Author |
Message |
Topic: Aplicatii Police Departament |
Replies: 2321
Views: 222547
Forum: Trash Posted: 03-04-2011, 13:17:59 Subject: Aplicatii Police Departament |
Nick: WantedMan
Level: 8-9
Oras de provenienta (LS/SF): LS
De cat timp joci?: de 2 luni
Varsta: 23
Job-uri precedente: trucker, mechanic
Job curent: lawyer
De ce vrei sa te alaturi?: imi place ... |
Topic: Aplicatii Police Departament |
Replies: 2321
Views: 222547
Forum: Trash Posted: 30-03-2011, 15:21:07 Subject: Aplicatii Police Departament |
Nick: WantedMan
Level: 8
Oras de provenienta (LS/SF): LS
De cat timp joci?: de 2 -3 luni
Varsta: 23
Job-uri precedente: trcuker, car mechanic, arms dealer, lawyer
Job curent: car mechanic
De ce ... |
Topic: Aplicatii Police Departament |
Replies: 2321
Views: 222547
Forum: Trash Posted: 28-03-2011, 15:33:47 Subject: Aplicatii Police Departament |
Nick: WantedMan
Level: 8
Oras de provenienta (LS/SF): LS
De cat timp joci?: de 2 luni
Varsta: 23 ani
Job-uri precedente: trucker, car mechanic, lawyer, detective
Job curent: car mechanic
De ce ... |
Topic: Reclamatie Stefann |
Replies: 1
Views: 888
Forum: Trash Posted: 19-03-2011, 22:44:27 Subject: Reclamatie Stefann |
Nick-ul tau in joc: WantedMan
Nick-ul persoanei reclamate: Stefann
Poze: http://img638.ima ... |
Topic: Raporteaza un membru |
Replies: 982
Views: 90344
Forum: Trash Posted: 19-03-2011, 22:05:04 Subject: Reclamatie IceBox |
Numele tau in joc: WantedMan
Numele membrului pe care il reclami: IceBox
Descriere a situatiei: El venea pe moto cu cisty care-i tm si eu voiam sal omor pe cisty si am nimerit din greseala pe icebox ... |
Topic: Reclamatie IceBox |
Replies: 2
Views: 925
Forum: Trash Posted: 19-03-2011, 22:02:39 Subject: Reclamatie IceBox |
Nick-ul tau in joc: WantedMan
Nick-ul persoanei reclamate: IceBox
Descriere incident:Cisty care- ... |
Topic: Demisii National Guard |
Replies: 287
Views: 45856
Forum: Trash Posted: 18-03-2011, 19:35:53 Subject: Demisii National Guard |
Nick: WantedMan
Motiv: Plictiseala |
Topic: Aplicatii Grove Street |
Replies: 1691
Views: 168548
Forum: Trash Posted: 17-03-2011, 19:20:38 Subject: Aplicatii Grove Street |
Nick: WantedMan
Level: 7 ( 12/32 puncte respect)
Oras de provenienta (LS/SF): LS
De cat timp joci?: 3 luni
Varsta: 23 ani
Job-uri precedente: Trucker, Car Mechanic, Lawyer
Job curent: Detective
... |
Topic: Reclamatie Diablo |
Replies: 1
Views: 685
Forum: Trash Posted: 17-03-2011, 19:07:13 Subject: Reclamatie Diablo |
Nick-ul tau in joc: WantedMan
Nick-ul persoanei reclamate:Diablo
Descriere incident:Ii ziceam sa-mi dea si mie teleport la event ca spectator si d ... |
Topic: Aplicatii National Guard |
Replies: 1121
Views: 114847
Forum: Trash Posted: 05-03-2011, 15:20:30 Subject: Aplicatii National Guard |
Nick: Cosmos
Level: 5
Oras de provenienta (LS/SF): Ls
De cat timp joci?: de o luna
Varsta: 14
Job-uri precedente: lawyer,car mechanic
Job curent: arms dealer
De ce vrei sa te alaturi?:imi place ... |
Topic: Aplicatii National Guard |
Replies: 1121
Views: 114847
Forum: Trash Posted: 05-03-2011, 14:10:14 Subject: Aplicatii National Guard |
Nick: WantedMan
Level: 5 19/24 puncte respect
Oras de provenienta (LS/SF): LS
De cat timp joci?: 2 Luni
Varsta: 23
Job-uri precedente: Trucker, Arms Dealer
Job curent: Car Mechanic
De ce ... |
Topic: Aplicatii The Mafia |
Replies: 1302
Views: 130974
Forum: Trash Posted: 05-03-2011, 13:58:56 Subject: Aplicatii The Mafia |
Nick: WantedMan
Level: 5 19/24 puncte respect
Oras de provenienta (LS/SF): LS
De cat timp joci?: 2 Luni
Varsta: 23
Job-uri precedente: Trucker, Arms Dealer
Job curent: Car Mechanic
De ce vrei ... |
Topic: Reclamatie Hydrax |
Replies: 3
Views: 933
Forum: Trash Posted: 28-02-2011, 17:22:50 Subject: Reclamatie Hydrax |
Nick-ul tau in joc: WantedMan
Nick-ul persoanei reclamate: Hydrax
Poze: http://img ... |
Topic: Aplicatii Federal Bureau of Investigations |
Replies: 1609
Views: 150448
Forum: Trash Posted: 27-02-2011, 14:41:05 Subject: Aplicatii Federal Bureau of Investigations |
Nick: WantedMan
Level: 5
Oras de provenienta (LS/SF): LS
De cat timp joci?: 1-2 Luni
Varsta: 23
Job-uri precedente: Trucker, Car Mechanic, Arms Dealer
Job curent: Car Dealer
De ce vrei s ... |
Topic: Aplicatii Police Departament |
Replies: 2321
Views: 222547
Forum: Trash Posted: 27-02-2011, 14:40:24 Subject: Aplicatii Police Departament |
Nick: WantedMan
Level: 5
Oras de provenienta (LS/SF): LS
De cat timp joci?: 1-2 Luni
Varsta: 23
Job-uri precedente: Trucker, Car Mechanic, Arms Dealer
Job curent: Car Dealer
De ce vrei s ... |