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Topic: Plangere 4s @ Know |
Replies: 4
Views: 335
Forum: Trash Posted: 01-07-2015, 22:14:24 Subject: Plangere 4s @ Know |
Numele dumneavoastra :OneShooT@ NeymarK
Numele adminului reclamat :4s @ KnoW
Data si ora :1.7.2015 23:02
Motiv reclamatie a Sley degeaba,se oftica ca l-am omorat......
Dovada (se accepta doar pr ... |
Topic: [Respins] [Unban] Pika + Ban pe degeaba |
Replies: 3
Views: 280
Forum: Trash Posted: 19-06-2015, 20:56:22 Subject: [Unban] Pika + Ban pe degeaba |
Numele tãu :OneShooT@ NeymarK
Numele adminului care te-a banat :Freakz * HoD.Thuanny
IP :Nu il stiu deoarece am primit pika
STEAM ID :Nu il stiu deoarece am primit pika
Data si ora :19.06.2015 21 ... |
Topic: Cele 4 stadii ale omului eficient |
Replies: 26
Views: 1871
Forum: Trash Posted: 18-06-2015, 17:12:41 Subject: Cele 4 stadii ale omului eficient |
am inteles |
Topic: [Rezolvat] Reclamatie 4S @ DARKISS |
Replies: 9
Views: 620
Forum: Trash Posted: 18-06-2015, 09:50:45 Subject: [Rezolvat] Reclamatie 4S @ DARKISS |
Pro Seby are dreptate |
Topic: [Respins] Reclamatie pRo. |
Replies: 4
Views: 312
Forum: Trash Posted: 17-06-2015, 18:38:08 Subject: Reclamatie pRo. |
Numele dumneavoastra :OneShooT@ NeymarK
Numele adminului reclamat :pRo.
Data si ora :17:06:2015 19:30
Motiv reclamatie : Da camp degeaba pentruca l-am omorat si zice ca am facut camp si tot sv sa ... |
Topic: Consiliul Adminilor |
Replies: 143
Views: 13323
Forum: Trash Posted: 15-06-2015, 21:36:56 Subject: Consiliul Adminilor |
Nume forum:NeymarK
Nume admin pe server:OneShooT@ NeymarK
Grad pe server:am fost god member dar ma suspendat si a zis ca ma anunta
Ultima modificare efectuatã de cãtre thuanny la 15-06-2015, 22:3 ... |
Topic: [COMPLETE] League of Legends 1vs1 EUNE v4 |
Replies: 55
Views: 12498
Forum: Trash Posted: 15-06-2015, 21:28:33 Subject: [COMPLETE] League of Legends 1vs1 EUNE v4 |
Nickname : OneShooT@ NeymarK
Skpye : ionut ion [NeymarK] |
Topic: Clanul OneShooT@ recruteaza noi membri |
Replies: 16
Views: 1429
Forum: Trash Posted: 15-06-2015, 20:30:12 Subject: Clanul OneShooT@ recruteaza noi membri |
Acceptat Razvanxcz
Schimba numele |
Topic: [Aprobat] Cerere Slot :) |
Replies: 8
Views: 832
Forum: Trash Posted: 14-06-2015, 10:15:42 Subject: [Aprobat] Cerere Slot :) |
Pro |
Topic: Clanul OneShooT@ recruteaza noi membri |
Replies: 16
Views: 1429
Forum: Trash Posted: 14-06-2015, 02:16:35 Subject: Clanul OneShooT@ recruteaza noi membri |
Acceptat Ionut
Schimba numele |
Topic: Clanul OneShooT@ recruteaza noi membri |
Replies: 16
Views: 1429
Forum: Trash Posted: 13-06-2015, 23:25:14 Subject: Clanul OneShooT@ recruteaza noi membri |
Acceptat CosminFTW
Schimba numele |
Topic: Clanul OneShooT@ recruteaza noi membri |
Replies: 16
Views: 1429
Forum: Trash Posted: 12-06-2015, 22:03:15 Subject: Clanul OneShooT@ recruteaza noi membri |
Acceptat DirecT[IN[]Ureche
schimba numele |
Topic: Clanul OneShooT@ recruteaza noi membri |
Replies: 16
Views: 1429
Forum: Trash Posted: 12-06-2015, 19:49:07 Subject: Clanul OneShooT@ recruteaza noi membri |
Schimba numele |
Topic: [Respins] Cerere helper OneShooT@ NimeniLaFelCaMine |
Replies: 15
Views: 964
Forum: Trash Posted: 12-06-2015, 19:37:13 Subject: [Respins] Cerere helper OneShooT@ NimeniLaFelCaMine |
Acceptal stiu ca e un admin bun PRO PRO PRO |
Topic: [Rezolvat] Reclamatie Neymark |
Replies: 19
Views: 1140
Forum: Trash Posted: 11-06-2015, 21:32:02 Subject: [Rezolvat] Reclamatie Neymark |
da dar ai zis si ca nu te bagi pt nici unul |