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  Topic: Best in Class Players MOP edition

Replies: 55
Views: 17166

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 02-12-2015, 22:46:38   Subject: Best in Class Players MOP edition
[quote ascuns]
  Topic: Povestea freakzului

Replies: 53
Views: 9965

PostForum: Romanian   Posted: 04-06-2015, 22:20:49   Subject: Povestea freakzului
[quote ascuns]
daca ai rabdare sa dai click pe postarile mele si sa te uiti gasesti tot ce vrei.
recomand si gotflow/crashy
padurarul a castigat eventu' la dk.
  Topic: Povestea freakzului

Replies: 53
Views: 9965

PostForum: Romanian   Posted: 04-06-2015, 01:59:55   Subject: Povestea freakzului
Povesti pvp nu avem?
  Topic: [FIXED] [warlock][destruction] Chaos Bolt sp scaling&mastery scaling

Replies: 5
Views: 1812

PostForum: Fixed / Closed bugs   Posted: 02-06-2015, 16:35:49   Subject: [FIXED] [warlock][destruction] Chaos Bolt sp scaling&mastery scaling
E foarte dubios chaos bolt-ul asta. Judecand dupa tooltip se pare ca trebuie sa fie 358% SP, nu 258% SP.
A scris Shocker in ultimul topic despre chaos bolt care l'am facut. Nu am mai facut calcule in-game, dar din damage-ul imens ce il dadea (dupa ultimul fix) avand in vedere ca nu beneficia de 100% (ci doar 33%, ca si incinerate, conflag etc) din mastery cred ca l'a setat la ...

Replies: 14
Views: 3179

PostForum: Other   Posted: 30-05-2015, 15:03:37   Subject: PLEASE, STOP BEING HEEDLESS.
asta nu inseamna ca nu poti da enable in tol'barad/gurubashi pana se revin lucrurile la normal
  Topic: Cea mai bunĂ£ opțiune pentru 3v3

Replies: 15
Views: 2244

PostForum: Romanian   Posted: 30-05-2015, 02:59:36   Subject: Cea mai bunĂ£ opțiune pentru 3v3
pvp weapon pe rating la 3v3 (non-elite)
o piesa din set pe rating la 3v3
eventuri de 3v3
sezoane organizate calumea, cu rewarduri care nu o sa dispara apoi.
(toate astea dupa ce se repara bugurile)
  Topic: World PVP on / off

Replies: 474
Views: 104022

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 30-05-2015, 02:46:02   Subject: World PVP on / off
I wasn't expecting you to admit you enjoy it when someone makes you feel like you're bad at this game obviously.
However not everyone enjoys playing this game at "easy difficulty".
I am not sure why you are attacking me tho, I hold nothing personal against your opinion, but even though you talk so much about the consequences (for the server) of wpvp being turned on ...
  Topic: World PVP on / off

Replies: 474
Views: 104022

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 29-05-2015, 19:11:45   Subject: World PVP on / off
Face it, PVEers, this is a lost cause.
Admin will keep this vote open until enough PVPers have created fake accounts and vote to turn PVP on. Then the thread will suddenly be locked and PVP enabled. The mouth-breathers will rejoice and drool all over themselves as the ganking begins.
As for me, I've already left. I found another server where the desires of the many outweigh the psychotic tendencies of the few and PVE will always rule.
So long, and thanks fo ...
  Topic: Arena a myth or a reality?

Replies: 51
Views: 8291

PostForum: Romanian   Posted: 29-05-2015, 18:55:26   Subject: Arena a myth or a reality?
[quote ascuns]
skilz nu poate sa castige decat cu exploituri sau cu mine in echipa
intoarcerea copilului moldovean furios
  Topic: World PVP on / off

Replies: 474
Views: 104022

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 29-05-2015, 16:03:31   Subject: World PVP on / off
[quote ascuns]
yeah, sometimes "he" will die, sometimes "he" will kill someone else, monstrous consequences, GreyFace.
WHat will the player do? Leave the server? I love the mentality of the pve players, dying in pvp is 100x worse than dying in a raid/dungeon, I shall leave this server forever for this insult.
  Topic: Arena a myth or a reality?

Replies: 51
Views: 8291

PostForum: Romanian   Posted: 29-05-2015, 15:11:59   Subject: Arena a myth or a reality?
[quote ascuns]
eu zic sa iti stergi postu' pana nu vine askyourself peste tine in casa. am auzit ca a fost ucenicul lui Pai Mei, de unde si abilitatea lui de a se transforma in gladiator la orice ora a zilei.
Multumim pentru atentie Shocker, se pare ca vrajile tigancilor au avut totusi efect
  Topic: Hunter class and monck

Replies: 17
Views: 3881

PostForum: Other   Posted: 28-05-2015, 17:04:52   Subject: Hunter class and monck
[quote ascuns]
dar am jucat mult mai multe combouri boss :'(
nici macar nu e listat ala cu care am facut max rating (jumate full pve wtf? - [aveam un ring si un trinket la un moment dat ce'i drept])
oricum e reciproc sentimentul
  Topic: Hunter class and monck

Replies: 17
Views: 3881

PostForum: Other   Posted: 28-05-2015, 16:00:03   Subject: Hunter class and monck
mie imi place de askyourself asta, da un feeling de wotlk forumului
  Topic: World PVP on / off

Replies: 474
Views: 104022

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 27-05-2015, 23:34:58   Subject: World PVP on / off
[quote ascuns]
1) uhm no, not really.
2) I meant the last part of his sentence, in his opinion if world pvp is active all I will do is kill him when he's afk/testing bugs, that's the only thing he understands out of world pvp. I'm sure if world pvp would be on, questing/farming zoned will be filled with "full pvp geared retards", this poll shows it. So when it comes to arguing that world pvp should be turned off, the server is filled with bloodthirtsy pvpers, but at the same time, the majority of this server is made out of pve-ers so shocker should listen to the majority. Seems legit.
  Topic: Arena a myth or a reality?

Replies: 51
Views: 8291

PostForum: Romanian   Posted: 27-05-2015, 22:16:01   Subject: Arena a myth or a reality?
FARA sa primim rating FIE SI CONQUEST, sa fie authentic jocului
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