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  Topic: Recrutari (old)

Replies: 150
Views: 25451

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 22-06-2011, 20:44:52   Subject: Recrutari (old)
Numele caracterului: Babeplay
Varsta: 16 ani
Rasa / Clasa: Night Elf/Druid feral
Talent Mainspec / Offspec: feral/resto
Profesii: -/-
Experienta in WoW: 4 ani
Experienta in raiduri: cunostinte d ...
  Topic: HUGE ->Off topic

Replies: 932
Views: 95228

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 10-06-2011, 01:01:02   Subject: HUGE ->Off topic
  Topic: HUGE ->Off topic

Replies: 932
Views: 95228

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 09-06-2011, 15:42:56   Subject: HUGE ->Off topic E un joc fainutz cu omulets un fel de wow mini dar e tare are si pve si pvp go go go si dativa cu parerea -
  Topic: HUGE ->Off topic

Replies: 932
Views: 95228

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 09-06-2011, 00:20:21   Subject: HUGE ->Off topic
Top 10 game 2010/2011 MMORPG
Dativa cu parerea...
  Topic: Mute Bringdapain

Replies: 1
Views: 413

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 13-05-2011, 17:00:31   Subject: Mute Bringdapain
Numele suspectului:Bringdapain
Data/ora:13/05/2011, 16:29
Detalii:borac suferit - sia luat enrage si a inceput sa ma injure:))-
Screenshot:1 -
  Topic: HUGE ->Off topic

Replies: 932
Views: 95228

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 11-05-2011, 22:18:00   Subject: HUGE ->Off topic
da ma e corect;)
  Topic: HUGE ->Off topic

Replies: 932
Views: 95228

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 11-05-2011, 22:00:05   Subject: HUGE ->Off topic
[quote ascuns]
  Topic: HUGE ->Off topic

Replies: 932
Views: 95228

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 11-05-2011, 21:47:09   Subject: HUGE ->Off topic
o problema pt cei din guilda -
Intr-o gospodarie sunt oi si gaste , care au in total 34 de picioare.Numarul maxim posibil de oi este.... [sa vedem daca mai stiti matematica]
  Topic: Recrutari (Old)

Replies: 187
Views: 31997

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 29-04-2011, 19:53:05   Subject: Recrutari (Old)
Nume IRL:Robert
Nume ingame:Bebeplay
Armory Link:
In ce guilda ai fost inainte si de ce ai iesit: HUGE , am iesit din guilda HUGE pt ca am avut o problema cu internetu vreo 15 minute si iam zis sa-mi opreasca slot si a luat pe altu... dar cand ave ...
  Topic: HUGE ->Off topic

Replies: 932
Views: 95228

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 29-04-2011, 14:26:29   Subject: HUGE ->Off topic
fac tot ce pot pana acuma nu-mi merge celalat program de dj... dar fac cu asta
  Topic: HUGE ->Off topic

Replies: 932
Views: 95228

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 28-04-2011, 15:46:16   Subject: HUGE ->Off topic
Remix By Bebeplay 2 songs and

Posturi unite automat, 28-04-2011, 16:46:16

care e misto -?
- -
  Topic: HUGE ->Fresh Testing

Replies: 26
Views: 4342

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 20-04-2011, 21:58:05   Subject: HUGE ->Fresh Testing
Paranoia, invata sa faci un post... ia exemplu meu cum am facut eu cu hete:)
  Topic: HUGE ->Fresh Testing

Replies: 26
Views: 4342

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 17-04-2011, 00:35:56   Subject: HUGE ->Fresh Testing
Nume Main Raideri: Bebeplay,ScaredPala
Data: 16/04/2011
Player1(fresh/rank3): Advanced-Xanto sa descurcat binisor ca dps la gearu lui, ca ot la council a stiut ce sa faca dar a avut mici probleme cu taunturile... si ma deranjat cu afk neanuntat[si asta ma facut sa-i scad ranku]
Player2(fresh/rank3): Pro-Trolushca-Re ...
  Topic: HUGE ->Off topic

Replies: 932
Views: 95228

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 09-04-2011, 20:52:19   Subject: HUGE ->Off topic
Intealth poti sa intrebi pe cei din raid care au fost cu mn... treaba ta crezi ce vrei.
  Topic: HUGE ->Fresh Testing

Replies: 26
Views: 4342

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 09-04-2011, 20:51:26   Subject: HUGE ->Fresh Testing
Nume Main Raideri: Bebeplay,Hetealx
Data: 09/04/2011
Player1(fresh/rank3): Olly-Novice-> Inca nu sunt convis pe deplin de ce poti, am vazut cai ascultat ce tiam explicat, ramane sa iti ridic rankul de novice la raidurile viitoare.
Player2(fresh/rank3): Magi-pro-> A stat singur heal la majoritatea bosilor in af ...
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