
PvE raid lockouts - open discussion
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Which version do you like better?
1) Current version - no modifications, no binds on normal/heroic at all with constant progress reset
 40%  [ 66 ]
2) Old Cata/MoP version - permanent binds with the same group and nobody else (like Mythic raids)
 60%  [ 99 ]
Total Votes : 165

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 05-04-2018, 22:35:22 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

If possible, this solution

WarningG wrote:
In my opinion best way is to find middle for first and second choice. For example, we can leave "LOOT CD". Add "RAID CD" and give to all ppl command to reset "RAID CD". In result you can leave your cd, and next day go for last bosses. But who want to run again same boss, for example to TRAIN your skill. They can reset cooldown for that.

can be the real answer to all our issue.
Basically we can decide every time what we can do. TOP!

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 05-04-2018, 22:36:40 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Totally agree with Brigadee, especially with scaling troubles (even if it is off topic).
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Post Posted: 05-04-2018, 22:42:05 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

In my opinion best way is to find middle for first and second choice. For example, we can leave "LOOT CD". Add "RAID CD" and give to all ppl command to reset "RAID CD". In result you can leave your cd, and next day go for last bosses. But who want to run again same boss, for example to TRAIN your skill. They can reset cooldown for that.

A command/button to choose if reset whole raid difficult is the best balanced idea.

Last edited by Warbike on 05-04-2018, 23:01:24; edited 1 time in total
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 05-04-2018, 22:50:47 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WarningG wrote:
In my opinion best way is to find middle for first and second choice. For example, we can leave "LOOT CD". Add "RAID CD" and give to all ppl command to reset "RAID CD". In result you can leave your cd, and next day go for last bosses. But who want to run again same boss, for example to TRAIN your skill. They can reset cooldown for that.

This seems to be best option since both Option 1/ Option 2 can be catered:

1. People who already have Raid CD can *Reset it in case they want to redo bosses (ofcourse loot_cd still applies so noproblem there) by joining another RAID_ID (from start or midway) (Thus acting exactly same as "Current Normal/Heroic CD System")
2. People who want to continue/progress next day can do so due to Raid CD (Like Mythic CD).

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Post Posted: 06-04-2018, 00:50:45 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I vote for 1st option cuz this was the best thing i liked about legion that you can still do raids repeatedly for ex : You did emerald nightmare on alt in 1 group and somehow that group disbands after 1st boss then you will still be able to do your other bosses in another group.You wont just think that I wasted my cd for the rest of the week and also I agree what WarningG says about it.
Choosing the 2nd option is only going to help those people who have to clear NH hc or mythic every single night but it also is going to destroy the normal casual people gameplay,who only do old tier raids with 30 people to get the gear that other people dont need.This is my opinion and there are alot of people on the server that somehow will agree with me. Waiting for your feedback.I hope you make the decision wisely and make the game for everyone.
Thank you.

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Post Posted: 06-04-2018, 08:49:54 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WarningG wrote:
In my opinion best way is to find middle for first and second choice. For example, we can leave "LOOT CD". Add "RAID CD" and give to all ppl command to reset "RAID CD". In result you can leave your cd, and next day go for last bosses. But who want to run again same boss, for example to TRAIN your skill. They can reset cooldown for that.

Yes,yes and yes!

I strongly believe this is the best idea. It would save PUG raids,it will help small guilds, it will allow big guilds to do whatever they want. Good stuff for everyone.

Current system - It's not as forgiving regarding progress,people usually get tired by the time they reach the boss they wanna progress with but it allows faster gearing overall compared with the MoP System.

MoP System - Good for progressing but it will hurt the small guilds and PuGs.

Just my 2 cents. -

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 06-04-2018, 13:07:17 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Wera wrote:
With the second option, all the small guilds will be eliminated, only those who can speak Romanian or English remain, the rest can not collect the raid, no one will go to them and will not want to spoil the CD even if it's the first boss.

When will the final decision be known?

There will always people who will pug (has it always been), and there is no such difference as it is now in this scenario, because I don't think people which are already on loot_cd will go on pug just for do the boss

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Post Posted: 06-04-2018, 14:56:55 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Fuorius wrote:
Wera wrote:
With the second option, all the small guilds will be eliminated, only those who can speak Romanian or English remain, the rest can not collect the raid, no one will go to them and will not want to spoil the CD even if it's the first boss.

When will the final decision be known?

There will always people who will pug (has it always been), and there is no such difference as it is now in this scenario, because I don't think people which are already on loot_cd will go on pug just for do the boss

it is not about that, lets take this example:
you go heroic nh with pug. After first boss, you wipe on chronomatic and the raid disbands. so you just wasted heroic cooldown for 1boss and you have 2 wait 7days to go again.
but if you would have "reset cd" command, you could easily reset cooldown on heroic and just go again on another heroic with PUG and maybe killing more bosses.

Holy Paladin 7.1.5 Guide

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 06-04-2018, 15:39:38 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Option 3 (WarningG's idea) is the One everyone wants. If it's viable for devs too it Will be the best thing made in freakz
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Post Posted: 07-04-2018, 12:34:35 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

The idea of resetting raid cd manually (if the player want to do that) is good. Maybe someone already said that, but Keep in mind that we can only reset only RAID LOCK, not loot cd (to understand better: u can reset your raid lock and help your guildmates or another raid doing the initial bosses, but u can't loot from boss u already looted on the previous cd)
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Post Posted: 07-04-2018, 13:57:15 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WarningG's idea is the best option imho. It's like a medium step between option 1 and option 2.

You know in offy you can both save an id for weekly progress and start a raid from 0. As Warning said you could give us a command to reset personal raid id (normal or hero) while having chance to accept other's id. That would be the best compromise between guild playing and world playing. While loot cd would be as it is, raid id would be user friendly.
You know a guild could save raid id and a single player could go wherever he wants accepting other's id or starting raid from 0.

Between first and second options I would choose old style raid id while a compromise would still be better and more blizzlike

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Post Posted: 07-04-2018, 19:20:24 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I vote for Hc to be locked as mythic and normal to be as it is. There aren't many guilds that can do more than 1 hc anyway. There is no point for 1 guild the whole server to be progressless -
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 07-04-2018, 19:24:51 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Yes, make it like Cata/MoP where normal/hc raid will have a lockout. Then every pug group that goes "Raid Over" after the first boss will be afk until the next week.
I know some guilds struggle with progressing all bosses in one night, but this will comepletely kill the PUG raids(something that more than 50% of the server does).
Only good outcome is if it's possible to make only "Guild" raids with lockout(X amount of players from same guild which also turns the boss timer on website to X guild's name instead of showing PUG raid).

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Post Posted: 07-04-2018, 22:53:36 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Even with all of this I still think WarningG idea about that command is the best and viable option for everyone because without this if you are in a pug and something happen to your net connection and then you come back realizing that you got kicked cuz you were offline for too long and now you cannot join any other pug because you now got the lockout for the whole week which can make someone or even in this case alot of people mad. Putting the command option is the only solution for everyone.
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 08-04-2018, 13:02:21 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

This is great idea , and will help a lot of guilds with progress atm. But this will be even better if you implement this for current raid (Nigthold) and dont wait for next patch/raid. Finally some good news. Upvote Option 2
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