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  Topic: dproto 0.9.87 [Protocol 47+48 STEAM - NONSTEAM]
ProG - Liviu

Replies: 337
Views: 539189

PostForum: Tutorials   Posted: 25-07-2009, 20:31:39   Subject: dproto 0.9.87 [Protocol 47+48 STEAM - NONSTEAM]
Trebuie sa schimbi in amx.cfg ip serverului cu al tau
  Topic: dproto 0.9.87 [Protocol 47+48 STEAM - NONSTEAM]
ProG - Liviu

Replies: 337
Views: 539189

PostForum: Tutorials   Posted: 23-07-2009, 11:22:46   Subject: dproto 0.9.87 [Protocol 47+48 STEAM - NONSTEAM]
Uite aici pluginu care trimite oameni spre alt server simple redirect
si uite si rezolvarea sa mearga normal
Replace this line: ...
  Topic: dproto 0.9.87 [Protocol 47+48 STEAM - NONSTEAM]
ProG - Liviu

Replies: 337
Views: 539189

PostForum: Tutorials   Posted: 22-07-2009, 01:11:51   Subject: dproto 0.9.87 [Protocol 47+48 STEAM - NONSTEAM]
da e adevarat apare la fav si la 47 si la 48 , dar repet am o problema nu apare in lista de servere si nici la game-monitor si am mai observat ca nu i se activeaza la pornire cele doua ip master s ...
  Topic: dproto 0.9.87 [Protocol 47+48 STEAM - NONSTEAM]
ProG - Liviu

Replies: 337
Views: 539189

PostForum: Tutorials   Posted: 21-07-2009, 11:16:07   Subject: dproto 0.9.87 [Protocol 47+48 STEAM - NONSTEAM]
Este scos
  Topic: dproto 0.9.87 [Protocol 47+48 STEAM - NONSTEAM]
ProG - Liviu

Replies: 337
Views: 539189

PostForum: Tutorials   Posted: 21-07-2009, 02:15:20   Subject: dproto 0.9.87 [Protocol 47+48 STEAM - NONSTEAM]
Aceiasi problema o am si eu apare la favorit dar nu apare pe net nici de nebun.
Am modificat in cfg si degeaba .
Alta idee?
  Topic: dproto 0.9.87 [Protocol 47+48 STEAM - NONSTEAM]
ProG - Liviu

Replies: 337
Views: 539189

PostForum: Tutorials   Posted: 19-07-2009, 01:09:36   Subject: dproto 0.9.87 [Protocol 47+48 STEAM - NONSTEAM]
a aparut noua versiune .
  Topic: dproto 0.9.87 [Protocol 47+48 STEAM - NONSTEAM]
ProG - Liviu

Replies: 337
Views: 539189

PostForum: Tutorials   Posted: 17-07-2009, 10:00:12   Subject: dproto 0.9.87 [Protocol 47+48 STEAM - NONSTEAM]
Nici o problema astept , decat ca era foarte bun aparea pe net la fav , varianta cbooster nu apare la fav la cei cu steam , era un avantaj .
  Topic: dproto 0.9.87 [Protocol 47+48 STEAM - NONSTEAM]
ProG - Liviu

Replies: 337
Views: 539189

PostForum: Tutorials   Posted: 16-07-2009, 21:25:50   Subject: dproto 0.9.87 [Protocol 47+48 STEAM - NONSTEAM]
Nu da exact asa
8 plugins , 7 running
Mentionez serverul este facut astazi . posibil sa se fi facut o adaptare ceva la steam in ultimele zile .
asta cred eu
  Topic: dproto 0.9.87 [Protocol 47+48 STEAM - NONSTEAM]
ProG - Liviu

Replies: 337
Views: 539189

PostForum: Tutorials   Posted: 16-07-2009, 18:52:44   Subject: dproto 0.9.87 [Protocol 47+48 STEAM - NONSTEAM]
Pai uite care e problema nu ruleaza .
[ 8] Ham Sandwich RUN- hamsandwich_amxx v1.8.1.3 pl1ANYANY
[ 7] CSX RUN- v1.8.1.3 pl1ANYANY
[ 6] CStrike RUN- cstrike_amxx_i38 v1.8.1.3 pl1ANY ...
  Topic: dproto 0.9.87 [Protocol 47+48 STEAM - NONSTEAM]
ProG - Liviu

Replies: 337
Views: 539189

PostForum: Tutorials   Posted: 16-07-2009, 13:57:41   Subject: dproto 0.9.87 [Protocol 47+48 STEAM - NONSTEAM]
Am instalat serveru de la 0 deci este actualizat la ultima versiune dar primesc aceasta erroare .
Si accepta decat steam user
L 07/15/2009 - 14:54:16: World triggered "Round_Start"
VAC s ...
  Topic: dproto 0.9.87 [Protocol 47+48 STEAM - NONSTEAM]
ProG - Liviu

Replies: 337
Views: 539189

PostForum: Tutorials   Posted: 12-07-2009, 15:50:37   Subject: dproto 0.9.87 [Protocol 47+48 STEAM - NONSTEAM]
Merge foarte bine pe linux apare pe net apare la favorit dar exista o problema .
Daca dai admin pe nick la amxmodx acesta nu functioneaza , doar daca e pe steam id sau ip functioneaza.
Exista cumva ...
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