WoW Freakz spell link: [Rogue] Trait Surge of Toxins
Bug description: The trait buff Surge of Toxins should procc every time u cast a finishing move, but it doesnt anymore. It did b4 but now its comp ...
WoW Freakz link:
Bug description: Can u fix the quest brimstone destroyer (worldquest in Aszuna) in the next 10 hr ...
Character Name:Yumadbro
Item Name & ID:
Armory Link:
Details: (optional) I just won my 100 3v3 battle and expected a achievement to pop up with an item, that will get me a mount. However nothin ...
Character Name: Yumadbro
Item Name & ID: Green Trophy Tabard of the Illidari
Armory Link:
Details: (optional): Hello dear ...