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[REZOLVAT] need for help please

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[Mentally Stable]

Post Posted: 23-05-2018, 23:13:41 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

hello friend sorry for the inconvenience that this may cause but I have a problem that I hope to have prompt solution said problem is the following my account has been banned without any reason ... or good if you give me the following reason say that I have been using exploit that Incidentally I do not know what it is and I'm a noob for this but something if I can say I've never used hacking in my life, I tell him what happened, I happen to be from Cuba and coincidentally yesterday I dropped the connection to the Internet. in my country if you check my profile and my account you will see that I have not used hacks my main player nvidiax priest healer of the guild seven sins, I have a gs of 883 and I hesitated enough to take him there, again I apologize for getting your attention but is an unjust ban to check my average of victories so you can see that I lose more than what I earn in bg and in arenas, the most probable thing is that I have carried out the action of denunciation against me to the frustrated sense that I am left alone in a arena skimith and that is the only explanation that I can think of please do not commit an injustice, waiting for your attention greetings and infinite victories ... by the way very good server that they have so they want to play every day more.
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Post Posted: 24-05-2018, 05:57:56 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Please post your problem at the WOW section. This is for CS 1.6.
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