P" by admin "Pytbull" (03/23/2010 - 11:41:27) **
Pudi 2 picioare killed d1v1NEEE! with sg552
** Screenshot taken on player "][CR@ZY][V.I.P" by admin "Pytbull" (03/23/2010 - 11:41:28) **
[NT]D@niel killed cristoasele_ninja with awp
*** piulp killed P@Dr3 with a headshot from m4a1 ***
ruLz connected
** Screenshot taken on player "][CR@ZY][V.I.P" by admin "Pytbull" (03/23/2010 - 11:41:29) **
*SPEC* Pytbull : id

*SPEC* ][CR@ZY][V.I.P : dragne_calin

Banat de alcatel !

Mos Craciun de Romania.
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[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 29-01-2012 14:22)
Joined: 09 Nov 2009
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Reputation: 257.6
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Post Posted: 23-03-2010, 20:17:08 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

nick : inFiniTy

ip :

data/ora/harta : 23.03.2010 / 20:05:30 / awp_bycastor32

motiv : wall + neprezentare poze

** Screenshot taken on player "inFiniTy" by admin "Pytbull" (03/23/2010 - 20:05:31) **
** Screenshot taken on player "inFiniTy" by admin "Pytbull" (03/23/2010 - 20:05:32) **
[SS]IPUL LUI: inFiniTy este
closer killed DEMON with awp
I L0v3 aNNa dropped
I L0v3 aNNa has left the game
*** Delicios killed FuZzY with a headshot from awp ***
** Screenshot taken on player "inFiniTy" by admin "Pytbull" (03/23/2010 - 20:05:33) **
*DEAD* Vlad : nu mai are

** Screenshot taken on player "inFiniTy" by admin "Pytbull" (03/23/2010 - 20:05:34) **
*DEAD* AGHeu : bai fara grote

** Screenshot taken on player "inFiniTy" by admin "Pytbull" (03/23/2010

dovada :

Banat de alex !

Mos Craciun de Romania.
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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 29-01-2012 14:22)
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Post Posted: 27-03-2010, 00:31:25 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

nick: >F.B.I.<


data/ora/harta : 26.03.2010 / 22:34:17 / de_aztec

motiv : wall + neprezentare poze

** Screenshot taken on player ">F.B.I.<" by admin "Pytbull" (03/26/2010 - 22:34:17) **
>F.B.I.< died
Angelo killed CIRESEL with m4a1
** Screenshot taken on player ">F.B.I.<" by admin "Pytbull" (03/26/2010 - 22:34:18) **
k3dai dropped
k3dai has left the game
deiu killed tete with awp
** Screenshot taken on player ">F.B.I.<" by admin "Pytbull" (03/26/2010 - 22:34:19) **
>F.B.I.< is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
** Screenshot taken on player ">F.B.I.<" by admin "Pytbull" (03/26/2010 - 22:34:20) **
!CEface dropped
!CEface has left the game
*** Insane killed S_S with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** Insane killed RTS with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** Insane killed undertaker with a headshot from m4a1 ***
] amx_spec >F.B.I.<
** Screenshot taken on player ">F.B.I.<" by admin "Pytbull" (03/26/2010 - 22:34:21) ** killed alien ;x with m4a1

BlueBlood killed the undertaker with m4a1
*** sk1zZoO killed BlueBlood with a headshot from ak47 ***
*SPEC* Pytbull : fbi

*** ApocalipsuL killed sk1zZoO with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*SPEC* Pytbull : da`mi id

*SPEC* Pytbull : fbi

KOPILU killed eu1 with knife
*DEAD* CIRESEL : dia id fbi


Nu a fost banat !

Mos Craciun de Romania.
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[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 29-01-2012 14:22)
Joined: 09 Nov 2009
Posts: 267, Topics: 7
Location: langa tine !

Reputation: 257.6
Votes: 5

Post Posted: 31-03-2010, 11:48:26 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

nick : MaGGi

ip :

data/ora/harta : 31.03.2010 / 12:17 / de_aztec

motiv : wall + aim

dovada :

Nu a fost banat !

Mos Craciun de Romania.
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Live Speedy

[Be free :X]

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Post Posted: 31-03-2010, 13:04:09 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Ultimi 2 BaNaTI!!

