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Topic: mute bookmaster |
¤ Spyke ¤
Replies: 4
Views: 805
Forum: Trash Posted: 02-08-2010, 21:31:58 Subject: mute bookmaster |
Injuraturile sau comportamentul vulgar/abuziv fata de alti jucatori sau la adresa serverului
mai citeste regulamentu prietene ..orice injuratura ..cai pe /w /say /guild etc . adresata unui player se ... |
Topic: [Artwork] Ei8hter |
¤ Spyke ¤
Replies: 6106
Views: 563167
Forum: Graphic's Archive Posted: 02-08-2010, 21:27:57 Subject: [Artwork] Ei8hter |
riper e capu tau ba ..putea si ala sa schimbe numele la psd....mai uitate pe net umpic la tutoriale apoi vorbeste |
Topic: Poze & Filme |
¤ Spyke ¤
Replies: 44
Views: 6880
Forum: Trash Posted: 02-08-2010, 20:22:32 Subject: Poze & Filme |
[quote ascuns] no comment ) |
Topic: [Artwork] Ei8hter |
¤ Spyke ¤
Replies: 6106
Views: 563167
Forum: Graphic's Archive Posted: 02-08-2010, 19:55:50 Subject: [Artwork] Ei8hter |
dati tu foc ma puscatule ...... si care ii faca cu printu ala ? |
Topic: Poze & Filme |
¤ Spyke ¤
Replies: 44
Views: 6880
Forum: Trash Posted: 02-08-2010, 19:50:35 Subject: Re: Ana Cristina |
[quote ascuns] daca chiar tu esti aceea ..pacat de tine |
Topic: report afk |
¤ Spyke ¤
Replies: 27
Views: 3631
Forum: Romanian Posted: 02-08-2010, 19:17:44 Subject: report afk |
de global ai auzit ? |
Topic: report afk |
¤ Spyke ¤
Replies: 27
Views: 3631
Forum: Romanian Posted: 02-08-2010, 18:46:26 Subject: report afk |
daca ai citit bine am zis si HEROICE cred ca ai nev de guild pt heroice ...daaaaa |
Topic: [Artwork] Ei8hter |
¤ Spyke ¤
Replies: 6106
Views: 563167
Forum: Graphic's Archive Posted: 02-08-2010, 17:42:05 Subject: [Artwork] Ei8hter |
are you happy now ? |
Topic: report afk |
¤ Spyke ¤
Replies: 27
Views: 3631
Forum: Romanian Posted: 02-08-2010, 16:50:27 Subject: report afk |
asa de curiozitate ..astia care intrati in bg cu 2-3k gs .. nu ati auzit si voi de reputati ? heroice ? faci intro zii 20 si cv de emblem of triumph 30 iei deja 1 item calumea ...dar vi prea lene ..voi vreti totu mura in gura ... |
Topic: [Artwork] Ei8hter |
¤ Spyke ¤
Replies: 6106
Views: 563167
Forum: Graphic's Archive Posted: 02-08-2010, 16:34:24 Subject: [Artwork] Ei8hter |
eu zic sa iti dai o palma
new : |
Topic: O poza :> |
¤ Spyke ¤
Replies: 5
Views: 1098
Forum: Trash Posted: 02-08-2010, 15:45:28 Subject: O poza :> |
wtf ?  |
Topic: [Artwork] Ei8hter |
¤ Spyke ¤
Replies: 6106
Views: 563167
Forum: Graphic's Archive Posted: 02-08-2010, 15:16:12 Subject: [Artwork] Ei8hter | |
Topic: Creatii ! |
¤ Spyke ¤
Replies: 0
Views: 631
Forum: Creations Posted: 02-08-2010, 15:09:44 Subject: Creatii ! |
aici am sa postez creatii ! |
Topic: AfterDark |
¤ Spyke ¤
Replies: 6
Views: 1214
Forum: Trash Posted: 02-08-2010, 14:50:41 Subject: AfterDark |
[quote ascuns] acceptat ! ai 5 zile sa faci peste 4k gs ..te ajutam si voi dar trebuie sa muncesti si tu ! /w Ghostface ingame |
Topic: AfterDark |
¤ Spyke ¤
Replies: 6
Views: 1214
Forum: Trash Posted: 02-08-2010, 14:13:57 Subject: AfterDark |
First Guild Event : Hide and Seek : Castigator a fost Allykiller ! |