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Topic: TheBestFriends |
Replies: 16
Views: 6299
Forum: Trash Posted: 12-10-2017, 16:30:56 Subject: TheBestFriends |
Ahoj, hraje se u hordy ale hledej název guildy Gummy Bears... je to asi jediná aktivní CZ/SK guilda, u hordy co vím a u alli vůbec nevím zda někdo z CZ/SK hrá ... |
Topic: TheBestFriends |
Replies: 16
Views: 6299
Forum: Trash Posted: 29-09-2017, 11:30:21 Subject: TheBestFriends |
Až budeš ve hře tak napiš do Gummy Bears aby tě nabrali a pak zkus někoho kdo by ti poradil, myslím že by se tam někdo našel. popř. pak dojí ... |
Topic: TheBestFriends |
Replies: 16
Views: 6299
Forum: Trash Posted: 28-09-2017, 18:29:44 Subject: TheBestFriends |
To jsme se špatně pochopili, já nemyslím tak že pustím hru a tahám data při hraní, ale přímo přes blizzard se dá hra stáhnout a pa ... |
Topic: TheBestFriends |
Replies: 16
Views: 6299
Forum: Trash Posted: 28-09-2017, 13:12:02 Subject: TheBestFriends |
zkus jen toho clienta hodit do f****** slozky nebo si to stahni z offiku a nakopiruj, taky to tak mam |
Topic: TheBestFriends |
Replies: 16
Views: 6299
Forum: Trash Posted: 27-09-2017, 17:41:28 Subject: TheBestFriends |
Jo paladinu je až moc mage je super to rozhodně, sice jsou ale není jich tak moc a lock co jsem zaslechl není úplně nejlepší, ale jak to vždy býv& ... |
Topic: TheBestFriends |
Replies: 16
Views: 6299
Forum: Trash Posted: 26-09-2017, 18:24:26 Subject: TheBestFriends |
Ahoj, jako oproti ostatním free serverům bych řekl že to funguje rozhodně lépe, alespoň co se týče starších lokací, ty nové jsou na tom ... |
Topic: [DUPLICATE] [Draenor][Spires of Arak] The Crone |
Replies: 3
Views: 982
Forum: Rejected bugs Posted: 20-08-2017, 15:28:56 Subject: [DUPLICATE] [Draenor][Spires of Arak] The Crone |
Hi, how is it possible that 71 players have this quest complete but now its unable to do ? |
Topic: TheBestFriends |
Replies: 16
Views: 6299
Forum: Trash Posted: 25-07-2017, 16:33:45 Subject: TheBestFriends |
Jak budeš online napiš mi na nick Bessy , dneska tu budu cca do 20h |
Topic: CZ/SK guild for Legion |
Replies: 2
Views: 2190
Forum: Trash Posted: 25-07-2017, 06:39:14 Subject: CZ/SK guild for Legion |
Ahoj, je to stale aktivni ve hre jsme guilda s nazvem Reincarnate a me tam najdes pod nickem Bessy |
Topic: TheBestFriends |
Replies: 16
Views: 6299
Forum: Trash Posted: 19-07-2017, 09:52:30 Subject: TheBestFriends |
Ahoj, puvodni nazev TheBestFriends neni ale jsme tu vsichni v guilde pod nazvem Reincarnate, je nas celkem hodne a pravidlne se poradaji akce |
Topic: [Eastern Kingdoms][Badlands] Troggish Troubles |
Replies: 4
Views: 1529
Forum: Rejected bugs Posted: 07-07-2017, 16:14:09 Subject: [Eastern Kingdoms][Badlands] Troggish Troubles |
wowhead link:
wowfreakz link:
description: when I use the turr ... |
Topic: [Eastern Kingdoms][Badlands] The Warden´s Game |
Replies: 0
Views: 540
Forum: Rejected bugs Posted: 07-07-2017, 16:11:05 Subject: [Eastern Kingdoms][Badlands] The Warden´s Game |
wowhead link:
wowfreakz link:
description: the one previous qu ... |
Topic: [DUPLICATE] [Eastern Kingdoms][Badlands] Amakkar, Jack of All Trades |
Replies: 1
Views: 442
Forum: Rejected bugs Posted: 07-07-2017, 16:06:10 Subject: [Eastern Kingdoms][Badlands] Amakkar, Jack of All Trades |
wowhead link:
wowfreakz link:
description: I ... |
Topic: [DUPLICATE] [Eastern Kingdoms][Badlands] The Day that Deathwing Came |
Replies: 1
Views: 503
Forum: Rejected bugs Posted: 07-07-2017, 16:00:33 Subject: [Eastern Kingdoms][Badlands] The Day that Deathwing Came |
wowhead link:
wowfreakz link:
description: ... |
Topic: [DUPLICATE] [Eastern Kingdoms][Badlands] The Day that Deathwing Came: TWhat Really Happened |
Replies: 1
Views: 328
Forum: Rejected bugs Posted: 07-07-2017, 15:58:57 Subject: [Eastern Kingdoms][Badlands] The Day that Deathwing Came: TWhat Really Happened |
wowhead link:
wowfreakz link: ... |