Author |
Message |
Topic: Romanian Spam Zone #25 |
Replies: 1365
Views: 265925
Forum: Politics & Social Posted: 22-06-2020, 17:03:34 Subject: Romanian Spam Zone #25 |
[quote ascuns] Ai unul și de la mine. Acum ai ajuns exact la câte [url=]likes ajunsesem și eu când am vrut să îl fac și ... |
Topic: Romanian Spam Zone #25 |
Replies: 1365
Views: 265925
Forum: Politics & Social Posted: 29-04-2020, 20:26:17 Subject: Romanian Spam Zone #25 |
Slabut, slabut, unde e spamul? |
Topic: La multi ani?! |
Replies: 8
Views: 1786
Forum: Anniversaries Posted: 10-11-2019, 22:28:37 Subject: La multi ani?! |
Thanks, guys!
Thank you, AvioanE especially! ^^ |
Topic: MERGETI LA VOT ! Primiti reputatie si achievements ! |
Replies: 66
Views: 17314
Forum: Old announcements Posted: 28-05-2019, 10:48:53 Subject: MERGETI LA VOT ! Primiti reputatie si achievements ! | |
Topic: [Voting] AOTW - 140 |
Replies: 4
Views: 1572
Forum: Competitions Posted: 13-04-2019, 11:41:06 Subject: [Voting] AOTW - 140 |
V1, frumoasa prelucrare. |
Topic: Raportare Moderator |
Replies: 2
Views: 1534
Forum: Trash Posted: 08-09-2018, 13:43:06 Subject: Raportare Moderator |
[quote ascuns] Salut! Daca te uiti atent in printscreen-ul tau, poti vedea ca "Aids" este numele canalului utilizat de acei useri, nicidecum un moderator sau altceva. Probabil canalul tau nu avea parola si de aceea puteau intra la tine pe canal. Pentru a ii seta o p ... |
Replies: 1
Views: 18306
Forum: FREAKZ BIRTHDAY TOURNAMENT Posted: 05-09-2018, 16:31:12 Subject: [FBT] FREAKZ BIRTHDAY TOURNAMENT is on! |
1st Place: 15€ Paysafe Card + 1 CS:GO key + 1000 reputation points;
2nd Place: 10€ Paysafe Card + 1 CS:GO key + 750 reputation points;
3rd Place: 5€ Paysafe Card + 1 CS:GO key + 500 reputation points;
4th Place: 1 CS:GO claim link + 400 reputation points;
5th Place: 1 CS:GO claim link ... |
Topic: [FBT] NEW LOGO? |
Replies: 13
Views: 5297
Forum: FREAKZ BIRTHDAY TOURNAMENT Posted: 05-09-2018, 11:32:27 Subject: [FBT] NEW LOGO? |
Leaderboard - NEW LOGO?
giojax - 12 points;
sebastian - 11 points;
Narzisse - 10 points;
fTw'Dragon - 9 points;
mac123pit - 8 points;
PapaSagua - 7 points;
Sabecky - 6 points;
Maiter - 5 points;
markdaraban18 - 4 points;
Suspectul - 3 points;
BlackSkills7 - 2 points;
capsunicaa - 1 point.
Topic: [FBT] STORY TIME! How did you join Freakz? |
Replies: 17
Views: 5591
Forum: FREAKZ BIRTHDAY TOURNAMENT Posted: 03-09-2018, 15:10:44 Subject: [FBT] STORY TIME! How did you join Freakz? |
Leaderboard - STORY TIME! How did you join Freakz?
Ravenous - 12 points; Burebysta - 11 points; Narzisse - 10 points; Stimulation - 9 points; Carinna - 8 points; andy3209 - 7 points; bluemoon93 - 6 points; Sabecky - 5 points; capsunicaaa - 4 points; fTw'Dragon - 3 points; Maiter - 2 points; Dazu - 1 point.
Topic: Canal TS |
Replies: 1
Views: 1410
Forum: TeamSpeak channel requests Posted: 03-09-2018, 10:06:52 Subject: Canal TS |
Done. Please check the PM I had sent you. |
Topic: [FBT] Artistic Anniversary! |
Replies: 10
Views: 3931
Forum: FREAKZ BIRTHDAY TOURNAMENT Posted: 30-08-2018, 17:19:03 Subject: [FBT] Artistic Anniversary! |
Leaderboard - Artistic Anniversary!
Wildenza - 12 points;
bluemoon93 - 11 points;
Narzisse - 10 points;
theskele - 9 points;
andy3209 - 8 points;
Sabecky - 7 points;
capsunicaa - 6 points;
fTw'Dragon - 5 points;
Maiter - 4 points.
Topic: Penalaa |
Replies: 1
Views: 1503
Forum: Server Group requests Posted: 28-08-2018, 09:53:08 Subject: Penalaa |
Ţi-am trimis pm. |
Topic: canal ts |
Replies: 3
Views: 1527
Forum: TeamSpeak channel requests Posted: 28-08-2018, 09:47:38 Subject: canal ts |
[quote ascuns] Te rog creează un topic [url=]aici. |
Topic: [FBT] Questions / concerns regarding the Tournament |
Replies: 29
Views: 8067
Forum: FREAKZ BIRTHDAY TOURNAMENT Posted: 27-08-2018, 21:34:14 Subject: [FBT] Questions / concerns regarding the Tournament |
Postasem toate punctele de vot primite. Dar din moment ce la concursuri nu au votat același număr de persoane, ieșea o discrepanță prea mare în punctaje. La fiecare concurs va fi top 12 și atât.
Topic: [FBT] GAMING? Who, me? |
Replies: 10
Views: 3245
Forum: FREAKZ BIRTHDAY TOURNAMENT Posted: 27-08-2018, 18:06:50 Subject: [FBT] GAMING? Who, me? |
Leaderboard - GAMING? Who, me?
capsunicaaa - 12 points;
markdaraban18 - 11 points;
Maiter - 10 points;
Sabecky - 9 points;
bluemoon93 - 8 points;
Suspectul - 7 points;
andy3209 - 6 points;
Narzisse - 5 points;
BlackSkills - 4 points.