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Topic: 2v2 Tournament |
Replies: 18
Views: 3956
Forum: Trash Posted: 20-01-2016, 21:19:15 Subject: 2v2 Tournament |
Good luck with the tournament boyz.
Looking forward to see which of the next 3 comps will take rank 1, 2 and 3:
1. Hpala War
2. Hpala Udk
3. Mage Priest
Vote please! ![-](images/smiles/christmas_4.gif) |
Topic: [REJECTED] [Death Knight][Spells][Necrotic Strike] |
Replies: 48
Views: 14520
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 20-01-2016, 14:48:18 Subject: [REJECTED] [Death Knight][Spells][Necrotic Strike] |
All this nonsense and shit and QQ.
I'm glad I'm not playing anymore, you guys are messed up in the head.
Take a chill pill. |
Topic: What is your favorite DK spec? |
Replies: 26
Views: 7674
Forum: Trash Posted: 12-01-2016, 02:41:07 Subject: What is your favorite DK spec? |
PvE Dps: Frost
PvP Dps: Unholy
PvE Tank: Blood
The favorite depends on what you do.
For myself, unholy is the best. |
Topic: PvP dimishing return. |
Replies: 3
Views: 1035
Forum: Trash Posted: 08-01-2016, 12:51:02 Subject: PvP dimishing return. |
[quote ascuns] Do you have a Diminishing Return addon in order to verify this or just speaking out of the top of your head?
DR has 18 sec cooldown, if the players you are facing know of this and have an addon to track the DRs, you will get full CCs every 18 sec. |
Topic: PvE gear downscale in PvP in phase two.. |
Replies: 20
Views: 4282
Forum: Trash Posted: 03-01-2016, 13:04:11 Subject: PvE gear downscale in PvP in phase two.. |
[quote ascuns] And you will be waiting a while bruh, just take the season off, best way imo.
I've given them the PvP Revival Project, trying to fix what was wrong with pvp.
And almost everything that I've suggested, was time and script friendly so that no hard work would've been needed.
Did they listen?, nah, they know better I gue ... |
Topic: Proiect Revitalizare PvP |
Replies: 72
Views: 11718
Forum: Romanian Posted: 02-01-2016, 14:14:43 Subject: Proiect Revitalizare PvP |
@&^%$RTYU |
Topic: Unholy Death Knight - Problems with Runes. |
Replies: 4
Views: 2157
Forum: Trash Posted: 02-01-2016, 13:47:41 Subject: Unholy Death Knight - Problems with Runes. |
You can read as many guides as you want, they won't help you with this problem.
If you want to learn rune management and uptime dps, go and start hitting a dummy, for 1-2 hours a day, for 1-2 weeks. (USING YOUR PVP SPEC AND ABILITIES)
After that, I assure you, you won't have any problems.
It's all about creating the finger reflexes and being able to predict what runes will c ... |
Topic: [Complete]Freakz Annual Competition - Dota 2 Tournament |
Replies: 39
Views: 13898
Forum: Archive - subdomain requests Posted: 06-12-2015, 15:41:55 Subject: [Complete]Freakz Annual Competition - Dota 2 Tournament |
ID Skype: carimabdul
Steam profile:
Dota2 Nick-name: Njurax |
Topic: Propunere Remove Arena Spectate |
Replies: 32
Views: 6989
Forum: Other Posted: 28-11-2015, 02:40:19 Subject: Propunere Remove Arena Spectate |
[quote ascuns] Asta impaca si capra si varza.
+1 |
Topic: Best in Class Players MOP edition |
Replies: 55
Views: 17173
Forum: Trash Posted: 28-11-2015, 02:14:14 Subject: Best in Class Players MOP edition |
[quote ascuns] Tu vorbesti alta limba bai baiatule.
Ai habar ce e aia ipocrizie macar? Sau folosesti cuvinte pretentioase doar ca sa para ca esti destept?
Cand soarele tau am fost eu ipocrit fata de tine sau fata de altii?