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[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 29-01-2012 14:22)
Joined: 09 Nov 2009
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Post Posted: 03-04-2010, 19:12:21 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

nick :[PGL]bboy21

ip :

d.h.o :
03/04/2010 / de_dust / 19.44

motiv : wall+aim + neprezentare poze

[SS]IPUL LUI: [PGL]bboy21 este
A Vote will occur to choose the next map in 28 minutes
[SS]IPUL LUI: [PGL]bboy21 este
** Screenshot taken on player "[PGL]bboy21" by admin "Pytbull" (04/03/2010 - 19:44:14) **
[SS]IPUL LUI: [PGL]bboy21 este
[PGL]bboy21 died
** Screenshot taken on player "[PGL]bboy21" by admin "Pytbull" (04/03/2010 - 19:44:15) **
CobraTES killed Bogdy <3 Cris with awp
fan@mor3na connected
van_gantz killed HUMMER with m4a1
* CaT changed name to gld
fan@mor3na is joining the Terrorist force
Safary killed Lord are Wall with m4a1
** Screenshot taken on player "[PGL]bboy21" by admin "Pytbull" (04/03/2010 - 19:44:16) **
fan@mor3na dropped
fan@mor3na has left the game
** Screenshot taken on player "[PGL]bboy21" by admin "Pytbull" (04/03/2010 - 19:44:17) **
*** Alin killed eff` with a headshot from ak47 ***
** Screenshot taken on player "[PGL]bboy21" by admin "Pytbull" (04/03/2010 - 19:44:18) **

dovada :

Nu a fost banat !

Mos Craciun de Romania.
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[~Ho,Ho..H...HoEZ~ ]

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Post Posted: 03-04-2010, 21:18:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

pgl bboy banat

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[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 29-01-2012 14:22)
Joined: 09 Nov 2009
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Post Posted: 06-04-2010, 21:55:18 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

nick : cNN-Clock-Ed

ip :

d.o.h : 06/04/2010 / 22:47 / de_dust2

motiv : wall+aim+neprezentare poze

** Screenshot taken on player "cNN-Clock-Ed" by admin "Pytbull" (04/06/2010 - 22:47:15) **
cNN-Clock-Ed dropped
** Screenshot taken on player "cNN-Clock-Ed" by admin "Pytbull" (04/06/2010 - 22:47:16) **
cNN-Clock-Ed has left the game
** Screenshot taken on player "cNN-Clock-Ed" by admin "Pytbull" (04/06/2010 - 22:47:17) **
bogdan killed No Swear with ak47
*** cristy killed uZzY with a headshot from m4a1 ***
** Screenshot taken on player "cNN-Clock-Ed" by admin "Pytbull" (04/06/2010 - 22:47:18) **
bogdan killed ~`R@MBO~ with ak47
** Screenshot taken on player "cNN-Clock-Ed" by admin "Pytbull" (04/06/2010 - 22:47:19) **
*** Spooky killed AGHeu with a headshot from usp ***
Stealth killed overdose with galil
DeSeNeL killed Stealth with m4a1
cristy killed Spooky with m4a1
praf killed 6 cai with ak47
_D3vil_ killed DeSeNeL with ak47
Tony Tony Chopper killed _D3vil_ with famas
*** Hands Up! killed gld with a headshot from mp5navy ***
*SPEC* Pytbull : id

Yoo_Be@uty killed Tony Tony Chopper with awp
hAiwave killed bogdan with mp5navy
6 cai dropped
6 cai has left the game
praf killed Evil with ak47
*** Wtf^alli3nwar3 killed aleck with a headshot from m4a1 ***
hAiwave killed <rKo> | AsSu with mp5navy
JeRRy killed Wtf^alli3nwar3 with awp
cNN-Clock-Ed has left; awp_byca

dovada :

Nu a fost banat !

Mos Craciun de Romania.
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[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 29-01-2012 14:22)
Joined: 09 Nov 2009
Posts: 267, Topics: 7
Location: langa tine !

