
Simple question for all of you guys
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Allow model editing?
 52%  [ 12 ]
 47%  [ 11 ]
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Post Posted: 11-10-2011, 23:40:19 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hey guys,

I made this topic with simple question (Shocker made me start it cause he wanna hear your thoughts - ). Are you guys up for enabling model editing on this server?

Since Cata release, blizzard haz made Model editing harder than it used to be by locking WoW.exe so it doesnt allow higher patch size than downloaded via Launcher. Some guy found the way to do it by making a "hacking" tool which hacks WoW.exe to remove it's protection. Now, somehow the Freakz launcher is immune to that patching tool and we need to ask Shocker to enable it and re-upload the launcher again.

Many of you maybe have no idea what im talking about so let me clear this thing up for you -

There are two options which you can do.

First is model injections and here's the example:

And our favorite Nelf females

As you can see, injected model looks better than normal one.

Second option is to completely change Models allowing you to replace your Tauren with Worgen, or Human.
You'll see yourself as the edit you picked, while everyone else would see you as Tauren.

Many people are using this to change druid forms or humans to other races (free trinket on ugly class ftw)

Also, it allows you to replace your mounts with unobtainable or hard to get ones. Everyone will see mount you're riding but you'll see mount you wanna ride.

If we make Shocker allow this on Freakz, i'll try to make full a guide on how to do it -

Last edited by Architech on 12-10-2011, 22:34:42; edited 1 time in total
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[The UnGooglable Man]

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Post Posted: 12-10-2011, 00:44:24 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Well, while injected models are certainly pretty, and I'm all for introducing them, I'd leave 'complete' morphing for lvl255 funservers.
One of the best qualities of Freakz is that it isn't loaded with shitty custom content like most of Cata servers and I'd like to keep it this way. Custom boss event is one thing, people running around as a c'thun tentacle is another -

My only concern lies with performance, if the injected models won't slow down lower end machines. Or at least if it will be freely toggleable for those people.

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Post Posted: 12-10-2011, 10:54:34 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Thelan wrote:
Well, while injected models are certainly pretty, and I'm all for introducing them, I'd leave 'complete' morphing for lvl255 funservers.
One of the best qualities of Freakz is that it isn't loaded with shitty custom content like most of Cata servers and I'd like to keep it this way. Custom boss event is one thing, people running around as a c'thun tentacle is another -

My only concern lies with performance, if the injected models won't slow down lower end machines. Or at least if it will be freely toggleable for those people.

Only person who did model edit will see that edit. If i changed my Orc to Worgen, only i will see my Orc as Worgen. It wont make any problems at all!

This is banable on retail because most of people used it to replace Titanium Veins to Ragnaros for example, so it will allow them to mine faster coz they can see all veins in one area, since we're on high rates, and there's a plenty of veins around, i doubt this will make any problems at all. -

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[The UnGooglable Man]

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Post Posted: 12-10-2011, 20:11:16 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Architech wrote:
Thelan wrote:
Well, while injected models are certainly pretty, and I'm all for introducing them, I'd leave 'complete' morphing for lvl255 funservers.
One of the best qualities of Freakz is that it isn't loaded with shitty custom content like most of Cata servers and I'd like to keep it this way. Custom boss event is one thing, people running around as a c'thun tentacle is another -

My only concern lies with performance, if the injected models won't slow down lower end machines. Or at least if it will be freely toggleable for those people.

Only person who did model edit will see that edit. If i changed my Orc to Worgen, only i will see my Orc as Worgen. It wont make any problems at all!

This is banable on retail because most of people used it to replace Titanium Veins to Ragnaros for example, so it will allow them to mine faster coz they can see all veins in one area, since we're on high rates, and there's a plenty of veins around, i doubt this will make any problems at all. -

I got that part - I guess I'm just viewing this as a stepping stone to more custom stuff and that's never a good thing in my book. That being said, over 60 views and only I bothered to answer - that doesn't bode well -

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Post Posted: 12-10-2011, 22:33:11 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Thelan wrote:
Architech wrote:
Thelan wrote:
Well, while injected models are certainly pretty, and I'm all for introducing them, I'd leave 'complete' morphing for lvl255 funservers.
One of the best qualities of Freakz is that it isn't loaded with shitty custom content like most of Cata servers and I'd like to keep it this way. Custom boss event is one thing, people running around as a c'thun tentacle is another -

My only concern lies with performance, if the injected models won't slow down lower end machines. Or at least if it will be freely toggleable for those people.

