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  Topic: MERGETI LA VOT ! Primiti reputatie si achievements !

Replies: 66
Views: 17305

PostForum: Old announcements   Posted: 27-05-2019, 14:06:09   Subject: MERGETI LA VOT ! Primiti reputatie si achievements !
La multi ani Liviu Draknea, cu executare!
  Topic: Genesis

Replies: 16
Views: 7205

PostForum: Romanian   Posted: 28-12-2018, 21:40:29   Subject: Genesis
Exista totusi vreo sansa sa se mai bage Wotlk pe Freakz, vreodata? Ma uit pe Legion si vad 90% playeri noi. Unde-s playerii pe care i-am castigat in anii trecuti, sau playerii vechi / veteranii? E cla ...
  Topic: LEGION - Intrebari, raspunsuri, sugestii

Replies: 400
Views: 106199

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 05-03-2017, 10:55:07   Subject: LEGION - Intrebari, raspunsuri, sugestii
[quote ascuns]
Nu stiu la ce te gandesti, dar niste transmog gear (gen iteme verzi, albastre) nu ar strica + tabarduri si eventual niste fun items.
  Topic: Goodbye - Noddcrack(Cbalife)

Replies: 16
Views: 9439

PostForum: General Discussion   Posted: 27-09-2016, 08:38:16   Subject: Goodbye - Noddcrack(Cbalife)
I had a good time playing 3v3 with you and Riverflow. Gl irl. -
  Topic: [General][Macro] /equipslot macro

Replies: 2
Views: 1525

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 26-09-2016, 07:54:09   Subject: [General][Macro] /equipslot macro
You should use a macro like this:
/equipslot [equipped:shield] 17 (weapon name here)
  Topic: Perfect logic

Replies: 10
Views: 3348

PostForum: Romanian   Posted: 23-09-2016, 01:48:27   Subject: Re: Perfect logic
[quote ascuns]

[quote ascuns]
Facusem si eu topic despre asta.
  Topic: [SELLING] Gold & Stuff (NEW PRICES!)

Replies: 139
Views: 44002

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 23-09-2016, 01:42:32   Subject: [SELLING] Gold & Stuff (NEW PRICES!)
[quote ascuns]
I received them.
  Topic: [SELLING] Gold & Stuff (NEW PRICES!)

Replies: 139
Views: 44002

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 21-09-2016, 19:25:24   Subject: [SELLING] Gold & Stuff (NEW PRICES!)
I want 10 living steel.
Char: Moogul. Thanks.
  Topic: [REJECTED] [Warrior][PvE][PvP][Arms] Sweeping Strikes vs Slam

Replies: 13
Views: 5319

PostForum: Fixed / Closed bugs   Posted: 28-08-2016, 12:58:40   Subject: [REJECTED] [Warrior][PvE][PvP][Arms] Sweeping Strikes vs Slam
Partea cu stance-urile nu o pot confirma. Nicaieri n-am vazut sa activeze Battle Stance daca dai SS.
  Topic: 30 3v3 Rated Arenas quest - utilitate?

Replies: 36
Views: 8608

PostForum: Romanian   Posted: 27-08-2016, 12:38:46   Subject: 30 3v3 Rated Arenas quest - utilitate?
Mai putem preda questul vechi cu vote points daca nu am apucat sa-l terminam pana sa bagi questul nou? Vad ca daca ai ambele questuri, la cel vechi nu se contorizeaza win-urile. Eu am 27/30 arene jucate.
@ Shocker
  Topic: Arena Solo Queue

Replies: 137
Views: 41100

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 19-08-2016, 22:28:04   Subject: Arena Solo Queue
[quote ascuns]
Can you explain why? soloq reward must be something you need everyday. If i get a mount, then ill stop playing soloq, you get the idea.

[quote ascuns]
Nobody wants 1000000k gold. The difference is, with 200 gold you cant buy shit.
Lets say im a new player, im level 90 warrior in full grievous. I need enchants and some gems. I need ~31000g for my gear, and then another ~31000 for my prideful gear.
Shoulders - [url=]Greater Tiger Fang Inscription ~2000g
Cloak - [url=]Superior Critical Strike ~500g
Chest - [url=]Glorious Stats ~500g
Bracers - [url=]Superi ...
  Topic: 30 3v3 Rated Arenas quest - utilitate?

Replies: 36
Views: 8608

PostForum: Romanian   Posted: 16-08-2016, 18:07:50   Subject: 30 3v3 Rated Arenas quest - utilitate?
[quote ascuns]
Majoritatea nu au timp de farm. Daca am o ora la dispozitie, intru sa fac arene daca-s pvp player. Nu am timp/chef de nimic altceva.
In plus inainte faceai 100k din 30 de dungeonuri pe zi, ca primeai 4k per dungeon, iar daca da toata lumea join la soloq 3v3, nu vad ce e rau in asta. Fix asta vrem. Insta queues.
Gold pentru arene e cea mai decenta solutie momentan. Honor/conquest points / (premium) vote points ... nimic nu e bine. Gold vrea toata lumea.
  Topic: Arena Solo Queue

Replies: 137
Views: 41100

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 16-08-2016, 17:55:19   Subject: Arena Solo Queue
[quote ascuns]
Maybe you scared this will hurt the economy of the server. But remember when you used to win 4k per dungeon before? Everybody was happy , even pvp players used to play dungeons for that amount of gold and we had insta queues. This is all we want @ soloq.
Why not make it so that you win small amount of gold per win @ soloq 3v3, lets say 500g. 500x30 arenas per day = 15.000 gold, its not that much. If you play more than 30 arenas per day, is even better. Everybody is happy and thats all that matters.

[quote ascuns]
Good players already play soloq, but we need more people. A good dps can carry the whole team, it wont matter if you lose from time to time, most arenas will be victories. And i know some players who played soloq and improved a lot recently.
  Topic: Buy reputation points with vote points !

Replies: 69
Views: 111481

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 16-08-2016, 15:45:27   Subject: Buy reputation points with vote points !
Make it so i can transform less than 10 vote points into reputation points.
Ex. I have 157 vote points and i want to spend 150 on rename character and i have 7 points left. I want to get rid of them and transform them into reputation points.
  Topic: Arena Solo Queue

Replies: 137
Views: 41100

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 16-08-2016, 15:25:23   Subject: Arena Solo Queue
Being a daily quest is a very good idea.
10k gold reward for 30 soloq arenas, but there has to be a different quest for 3v3 with other rewards. People must play both 3v3 and soloq, not choose one of them.
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