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Topic: Romanian Spam Zone #25 |
Replies: 1365
Views: 265100
Forum: Politics & Social Posted: 23-04-2019, 04:04:06 Subject: Romanian Spam Zone #25 |
Mai faceti si voi vreun turneu d-ala la 1.6 ca vreau sa castig sa nu mai am reputatie pe minus.
Salut mai Avioane, ce mai faci? |
Topic: Romanian Spam Zone #25 |
Replies: 1365
Views: 265100
Forum: Politics & Social Posted: 07-02-2019, 01:03:21 Subject: Romanian Spam Zone #25 |
M-am plictisit sa-mi bag ****-n viata. |
Topic: Romanian Spam Zone #25 |
Replies: 1365
Views: 265100
Forum: Politics & Social Posted: 14-01-2019, 04:19:26 Subject: Romanian Spam Zone #25 |
S-a cam dus comunitatea asta din ce vad, nu mai este ce era odata. |
Topic: Romanian Spam Zone #25 |
Replies: 1365
Views: 265100
Forum: Politics & Social Posted: 29-07-2018, 06:20:29 Subject: Romanian Spam Zone #25 |
Un administrator cu rep mai putina decat ma baga si pe minus si isi mai da si el pe langa asta 350 rep bravo amg si restor celor din staff |
Topic: Around the World - V3 [Concurs] |
Replies: 68
Views: 15909
Forum: Trash Posted: 20-06-2018, 12:56:26 Subject: Around the World - V3 [Concurs] |
Care este cea mai populata tara de pe glob? |
Topic: Around the World - V3 [Concurs] |
Replies: 68
Views: 15909
Forum: Trash Posted: 16-05-2018, 12:11:04 Subject: Around the World - V3 [Concurs] |
Ce populatie are judetul Buzau? |
Topic: Around the World - V3 [Concurs] |
Replies: 68
Views: 15909
Forum: Trash Posted: 12-05-2018, 13:32:31 Subject: Around the World - V3 [Concurs] |
Ce varsta are Maruta de la televizor? |
Topic: Around the World - V3 [Concurs] |
Replies: 68
Views: 15909
Forum: Trash Posted: 03-05-2018, 15:26:48 Subject: Around the World - V3 [Concurs] |
Cati ani are Basescu? |
Topic: Around the World - V3 [Concurs] |
Replies: 68
Views: 15909
Forum: Trash Posted: 03-05-2018, 15:10:37 Subject: Around the World - V3 [Concurs] |
Corect, next n-ai voie sa postezi.
In ce an a fost construit Coloana Infinitului? |
Topic: Around the World - V3 [Concurs] |
Replies: 68
Views: 15909
Forum: Trash Posted: 03-05-2018, 12:38:13 Subject: Around the World - V3 [Concurs] |
In ce an a fost construit primul avion? |
Topic: Around the World - V3 [Concurs] |
Replies: 68
Views: 15909
Forum: Trash Posted: 02-05-2018, 20:02:52 Subject: Around the World - V3 [Concurs] |
Corect, next n-ai voie sa postezi.
In ce an s-a unit Romania cu Moldova? |
Topic: Around the World - V3 [Concurs] |
Replies: 68
Views: 15909
Forum: Trash Posted: 01-05-2018, 12:10:01 Subject: Around the World - V3 [Concurs] |
Cati ani are presedintele Romaniei? |
Topic: Around the World - V3 [Concurs] |
Replies: 68
Views: 15909
Forum: Trash Posted: 01-05-2018, 11:29:00 Subject: Around the World - V3 [Concurs] |
Corect, next n-ai voie sa postezi.
Care este cea mai scumpa masina de pe Terra? |
Topic: Song of the Week - v71 - Muzica Rock - |
Replies: 8
Views: 5587
Forum: Contests Posted: 30-04-2018, 10:17:59 Subject: Song of the Week - v71 - Muzica Rock - |
Song of the Week - v71 -
Concursul constã in selectarea celei mai reușite melodii care sã respecte tema oferitã, iar la finalul sãptãmanii se va alege castigãtorul ... |
Topic: Around the World - V3 [Concurs] |
Replies: 68
Views: 15909
Forum: Trash Posted: 30-04-2018, 10:10:08 Subject: Around the World - V3 [Concurs] |
Corect, Dazu'
Ce adancime are ''Groapa Marianelor'' si in ce ocean se afla?