Only person who did model edit will see that edit. If i changed my Orc to Worgen, only i will see my Orc as Worgen. It wont make any problems at all!

This is banable on retail because most of people used it to replace Titanium Veins to Ragnaros for example, so it will allow them to mine faster coz they can see all veins in one area, since we're on high rates, and there's a plenty of veins around, i doubt this will make any problems at all. -

I got that part - I guess I'm just viewing this as a stepping stone to more custom stuff and that's never a good thing in my book. That being said, over 60 views and only I bothered to answer - that doesn't bode well -

Maybe it would be better if i made a poll. Looks like people are too lazy to respond -

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Post Posted: 14-10-2011, 04:10:12 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I'm not a fan of custom content. I think freakz wow good because there aren't too many custom like others severs. That's also the reason why there are some sever that really popular ( you guys know what sever I'm referring to ) and some severs that isn't as much as popular like them.

So if you can avoid any custom, I vote for avoid at all cost.

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Post Posted: 14-10-2011, 12:10:47 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

anhphi wrote:
I'm not a fan of custom content. I think freakz wow good because there aren't too many custom like others severs. That's also the reason why there are some sever that really popular ( you guys know what sever I'm referring to ) and some severs that isn't as much as popular like them.

So if you can avoid any custom, I vote for avoid at all cost.

Can you please read entire thread that answer? Thank you. Raised eyebrow

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Post Posted: 16-10-2011, 16:21:20 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Spending time modifying the launcher instead of making actual important fixes for the server is something I won't do

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Post Posted: 16-10-2011, 18:10:27 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Shocker wrote:
Spending time modifying the launcher instead of making actual important fixes for the server is something I won't do

Like i said there are application which modify the wow.exe to enable this. Here's a SS of it:

Somehow your freakz launcher is immune to it, well not immune, when i try it on your launcher i get Wrong version error.

So im asking you only to
- Disable signaturefile checks
- Maximise patch number limitation.

That's all. It will take you like 2 mins -

Here's the link to that app if you might need it:

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Post Posted: 16-10-2011, 18:32:59 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

guys please stop being dumb...model editing is LOCAL only, it doesnt affect server's performance, and it's a player option if he wants to change models or not. it's nothing "custom" to the server. in fact, many players used to use modified models in wotlk - i've made my tauren look like a gnome(fuzzy lil thing) and changed my weapon to look like shadowmourne. the others were seeing me as a tauren with a normal LK mace. didn't slow down my PC at all. now if shocker will change his mind and make this possible, that would be awesome

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[The UnGooglable Man]

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Post Posted: 16-10-2011, 20:20:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Yeah, I guess I understood it the wrong way. I thought stuff would be done via a command of some sort.
Still, I don't like it, especially given the tau-gnome and shadowmourne examples. One of the choices one sometimes has to make, is choosing between race he likes to most and the one with the best racials for a given class. This would remove the necessity and thus ain't alright with me.

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Post Posted: 16-10-2011, 21:53:05 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Thelan wrote:
Yeah, I guess I understood it the wrong way. I thought stuff would be done via a command of some sort.
Still, I don't like it, especially given the tau-gnome and shadowmourne examples. One of the choices one sometimes has to make, is choosing between race he likes to most and the one with the best racials for a given class. This would remove the necessity and thus ain't alright with me.

This is pure cosmetic. Ima PvP-er, and im forced to play with humans coz of free trinket, the point is, i hate their models. They are too clumsy if you know what i mean.

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[The UnGooglable Man]

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Post Posted: 17-10-2011, 05:15:03 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Architech wrote:
Thelan wrote:
Yeah, I guess I understood it the wrong way. I thought stuff would be done via a command of some sort.
Still, I don't like it, especially given the tau-gnome and shadowmourne examples. One of the choices one sometimes has to make, is choosing between race he likes to most and the one with the best racials for a given class. This would remove the necessity and thus ain't alright with me.

This is pure cosmetic. Ima PvP-er, and im forced to play with humans coz of free trinket, the point is, i hate their models. They are too clumsy if you know what i mean.

Oh I know exactly what you mean, thing is, that's the price one has to pay if they're dead set on min-maxing.

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Post Posted: 24-10-2011, 10:42:37 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I'm not agree to be able to make a horde race to look like a aliance one. There is the Horde and the Alliance, we should not mix them.
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Post Posted: 24-10-2011, 15:04:32 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Lavy wrote:
I'm not agree to be able to make a horde race to look like a aliance one. There is the Horde and the Alliance, we should not mix them.


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