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Topic: [ Imagini & Video ] In-Game & Real Life |
Replies: 2
Views: 1082
Forum: Trash Posted: 16-09-2016, 19:22:20 Subject: [ Imagini & Video ] In-Game & Real Life |
Tot cu WOW? Tot cu WOW? ![-](images/smiles/christmas_1.gif) Mergea Guilda Sparta inloc de Addicted (e cu dublu sens dar eu ma refer aici la cel pozitiv ) . Mda ..multe chestii s-au mai schimbat ... Nu mai regasesti nimic la fel (doar ... |
Topic: Balans PvP |
Replies: 181
Views: 53011
Forum: Romanian Posted: 02-12-2015, 22:12:26 Subject: Balans PvP |
Asa ar fi trebuit dar azi Shocker a anuntat :
We are skipping Tyrannical season due to various reasons (mostly because of the gear and the issues that come with that gear @ spell formulas / etc). |
Topic: Balans PvP |
Replies: 181
Views: 53011
Forum: Romanian Posted: 02-12-2015, 21:14:15 Subject: Balans PvP |
Cam pe la sfarsitul lunii se trece la Tier 15/Grevious.
Grevious se obtine prin conquest points si se sare peste gear-ul Tyrannical care se obtinea cu honor points.
1.Se da reset la con ... |
Topic: General PvP problem on server |
Replies: 74
Views: 13796
Forum: Trash Posted: 07-11-2015, 03:30:11 Subject: General PvP problem on server |
From my point of view there are two situations:
A. Players who want to start and learn PVP on a new class/spec. Their needs to adapt more quickly :
-balanced battlegrounds
-posibilities to ... |
Topic: Proiect Revitalizare PvP |
Replies: 72
Views: 11714
Forum: Romanian Posted: 08-10-2015, 20:05:19 Subject: Proiect Revitalizare PvP |
[quote ascuns] +1
Un incepator care vrea sa faca PVP la HOARDA si intra in bg sunt sanse mari ca dupa 3 zile sa se lase wow.
Statistic vorbind aprox 80% din bg-uri nimereste doar vs premade, cu gear full malevolen ... |
Topic: [REJECTED] Mana Regen |
Replies: 42
Views: 5888
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 17-07-2015, 19:11:58 Subject: [REJECTED] Mana Regen |
Prea mic mana regen in comparatie cu gearu actual ... trebuie echilibrat cumva pe la jumate asa cum a fost in cazul resilience`ului |
Topic: [REJECTED] [Priest][Pvp] Battle fatigue vs absorb |
Replies: 13
Views: 1162
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 03-06-2015, 15:10:48 Subject: [REJECTED] [Priest][Pvp] Battle fatigue vs absorb |
Ai dreptate doar ca absorburile (gen Power Word Shield) au fost afectate de BF debia incepand de la patch-ul 5.3:
De asta intrebasem ce patch se aplica acum pt BF. |
Topic: Formule de dmg de 5.4.8 vs resil de 5.1 |
Replies: 124
Views: 15634
Forum: Other Posted: 03-06-2015, 14:53:57 Subject: Formule de dmg de 5.4.8 vs resil de 5.1 |
Exact de ce imi era frica nu am scapat si anume sa ajungem sa negociem pe MOP ca la piata ce si cum am vrea sa fie inloc sa respectam niste patch changes de blizzard.
Mai nou, unii vor modificari de resil/pvp power custom pt anumite clase pt ca asa vor ei. F ... |
Topic: [REJECTED] [Priest][Pvp] Battle fatigue vs absorb |
Replies: 13
Views: 1162
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 03-06-2015, 13:53:52 Subject: [REJECTED] [Priest][Pvp] Battle fatigue vs absorb |
Tu faci referire la patch`ul 5.3 unde era asa : Battle Fatigue now reduces the effectiveness of healing and absorb spells and abilities by 45% (was 30%).
Dar tot odata daca e sa aplicam acea regula trebuie modificat si pvp power la healeri:
PvP Power bonus t ... |
Topic: World PVP on / off |
Replies: 474
Views: 104026
Forum: Trash Posted: 26-05-2015, 19:32:10 Subject: World PVP on / off |
Shocker ca sa multumim pe toata lumea inclusiv pe cei 40% care vrem pvp ON , setezi serveru 40% din timp PVP ON si 60% PVP OFF .Asa cum la TV este orarul destinat emisiunilor/filmelor 18+.
Ex: intre orele 24:00-8:00 PVP ON si 8:00-24:00 PVP OFF ... Cu ocazia ... |
Topic: World PVP on / off |
Replies: 474
Views: 104026
Forum: Trash Posted: 16-05-2015, 19:24:20 Subject: World PVP on / off |
[quote ascuns] Daca era free transfer A->H asa cum i`am propus lui Shocker pt echilibrarea factiunilor , da , am fi fost primii care ne mutam la H. |
Topic: World PVP on / off |
Replies: 474
Views: 104026
Forum: Trash Posted: 16-05-2015, 19:05:43 Subject: World PVP on / off |
Ok ..deci s-a decis PVP off ..
Eu propun sa se numeasca WOW PVE FREAKZ ... atat timp cat nu ai arene , bg 40 minute in que pt 2 min de joc nebalansat VS 3H si mai nou World PVP OFF.
Pt un server de PVE de la shopul de donatii sa scoateti itemele PVP ca sa nu mai duceti lumea in eroare ..
World PVP-ul face parte din WOW (blizzlike ..altfel e fun server) ... oricum daca fa ... |
Topic: [REJECTED] [PVP][Battlegrounds] Fix or change player join bgs from queue |
Replies: 3
Views: 520
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 14-05-2015, 15:33:17 Subject: [REJECTED] [PVP][Battlegrounds] Fix or change player join bgs from queue |
Constat 2 probleme la que:
1. Nu se mai tine cont de ordinea in care se da que (cineva care a dat que dupa tine are sanse sa fie bagat inaintea ta) . Nustiu dupa ce criterii se selecteaza ordinea in que acum ..posibil in functie de numarul de jucatori din "Join as group".
2. Serverul incepe un bg nou fara sa astepte sa se completeze bg-urile active IN AMBELE TEAMURI ... |
Topic: [REJECTED] Wow Error + Bg |
Replies: 1
Views: 592
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 27-04-2015, 14:52:46 Subject: [REJECTED] Wow Error + Bg |
Confirm ... In ultimele 2 zile am observat ca primim crash in bg din ce in ce mai des.. |
Topic: Horde Vs Alliance Battleground Problem |
Replies: 32
Views: 8596
Forum: Other Posted: 27-04-2015, 13:38:07 Subject: Horde Vs Alliance Battleground Problem |
-for alliance average time waiting in que : 30-45 minutes
-most of the time there are 40-50 ally and 5 hordes in que
-when the bg starting we are 10 ally vs 5 hordes (not fair win)
We can`t make pvp gear in this way and pvp become boring.
One better idea for Shocker: open free transfer ally to horde until factions will be balanced enough.
Our guild Authentiks will be the ... |