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Author Message2358

[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 06-10-2013 13:19)
Joined: 09 Jul 2011
Posts: 477, Topics: 58
Location: Romania

Reputation: 42.2
Votes: 8

Post Posted: 29-11-2011, 16:48:41 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

thatangel wrote:
BlackSwann wrote:
thatangel wrote:
Prot pala pvp e pt cei careau jucat inainte pala retri 3 butoane , acuma ca pala retri are mult mai multe butoane au trecut la prot pt cele 3 butoane care le are.

qq moar, retri nu avea 3 butoane nici pe LK, avea vreo 7, adica cam cat au toate celelalte clase, -

Era un filmulet frumos pe net cu un nenea care juca pala retri cu 3 butoane pe bara , cautal sa te distrezi si tu .

ala era swifty, orice warrior ofticat ce este, a incercat sa "demonstreze" cum poti sa joci pala retri cu 3 butoane VS prietenii lui...lasa-ne cu dinastea

Place my body on a ship, and burn it in the sea,
Let my spirit fly, Valkyries carry me,
Take me to valhalla, where my brothers wait for me,
Fire burning to the sky, my spirit will never die
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