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Post Posted: 28-07-2019, 07:57:57 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoWHead Guide


WoWHead Guide


WoWHead Guide


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        Battletag: postrow.ID_BATTLE_NET} 
Post Posted: 28-08-2019, 15:55:45 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Boss: Gul'Dan (Mythic)
Spells: Liquid Hellfire/Empowered Liquid Hellfire
Bug description: In Phase 1, Gul'Dan should cast Liquid Hellfire at rdps/healer location.
The problem is that in the location where Liquid Hellfire was launched, there should be an Empowered Liquid Hellfire aka green pool on the ground. Right now, the Empowered Liquid Hellfire isn't working and Liquid Hellfire is casted only once (should be three times in succession, 5 seconds apart).


Boss: Gul'Dan (Mythic)
Spells: Storm of the Destroyer vs Empowered Eye of Gul'dan
Bug description: In Phase 2, after Gul'Dan is casting Storm of the Destroyer, he should summon an Empowered Eye of Gul'dan and THEN teleport to the tank o the other side of the room.
The problem is that Gul'Dan is not teleporting to the tank, he stay and cast Empowered Eye of Gul'dan.


Boss: Gul'Dan (Mythic) / The Demon Within
Spells: Sheared Soul vs soaking players
Bug description: In Phase 3, The Demon Within will cast Soulsever mainly on tanks, that will apply Sheared Soul and in order to remove/replace this debuff, a player have to soak the tank image from his back (Sheared Soul).
The problem is that on our server we need to soak the Sheared Soul multiple times in order to replace the Sheared Soul from tanks with Severed Sou.


Boss: Gul'Dan (Mythic) / The Demon Within
Spells: Visions of the Dark Titan vs Time Stop Field vs Demonic Essence
Bug description: In Phase 3, right before Visions of the Dark Titan, Nightorb need to be killed in order to spawn the Time Stop Field, and Soul Fragment of Azzinoth need to be killed in order to spawn Demonic Essence. Then you have to stay in Demonic Essence pools, heal them until 100% so they will apply Demonbane on boss and enter in Time Stop Field.

The problem is that, all the players from Time Stop Field are NOT immune to everything. Right when the boss is casting Visions of the Dark Titan and all players are in Time Stop Field -> all players will die even if Demonic Essence is healed to 100% OR the boss will reset and Gul'dan will spawn.
Also, Demonic Essence should transform to Purified Essence, but there is not visual effect for it. I personaly believe that Purified Essence doesn't have a delay and is instantly killing people even if they are in the Time Stop Field.

Guldan can be killed ONLY, if you have strong dps and avoid Visions of the Dark Titan.

This is the same problem from the last patch 7.1.5


Retribution Paladin Guide PvE | In-Depth 7.3.5
Protection Paladin Guide PvE | In-Depth 7.3.5
Holy Paladin Guide PvE | In-Depth 7.3.5

Last edited by Flashmoo on 29-08-2019, 19:30:06; edited 6 times in total
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 08-10-2019, 14:47:09 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Boss: Elisande (heroic, mythic)
Spells: Time stop and Delphuric beam
Bug description: At the transition between phases 2 and 3, if Elisande doesn't complete the cast of Delphuric beam before she reaches 10% when she is untargetable her cast will still buff her (you can't see this but you can deduce) and then two things can happen:
(a) either she will still stun all players with Time stop before she transitions into phase 3, in which case she will keep firing the spell at players from the nightwell, and if a player doesn't use some form of defensive before the stun and is targeted two times there is no way to deal with this;
(b) or she won't stun anyone and you can actually heal through the transition, and again she continues targeting players with delphuric beam from the center.
Both behaviors are incorrect, because the time stop should remove this, but it's bugged and is very annoying on mythic difficulty (personally I have seen both behaviors on heroic too).

I have proof only for the second case (the first is more problematic), but I think someone else can confirm the first one since it happens very frequently.



Last edited by Midius on 08-10-2019, 14:57:38; edited 5 times in total
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