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  Topic: [Cerere unban] 120kmh

Replies: 3
Views: 519

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 20-02-2017, 16:54:44   Subject: [Cerere unban] 120kmh
Astept unban, Deagle? nu a adus dovezi in 24 H .
  Topic: [Cerere unban] 120kmh

Replies: 3
Views: 519

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 19-02-2017, 11:08:59   Subject: [Cerere unban] 120kmh
Nick-ul dumneavoastrã: 120kmh
IP dumneavoastrã:
STEAM-ID dumneavoastrã: Nu il stiu.
Data & Ora: 19.02.2017 / 10:49 A.M
Nick-ul adminului: Deagle?
Motivul: No wg.
Dovezi (SS ...
  Topic: Reclamatie Deagle?

Replies: 1
Views: 307

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 19-02-2017, 10:57:53   Subject: Reclamatie Deagle?
Numele dvs. : 120kmh
Numele adminului reclamat : Deagle?
Data si ora : 10:48
Motiv reclamatie : I-am zis ca nu pot face wg, imi da o eroare, iar el mi-a spus ca nu-i pasa, ca el vrea wg.
Dovada (S ...
  Topic: [APROBAT] Cerere grad - 120kmh

Replies: 9
Views: 1128

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 18-02-2017, 20:51:18   Subject: Cerere grad - 120kmh
1. Nick: 120kmh
2. Varsta(minim 14): 14
3. Skype/Y!M: skype :: [email protected]
4. Steam On/Off: Off.
5. Link Gametracker(minim 15H): --
6. Activezi pe team speak 3?: Da, pot.
7. Ai citit regu ...
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