Reputation: 257.6
Votes: 5

Post Posted: 16-04-2010, 23:31:03 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

nick : sh0ck

ip :

d.o.h : 17/04/2010 / 00:15 / de_dust2

motiv : wall + neprezentare poze

** Screenshot taken on player "Sh0cK" by admin "Pytbull" (04/17/2010 - 00:15:26) **
[SS]IPUL LUI: Sh0cK este
naiGhba o.0 killed FCD in ADN with ak47
Sh0cK died
Tesche (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
Welcome to | -- kill or be killed ! -
*** Givi killed BmX_JunioR with a headshot from m4a1 ***
Tesche killed MeR3u 41cY with ak47
Cisco Kid killed Tesche with m4a1
FCD in ADN killed Crimi^ # ZuUUu iN bLaNa ! with m4a1
** Screenshot taken on player "Sh0cK" by admin "Pytbull" (04/17/2010 - 00:15:27) **
ghostdog killed pufy with m4a1
carcassa killed Tesche with m4a1
*** AGHeu killed MeR3u 41cY with a headshot from deagle ***
** Screenshot taken on player "Sh0cK" by admin "Pytbull" (04/17/2010 - 00:15:28) **
** Screenshot taken on player "Sh0cK" by admin "Pytbull" (04/17/2010

motiv :

Nu a fost banat !

Mos Craciun de Romania.
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[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 29-01-2012 14:22)
Joined: 09 Nov 2009
Posts: 267, Topics: 7
Location: langa tine !

Reputation: 257.6
Votes: 5

Post Posted: 17-04-2010, 14:07:36 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

nick : escalopfrancez

ip :

d.o.h. 17/04/2010 / 14:47 / de_aztec


[SS]IPUL LUI: escalopfrancez este
escalopfrancez died
** Screenshot taken on player "escalopfrancez" by admin "Pytbull" (04/17/2010 - 14:47:01) **
** Screenshot taken on player "escalopfrancez" by admin "Pytbull" (04/17/2010 - 14:47:02) **
Shingaling connected
** Screenshot taken on player "escalopfrancez" by admin "Pytbull" (04/17/2010 - 14:47:03) **
henykem killed aiengi with ak47
FernandoDeLaCaransebes killed palalilaaa with grenade
Shingaling is joining the Terrorist force
** Screenshot taken on player "escalopfrancez" by admin "Pytbull" (04/17/2010 - 14:47:04) **
** Screenshot taken on player "escalopfrancez" by admin "Pytbull" (04/

discutzia pe mess : Eu pe persoana fizica -: intru la joc si zici pew sv?
Eu pe persoana fizica -: e ok?
mark_12371: nu
mark_12371: asteapta
Eu pe persoana fizica -: hai frate k n am nimic
Eu pe persoana fizica -: sunt aia buti
Eu pe persoana fizica -: e ok sa intru?
mark_12371: ce versiune de cs folosesti?
Eu pe persoana fizica -: 1.6
Eu pe persoana fizica -: da e fct de mine
mark_12371: lant nu?
Eu pe persoana fizica -: da
mark_12371: nu e voie cu lant
Eu pe persoana fizica -:
Eu pe persoana fizica -: *****
mark_12371: regula serverului
Eu pe persoana fizica -: e counter 1.6 normal
Eu pe persoana fizica -: habar n am ce e ala lant
mark_12371: schimba versiunea apoi intra pe site si posteaza pozele
Eu pe persoana fizica -: cum pot sa ti arat?
mark_12371: posteaza pozele pe site
Eu pe persoana fizica - (4/17/2010 2:52:20 PM):esti un mare ratat frate si oricum n ai cum sa mi dai ban
Eu pe persoana fizica -: hai ne vedem in 3min inapoi
convict_star000 (4/17/2010 2:59:32 PM): auzi ma prietene eu imi bag **** in mata
convict_star000 (4/17/2010 2:59:37 PM): date n mortii matii de jeg

dovada :

banat de TRANS !

Mos Craciun de Romania.
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[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 29-01-2012 14:22)
Joined: 09 Nov 2009
Posts: 267, Topics: 7
Location: langa tine !

Reputation: 257.6
Votes: 5

Post Posted: 17-04-2010, 14:56:10 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

nick : Xpander

ip :

d.o.h. 17/04/2010 / 15:49 / de_zook

motiv : wall + neprezentare poze

** Screenshot taken on player "Xpander" by admin "Pytbull" (04/17/2010 - 15:49:13) **
*** Duracell killed MegadetH with a headshot from ak47 ***
T0m1 Jr. killed Blue with ak47
Welcome to | -- kill or be killed ! -
** Screenshot taken on player "Xpander" by admin "Pytbull" (04/17/2010 - 15:49:14) **
** Screenshot taken on player "Xpander" by admin "Pytbull" (04/17/2010 - 15:49:15) **
AGHeu killed BlueBlood with awp
** Screenshot taken on player "Xpander" by admin "Pytbull" (04/17/2010 - 15:49:16) **
** Screenshot taken on player "Xpander" by admin "Pytbull" (04/17/2010 - 15:

dovada :

NU a fost banat !

