- reduce people needed for LFR to 15 and reduce boss HP/Damage by ~30%-40% - reduce boss HP/Damage in SoO 10n/25n/25hc by 20% (put on a debuff like on ToT) - cross faction guild invites - Ordos should ...
We were finally able to test Garrosh again (we only do 10HCs on weekdays, excluding friday).
The first Annihilate is still bug - people were standing behind him and got one shot (with the DR reductio ...
It seems Garrosh's skills can crit, not sure if it's every spell but: https://i.imgur.com/elp1LOC.png
Also, would it be possible to add more respawn points? When we re-enter after a wipe, we still sp ...
There is something wrong with the very first Annihilate cast. The Animation of the cone doesn't match up with the spell. On 16:13 you can see it pretty good - no one was standing in the cone and half ...