
Two-factor Authentication (2FA) is now available for forum accounts!

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Post Posted: 22-09-2018, 21:16:09 [Valuable post] | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

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  • If you already know what 2FA is
    Just go to your account settings page and enable it

  • If don't know what 2FA is
    Normally when you login on your Freakz forum account all you need is the username and password. But what if someone else finds out your password somehow (hack, you use the same password on other sites, etc)? They will be able to login on your account.

    To avoid this we have implemented Two-factor authentication (2FA), which means whenever you login on your forum account you will have to provide a one-time code generated by your phone. To do this you will have to install Google Authenticator app on your phone then activate 2FA from your account settings page (you have a step by step guide there).
    Once you install and set up the app, you will see something like this on your phone:

    In this example the code is 716580, this is the code you will use to login on your forum account (this code changes every 30 seconds for security reasons), so when logging in you will always have to enter your username, password and the 2FA code:

    WARNING! Once you enable 2FA on your account you will not be able to login without your phone. When you set up your 2FA you will receive a backup key which can be used to re-install the Google Authenticator app on a new phone in case you lose/change your old phone, be sure to save that key in a safe place.

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Last edited by Shocker on 30-05-2019, 12:52:00; edited 1 time in total
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