
Citeste-mã!/Read me!

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Post Posted: 27-03-2013, 17:34:04 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

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This section has as purpose the buying/selling of different assets, from the real world or the electronic one.
    NOTE - Any scam attempt which can be proved will be punished with permanent BAN.

  1. It's mandatory to specify : the contact method, seller's location, the availability to send in other locations, the required price, if it's negotiable or not
  2. You are allowed with one "Bump" a week
  3. Open a topic for any kind of product, don't post 1000 products of which you want to get rid of [Note - The producs somehow related are accepted, but you can not sell cooking oil in a topic where initially you wanted to sell sugar]
  4. The subject title must be a MEANING one
  5. Don't post your products in another's one topics, no matter what reason
  6. It's forbidden the cheap ad "enter on XXX site to see the full list and prices"
  7. It's forbidden the selling in auction system ("don't know how much it does" or "I'm waiting your offer"). In this way, any product will have mandatory an estimated price. After case, it will be specifed if the asked amount is negotiable or not
  8. It's forbidden the selling of products which does not PERSONALLY belong to you. It won't be accepted apologizes like "I'm posting for a friend/neighbor without internet", "I don't know, is not my, is from a friend" or "he told me it works, I'm telling you what the told me"
  9. It's forbidden the selling of pyrotechnics or illicit substances (weed, active psychotropic substances or any kind of it)
  10. It's forbidden the selling of hacks/OGC's/wallhacks/aimbots for any kind of game
  11. It's forbidden the selling of hosting services (It may be possible to post ads to competing hosting services ONLY with Shocker's approval)
  12. It's forbidden the selling of accounts
  13. Any inactive topic (60 days of inactivity) will be locked automatically. Send PM to one of the moderators for reopen it, if it's necessary anymore.
  14. It's forbidden the selling of FileList accounts.
  15. It's forbidden the selling of Steam accounts.

PS - Don't forget it's in your benefit to find a buyer, not ours. Not anyone is skilled to sell, but anyone can try to catch the attention of a future buyer (a text/an interesting description, some screenshots attached, some technical details, etc)


Last edited by Ravenous on 17-06-2014, 11:48:17; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 25-03-2014, 01:49:00 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Am aranjat putin lucrurile aici, adaug desigur si cateva noi reguli si informatii.

In momentul in care doriti sa creati un nou topic:
- Specificati in numele topicului: [Vand] / [Cumpar] / [Schimb], in functie de caz.
- Cititi ce scrie in acest topic, respectati regulamentul si indicatiile. [ Indiferenta in mod repetat se va sanctiona cu un warn ]
- Daca aveti 10 jocuri la vanzare, sau doriti sa achizitionati 10 produse, postati intr-un singur topic. Daca aveti spre vanzare un joc, un telefon si o pereche de papuci, atunci faceti topicuri separate.
Aviz celor care au 10 topicuri in care vand/cauta jocuri, astept PM care topicuri le inchid si in care va continuati vanzarea/cautarea de produse.

Updatati de fiecare data primul post, nu schimbati pretul intr-un post nou iar primul post sa ramana cu un alt pret.

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(since 09-09-2023 16:07)
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Post Posted: 14-06-2014, 02:10:35 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Adãugat punctul 14. Read it!

Ca o mãsurã de precauþie; când sunteþi contactaþi pe mess/skype/steam/facebook/etc. de persoane care pretind cã sunt anumiþi membri ai comunitãþii Freakz, nu ezitaþi sã trimiteþi un PM, pe forum, userului respectiv pentru a fi siguri cã cel care v-a contactat nu este vreun scammer.

NU VÃ MAI BÃGAÞI în topicurile userilor pentru mãrunþiºuri gen: bump-ul sãptãmânal, preþ, etc. ce nu au legãturã cu subiectul propriu-zis. Verific fiecare topic ºi unde e cazul las mesaje.

De asemenea, încercaþi sã evitaþi convorbirile pe skype sau pe alt mijloc de comunicare audio. Puteþi fi þepuiþi, ºi fãrã o dovadã nu se poate face nimic.

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