Mos Craciun de Romania.
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[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 29-01-2012 14:22)
Joined: 09 Nov 2009
Posts: 267, Topics: 7
Location: langa tine !

Reputation: 257.6
Votes: 5

Post Posted: 20-04-2010, 21:46:28 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

nick : BigRed


d.o.h. 20.04.2010 / 22.36 / de_dust2

motiv : wall+aim+neprezentare poze

[SS]IPUL LUI: BigRed este
BigRed died
** Screenshot taken on player "BigRed" by admin "Pytbull" (04/20/2010 - 22:36:38) **
** Screenshot taken on player "BigRed" by admin "Pytbull" (04/20/2010 - 22:36:39) **
Indianu_Mic killed Sp!n with m4a1
aim^Zor killed Dak!LLa with m4a1
Welcome to | -- kill or be killed ! -
Dak!LLa dropped
Dak!LLa has left the game
*** ^FLa$H^ killed Indianu_Mic with a headshot from deagle ***
Evil killed AnoniM with deagle
** Screenshot taken on player "BigRed" by admin "Pytbull" (04/20/2010 - 22:36:40) **
Oae2000 killed ^FLa$H^ with m4a1
** Screenshot taken on player "BigRed" by admin "Pytbull" (04/20/2010 - 22:36:41) **
BoT connected
** Screenshot taken on player "BigRed" by admin "Pytbull" (04/20/2010 - 22:36:42) **
(ADMINS) Pytbull : re
TGA : /rank
*SPEC* Pytbull : id?

bad-ici killed aim^Zor with g3sg1
BoT is joining the Terrorist force
PMI.11 : /rank

*** jumari ;o killed radu$$$$(^_^) with a headshot from m4a1 ***
jumari ;o killed Seth on fire with m4a1
Tesche killed jumari ;o with awp
*DEAD* ^FLa$H^ : ah

*** I L0v3 aNNa killed PMI.11 with a headshot from m4a1 ***
(ADMINS) ^FLa$H^ : salut
(ADMINS) Pytbull : re
bad-ici killed stefanus with g3sg1
*SPEC* Pytbull : big red

*DEAD* aim^Zor : dute..

*SPEC* BigRed : pai da tu sa iti trimit

duhu killed Auric with m4a1
*** Blue killed bad-ici with a headshot from m4a1 ***
TGA killed Blue with ak47
aim^Zor is joining the Terrorist force

*DEAD* aim^Zor : ma intrecut jumara:))

*SPEC* BigRed : da zimi unde is salvate

Evil killed Tesche with m4a1
*SPEC* Pytbull : da-mi id !

*DEAD* ^FLa$H^ : nu trebuie sa til dea adminu

SiN iNFO -> Vizitati -> pentru cereri admine trial [minim 20 ore pe server]
*SPEC* Pytbull: in folderul cs

Oae2000 killed Evil with m4a1
Oae2000 killed I L0v3 aNNa with m4a1
*DEAD* Seth on fire : cstrike

*DEAD*(Terrorist) aim^Zor : jumara hai in ei

Pentru reclamatii codati folositi amx_page + mesaj
*SPEC* Pytbull : da-mi id odata

*DEAD* jumari ;o : ha
*SPEC* Pytbull : nu incerca sa le modifici

*DEAD* PMI.11 : rats2

*DEAD*(Terrorist) aim^Zor : scara?

*DEAD* Evil : ma anna da vezi la bomba

*SPEC* BigRed : stai ca le caut

*DEAD* PMI.11 : rtv

PTB: Round ended, checking teams.
*** jumari ;o killed urs with a headshot from awp ***
*SPEC* Pytbull : da id !

Seth on fire : da ii sarea tinta de la un cap la altu ce mai vrei id

(ADMINS) Pytbull : are cod am demo
*SPEC* Pytbull : nu
*SPEC* Pytbull : da id !

*** stefanus killed _D3vil_ with a headshot from m4a1 ***
(ADMINS) Pytbull : da-i ban !
BigRed dropped
BigRed has left the game

dovada :

NU a fost banat !

Mos Craciun de Romania.
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