WoW Freakz link:
Bug description: I pressed accidentaly Esc key while channeling the empower spell for the new tra ...
I have noticed the same thing, when it shows Northern Stranglethorn vale you can't get the survey tool nor the fragments to appear. For me the two digsites on Northern Stranglethorn are both block ...
There is a major issue with Yogg Saron encounter: the brain inside the mind's eye will self destruct after the first encounter, meaning if you wipe then next time the brain will be dead and you ca ...
Character Name: Massacrelord
Item Name & ID: Sealed Chest
Armory Link:
Details: (optional) Please read carefully my situation before rejecting it again. The issue with the Sealed Chest is not t ...
I've read several topics on the forum related to the Sealed Chest however this is the first regarding the situation when you have already completed and turned in the quest. Even though it says ...