
DH legion class hall researches.

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Post Posted: 13-04-2021, 14:50:31 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz link:
Character name: Rozwielitka
Bug description: Researches are not possible to do, when I try to choose a trait it shows that I already reserched it, yet I cannot pick next trait with a warning that I need research previous one first. When I click on the trait I already researched, there is window popping up saying that it will cost x and take x even though it's already reserched. I tried changing to another trait but it still doesn't work. I'm not sure if the trait I tried to pick really got researched and if it even works. I just want to be able to wear another legendary, cause it's very important for a twink character.
Proof: (A little step by step under photos what's happening when I try to research)

Also I already tried picking the trait I already have once more, and picking another one and nothing works.

Last edited by dziureczki on 13-04-2021, 14:52:07; edited 2 times in total
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