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Topic: Pony Zone 10 - 2016s |
Replies: 12446
Views: 1048138
Forum: Romanian Posted: 26-09-2016, 00:31:53 Subject: Pony Zone 10 - 2016s |
Si eu pe 800. Mai e cineva din "vechea" garda pe aici? )
//inafara de Padurarul, care inca-l vad pe aici |
Topic: Pony Zone 10 - 2016s |
Replies: 12446
Views: 1048138
Forum: Romanian Posted: 23-07-2016, 21:10:41 Subject: Pony Zone 10 - 2016s |
Eu Naruto + Shippuden, pana au inceput cu fillerele alea prostesti. Aaa, si Death Note. |
Topic: Pony Zone 10 - 2016s |
Replies: 12446
Views: 1048138
Forum: Romanian Posted: 23-07-2016, 17:28:36 Subject: Pony Zone 10 - 2016s |
Eu nu m-am uitat la manga. VREAU SPOILERE! |
Topic: Pony Zone 10 - 2016s |
Replies: 12446
Views: 1048138
Forum: Romanian Posted: 22-07-2016, 16:11:17 Subject: Pony Zone 10 - 2016s |
[quote ascuns] Mai sunt fillere, sau a reinceput razboiu? |
Topic: Pony Zone 10 - 2016s |
Replies: 12446
Views: 1048138
Forum: Romanian Posted: 14-07-2016, 17:16:59 Subject: Pony Zone 10 - 2016s |
Alohaaa, se mai traieste si pe aici? |
Topic: Pony Zone 10 - 2016s |
Replies: 12446
Views: 1048138
Forum: Romanian Posted: 29-07-2015, 17:22:08 Subject: Pony Zone 10 - 2016s |
Aloha! Mai traieste lumea pe aici? |
Topic: Pony Zone 9 - You have no (GM) power here |
Replies: 14791
Views: 934414
Forum: Trash Posted: 02-03-2015, 12:00:37 Subject: Pony Zone 9 - You have no (GM) power here |
Pai si lu' Bacovia nimic? |
Topic: Pony Zone 9 - You have no (GM) power here |
Replies: 14791
Views: 934414
Forum: Trash Posted: 01-03-2015, 20:53:30 Subject: Pony Zone 9 - You have no (GM) power here |
@Cyad, nu. Am fost printre primii de pe PZ |
Topic: Pony Zone 9 - You have no (GM) power here |
Replies: 14791
Views: 934414
Forum: Trash Posted: 01-03-2015, 19:35:56 Subject: Pony Zone 9 - You have no (GM) power here |
Salutare ! |
Topic: Concurs: "Cel mai aberant lucru care vi s-a intamplat sau l-ati auzit" |
Replies: 34
Views: 9699
Forum: Trash Posted: 17-11-2014, 14:03:26 Subject: Concurs: "Cel mai aberant lucru care vi s-a intamplat sau l-ati auzit" |
Cel mai aberant lucru? Faptul ca exista un topic despre cel mai aberant lucru. |
Topic: Pony Zone 9 - You have no (GM) power here |
Replies: 14791
Views: 934414
Forum: Trash Posted: 16-11-2014, 21:59:35 Subject: Pony Zone 9 - You have no (GM) power here |
[quote ascuns] Scoti tot din telefon, si le bagi pe toate in orez. Le lasi o zi, doua, si dupaia vezi daca merge. I know, a sunat ca o reteta culinara.
Dar daca deja ai aprins telefonu' dupa ce s-a udat, se prea poate sa se fi dus. |
Topic: Campania : YES LA VOT !!!! |
Replies: 835
Views: 73123
Forum: Romanian Posted: 16-11-2014, 21:55:45 Subject: Campania : YES LA VOT !!!! |
[quote ascuns] I know what you did
Mama trebuia sa plece la 12:30 la servici, iar in drum sa voteze(ponta). A cazut partea cu votatu' . |
Topic: Campania : YES LA VOT !!!! |
Replies: 835
Views: 73123
Forum: Romanian Posted: 16-11-2014, 15:56:19 Subject: Campania : YES LA VOT !!!! |
Primarul Craiovei aka carpa psd-ului, Olguta, a spus ca doar analfabetii il voteaza pe Iohannis pentru ca a primit injurii incorect scrise gramatical. Pacat ca astfel de oameni, care nu stiu sa scrie corect, se numesc agramati.
Ok, dar hai sa vedem cine-l voteaza pe "Ce faci fa Doino" : [url=***&]CLICK. |
Topic: Old dudes around ? |
Replies: 113
Views: 19875
Forum: Romanian Posted: 15-11-2014, 22:31:16 Subject: Old dudes around ? |
Salutari baaietilor si mai vechi de pe xwow, perioada Sisif aka bajatu care si-a cumparat canapea din banii de donatie. |
Topic: Pony Zone 9 - You have no (GM) power here |
Replies: 14791
Views: 934414
Forum: Trash Posted: 12-11-2014, 23:10:35 Subject: Pony Zone 9 - You have no (GM) power here |