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Topic: Nesto noviji datum |
Replies: 0
Views: 993
Forum: Trash Posted: 21-02-2017, 13:32:41 Subject: Nesto noviji datum |
Ako ima koga, ja cu pikam na ally, i najverovatnije pravim guild, pa ko bude hteo neka me kontaktira.
Nadam se da ima ljudi, i da gledaju forume.
Video sam da je zadnji post iz 2014. - davno, pa rek ... |
Topic: Ima li vas bre ? :D |
Replies: 6
Views: 3045
Forum: Trash Posted: 21-02-2017, 13:30:38 Subject: Ima li vas bre ? :D |
Srba ima uvek svuda! ahahahah
Topic: Migration |
Replies: 6
Views: 1646
Forum: Q & A Posted: 21-02-2017, 12:24:12 Subject: Migration |
I have created characters and posted screenshots, but i have one character that is different class.
I didnt capture the login menu because i dont know how - the printscreen doesnt work, and i cant op ... |
Topic: Migration |
Replies: 6
Views: 1646
Forum: Q & A Posted: 21-02-2017, 05:54:01 Subject: Migration |
Thank you werry much!
I will make an acc, submit screenshots and w8 for your reply!
All the best !
Cheerz! |
Topic: Migration |
Replies: 6
Views: 1646
Forum: Q & A Posted: 20-02-2017, 07:20:37 Subject: Migration |
So even tho i have full geared chars, farmed Glawe, did lots of pvp on instant, still no possibility for migration ?
I mean i have lots of game hours in to them, at least the time needed for lvling u ... |
Topic: Migration |
Replies: 6
Views: 1646
Forum: Q & A Posted: 20-02-2017, 02:32:31 Subject: Migration |
Hello, this is my first post.
I was recomended by a friend, so i came. And i saw anotiation on main page about migration to this server.
I look around forum, but didnt find the EXACT answer for the ... |