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Topic: INFLAMEZ MLS Rank 1 Evolution (First of Series) |
Replies: 50
Views: 8216
Forum: WoW Movies Posted: 20-04-2012, 17:43:28 Subject: INFLAMEZ MLS Rank 1 Evolution (First of Series) |
Posturi unite automat, 20-04-2012, 18:43:28
[quote ascuns] Cryptex - Slay it |
Topic: INFLAMEZ MLS Rank 1 Evolution (First of Series) |
Replies: 50
Views: 8216
Forum: WoW Movies Posted: 20-04-2012, 13:58:19 Subject: INFLAMEZ MLS Rank 1 Evolution (First of Series) |
[quote ascuns] Dap asa e, nu sufar la tine Mistrie tu suferi la mine... eu nici nu team bagat in seama chiar si atunci cand ti-am aratat ca nai o treaba in arenas ,la 3s mai exact, iar daca tu crezi ca esti uber leet peste mine jucand destro vs affliction te inseli amarnic orice nab stie destro acum, si ca destro > affliction fara LOS, destro numai e ca pe vremuri de asta am incetat sa-l mai joc ... Mistrie sati spun un lucru ,eu ca tine am fost, tu ... |
Topic: INFLAMEZ MLS Rank 1 Evolution (First of Series) |
Replies: 50
Views: 8216
Forum: WoW Movies Posted: 17-04-2012, 23:31:32 Subject: INFLAMEZ MLS Rank 1 Evolution (First of Series) |
Pentru domnul care vroia sami vada UI si binds
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Voi nu ati inteles o chestie, am facut acest prim clip ,vorba unui om mai cu capul pe umeri de mai sus, pentru a promova 3s pe acest realm, nu pentru a-mi arata valoarea. Numai am timp sa ma joc ca alta data .... dar voi, cativa rectific ,mi-ati aratat cat de "Noliferi" si cat de mult va traiti viata in acest joc ... ... |
Topic: INFLAMEZ MLS Rank 1 Evolution (First of Series) |
Replies: 50
Views: 8216
Forum: WoW Movies Posted: 16-04-2012, 15:46:00 Subject: INFLAMEZ MLS Rank 1 Evolution (First of Series) |
Serios , tu vezi ce scrii ?
Da, si sustin ceea ce am zis mai sus. |
Topic: INFLAMEZ MLS Rank 1 Evolution (First of Series) |
Replies: 50
Views: 8216
Forum: WoW Movies Posted: 16-04-2012, 11:38:37 Subject: INFLAMEZ MLS Rank 1 Evolution (First of Series) |
[quote ascuns] Imi pare rau dar nu mi-am acoperit binds ... e doar modul widescreen din vegas pro 11, ... si apropo cred ca am mai mult timp de cand joc pe blizz decat tine .. nu exista "private server players" si "blizz players" all are the same.
Thanks de rate. |
Topic: INFLAMEZ MLS Rank 1 Evolution (First of Series) |
Replies: 50
Views: 8216
Forum: WoW Movies Posted: 16-04-2012, 00:18:57 Subject: INFLAMEZ MLS Rank 1 Evolution (First of Series) |
Soon WLS and Shadowplay. |