E o pierdere de timp simplul fapt ca iti raspund la ofense. Ramai cu bine! |
Topic: Best in Class Players MOP edition |
Replies: 55
Views: 17173
Forum: Trash Posted: 27-11-2015, 03:16:52 Subject: Best in Class Players MOP edition |
[quote ascuns] Esti mai prost decat prevede legea.
Glyph-ul acela e facut expre ca sa poti sa iti dai heal la pets si sa nu-ti manance tot runic power.
Orice DK din lumea asta care are o treaba cu jocul il foloseste pentru acel 20 RP refund.
Ma intriga faptul ca iti permiti sa te iei de persoane pe care nu le cunosti si sa pui porecle fara ca sa iti fac sau sa-ti zic ceva vreodata.
Habar nu am cine esti, nu am vorbit niciodata, de aceea, te-as sfatui sa ai grija cum si despre cine vorbesti. |
Topic: Rezolvare pentru "Rated" BGs |
Replies: 14
Views: 2442
Forum: Romanian Posted: 24-11-2015, 21:04:10 Subject: Rezolvare pentru "Rated" BGs |
[quote ascuns] Strategia fiecarei firme de succes.
Te contrazic totusi, pe freakz merge MOP cel mai bine dintre toate serverele private, treaba se face, doar ca nu in ritm de retail, pentru ca nu sunt 100 de persoane care sa faca development.
Singura modalitate ca sa mentii un server privat in picioare este din donatii.
Daca nu ma crezi, vezi WoW Retail Expansions, Dota2 Skins, LoL Skins, etc...
Cand opresti productia, nu mai vin nici banii, plutesti cat plutesti si dupa ... pa!
Dupa toate cele zise, ce treaba are discursul tau cu postul meu? |
Topic: Rogue LF Long-therm 2s partner |
Replies: 5
Views: 1992
Forum: Trash Posted: 24-11-2015, 20:56:07 Subject: Rogue LF Long-therm 2s partner |
will you be my valentine ? ))) |
Topic: Rezolvare pentru "Rated" BGs |
Replies: 14
Views: 2442
Forum: Romanian Posted: 21-11-2015, 18:46:22 Subject: Rezolvare pentru "Rated" BGs |
Deci, fii atent, mai explic o data:
1. Luam sistemul de rate de la arene si il aplicam la BG-urile Normale.
2. Facem ca toti jucatorii care dau queue la BG normal (cu sau fara party), sa primeasca punctaje in functie de win sau lose, la fel cum se intampla in arena.
3. Rezultatele le trecem in Bracketul de Rated BGs.
Ce vreau sa fac cu ideea asta:
E mult de munca ca sa scriptezi Rated BGs, a zis si Shockeru, de aceea, facem o smecherie.
Nu introducem Rated BGs cu cerere de 10 man raid, etc... pentru ca oricum nu va intra mai nimeni 10 vs 10.
In schimb, dam scor tuturor care intra la BG normale, indiferent ca intra cu party sau solo... si ce iese, punctajul dupa win/lose (rate), il trecem in Bracketul de Rated BGs.
Ce sugerez eu aici, e mai mult un f ... |
Topic: "Rated BGs" Problem Solver |
Replies: 0
Views: 598
Forum: Trash Posted: 20-11-2015, 01:47:21 Subject: "Rated BGs" Problem Solver |
so... I had this random, wonderful IDEA, WHAT IF ?! @Shocker
So thing is like this:
We take the MMR - Ranking system that we already have for arenas, we apply it to the Rated Battleground Bracket, and we score every player that enters a BG through the normal queue with it, regardless if he is queuing with a premade (party) or by himself.
Just imagine, we hit a home run here, follow me now:
0. Minimum ilvl for BG entry: 450
1. Conquest Points Cap will grow from "Arena Cap" to "Arena Cap + Rated BG Cap" -> Blizzlike, Problem Solved
2. Rated BG bracket will be active, with a scoring board for all the PvP guilds that enjoy BGs
- Being Cross Faction, it's already balanced since you can join with 1 premade max, therefore the BGs are fair-play to some point.
3. We d ... |