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  Topic: Instalare Server CS 1.6, nonsteam, protocol 47(vechi) Linux

Replies: 181
Views: 189174

PostForum: Tutorials   Posted: 04-03-2010, 11:03:48   Subject: Instalare Server CS 1.6, nonsteam, protocol 47(vechi) Linux
Am adminmod nu amx mod
Nu imi merge WebMod
Cand intru pe site scrie : Conexiunea a fost reinițializatã
Am inteles dintr-un post tot dupa forum-ul asta urmatoarea chestie , insa link-ul nu merge.
Stie cineva ce tre sa compilez eu ?!


Replies: 18
Views: 20585

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 04-03-2010, 09:38:42   Subject: PHPrcon Cel mai tare Webserver For Cs 1.6
- $config_map_amount is the number of pages of maps that are sent from the gameserver
Aici ce draq scriu ?
Imi tot da eroarea asta : Map Amount has to be greater than 0 (click)
  Topic: Instalare Server CS 1.6, nonsteam, protocol 47(vechi) Linux

Replies: 181
Views: 189174

PostForum: Tutorials   Posted: 02-03-2010, 13:54:50   Subject: Instalare Server CS 1.6, nonsteam, protocol 47(vechi) Linux
Acum exista alta problema am incercat sa bag webmod si nu merge. In plus de asta sounds cum bag ?!
Ex : first blood , ultrakill , etc
Mentionez ca am gasit ceva si am copiat in sounds ultimate_sounds si in misc la fel (toate necesare). Trebuie activate , tr ...
  Topic: Instalare Server CS 1.6, nonsteam, protocol 47(vechi) Linux

Replies: 181
Views: 189174

PostForum: Tutorials   Posted: 02-03-2010, 07:22:32   Subject: Instalare Server CS 1.6, nonsteam, protocol 47(vechi) Linux
E problema ca nu porneste AdminMod si StatsMe cand ruleaza serveru nui problema din eroarea aia ca am reusit sa il instalez si fara eroarea aia !

I can now install the Admin Mod files. Proceed? (y/n)
Poftim fara erori !
LE : Am reusit , va multumesc , n ...
  Topic: Instalare Server CS 1.6, nonsteam, protocol 47(vechi) Linux

Replies: 181
Views: 189174

PostForum: Tutorials   Posted: 01-03-2010, 08:01:41   Subject: Instalare Server CS 1.6, nonsteam, protocol 47(vechi) Linux
Am rezolvat problema ms , merge perfect insa nu merge admin_mod si nici statsme (cand dau rank)
Cand intru ar trebui sa ma intrebe sa ma loghez da nu intreaba nimic intra asa si cand dau : admin_who sau orice alta comanda zice unknow command
] admin_who
Unk ...
  Topic: Instalare server CS 1.6 Non-Steam, protocol 48(nou) Linux

Replies: 74
Views: 94905

PostForum: Tutorials   Posted: 01-03-2010, 07:41:30   Subject: Instalare server CS 1.6 Non-Steam, protocol 48(nou) Linux
[root@s15331319 hlds]# ./hlds_run -game cstrike +ip +port 27015 +sv_lan 1 -nomaster +maxplayers 22 +map de_dust2
Auto detecting CPU
Using AMD Optimised binary.
Auto-restarting the server on crash
Console initialized.
scandir failed:/usr/hlds ...
  Topic: Instalare Server CS 1.6, nonsteam, protocol 47(vechi) Linux

Replies: 181
Views: 189174

PostForum: Tutorials   Posted: 28-02-2010, 09:58:28   Subject: Instalare Server CS 1.6, nonsteam, protocol 47(vechi) Linux
are cineva idee ce are ?!
[root@s15331319 hlds]# ./hlds_run -game cstrike +ip +port 27015 +sv_lan 1 -nomaster +maxplayers 22 +map de_dust2
Auto detecting CPU
Using AMD Optimised binary.
Auto-restarting the server on crash
Error:libSteamValid ...
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