Hi there fellow warrior
I'd like to learn arms Warrior since i want to master this class in all 3 specs. Is there anyone Who can link a 7.1.5 guide or teach me how to play It?
Thank you
The real issue is to find a good guide (maybe a errore One) or someone in freakz who'd like to explain me how to use it
p.s. sry hcmendez if i didn't answer before but i've no ally's char
I think that WarningG's idea is the best One. It both helps guilds Who would like to help low geared player/alt by doing 2 normals per week (with some so called boosters which are already geared and c ...
Option 2 is the way a pve lookalike guild has to point on. I mean it's reckless that you have to face over and over the same bosses while you can't loot. The best way to let Everyone be Happy are:
Te ...