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  Topic: Recrutari SublimE

Replies: 274
Views: 55317

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 01-09-2013, 22:40:16   Subject: Wrather
Varsta reala: 20 ani.
Ocupatie: Student Informatica(UAIC Iasi) insa ma transfer la UBB(Cluj)<asta in semestrul 2 (anul universitar 2013-2014) >
Experienta in WoW: Am jucat 4 ani, clasele warr ...
  Topic: Recrutari

Replies: 54
Views: 9558

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 14-08-2013, 22:45:50   Subject: Recrutari
1. Nume real/Nume in-game: Bogdan / Wrather
2. Varsta: 19 ani
3. Clasa/rasa/itemlevel: Warrior Nighi-Elf 397
4. Main spec/offspec: Arms(DPS)/Tank(379)
5. Cat timp ai la dispozitie pentru WoW: nel ...
  Topic: Guild recruitment

Replies: 541
Views: 96122

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 19-07-2013, 21:03:37   Subject: Guild recruitment
. Cat timp ai la dispozitie pentru WOW (pe zi, pe saptamana, aproximativ.) ? nu am calculat; de la2-3 pana la 9-10 ore.....
2. Clasa: Warrior
3. Main Spec/OFF spec: Dps Hard_core (main spec) / Ultr ...
  Topic: Recrutãri

Replies: 832
Views: 177005

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 04-06-2013, 13:12:06   Subject: Recrutãri
Cum te numesti? Bogdan
Ce varsta ai? 19
Munca: SCOALA(bacu anu asta)
Scoala: DA ONLINE MEREU CAND E NEVOIE(in afara de perioada 20 iunie-7iulie)<pentru ca am bacu>
Ora de culcare fixa: unl ...
  Topic: Recrutari

Replies: 1777
Views: 251967

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 28-05-2013, 23:30:51   Subject: Recrutari
Nume In-Game : Wrather
Clasa : N-Elf
MainSpec/OffSpec : Dps/dps
iLvl :(minim 390) 395
Link Armory :
Profesie (minim 1 non gathering profession/first aid/fishing etc.): tailor+jwl
Guilda precede ...
  Topic: Recrutari

Replies: 1095
Views: 163932

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 23-02-2013, 10:24:43   Subject: Recrutari
1. Nume: Bogdan
2. Varsta: 19
3. Oras: Roman-(Neamt)
4. Nume In - Game: Wrather
5. Clasa/Rasa: Warrior---N-ELF
6. Main spec(iLVL) / Offspec(iLVL): DPS(378 30k++ DPS)/tank cu skill fara gear ...
  Topic: Recrutari

Replies: 1777
Views: 251967

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 25-01-2013, 19:10:19   Subject: Recrutarea...
Nume In-Game : Wrather
Clasa : Warrior
MainSpec/OffSpec : dps/tank
iLvl :(minim 360) Nu stiu peste 370
Link Armory :
Profesie (minim 1 non gathering profession/first aid/fishing etc.): mining ; ...
  Topic: Recrutari

Replies: 238
Views: 40044

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 18-04-2012, 18:39:50   Subject: Xtreams
Nume: Xtreams
Varsta: 18,4
MainSpecc/Offspecc: Dps(destro)
Item Level:356
Experienta: 15 days played(10 days doar pe wotlk)
Cat timp ai pentru wow : 2-5 ore
Ex-Guild: Opus-dei(Gen ...
  Topic: Recrutãri

Replies: 832
Views: 177005

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 14-04-2012, 14:41:58   Subject: Xtreams
Cum te numesti? .i.(>Bogdan<).i.
Ce varsta ai? 18,2
Munca: DA/NU (Daca DA intre ce ore?) Licean(a 11-a<mate-info>)
Ora de culcare fixa: DA/NU (Daca DA - Ce ora?) Oscileaz ...
  Topic: Recrutari

Replies: 591
Views: 92745

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 22-01-2012, 19:43:49   Subject: Salut sunt Wrather!
Numele real: Bogdan
Varsta: 18
Ocupatie in real life: Student<mate-info>
Nickname in joc:Wrather
Clasa:Warr Furry
Main spec si off spec:Dps/Tank sau Tank/Dps; cum vreti voi:D
Item level:36 ...
  Topic: Recrutãri

Replies: 832
Views: 177005

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 22-01-2012, 01:01:29   Subject: Wrather
Cum te numesti? Bogdan
Ce varsta ai? 18
Munca: DA/NU (Daca DA intre ce ore?) Da <studewnt la mate-info>"ELEV"
Ora de culcare fixa: DA/NU ( Daca DA - Ce ora?) In weekend NU in timpul ...
  Topic: Recrutari

Replies: 1777
Views: 251967

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 21-01-2012, 01:19:56   Subject: Recrutari
Nume In-Game :Wrather
Clasa :Warrior Nelf
iLvl :(minim 350): DPS(360) Tank (363) full PVE
Link Armory :
Profesie :JWC+MININg
  Topic: Recrutari

Replies: 163
Views: 32467

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 06-01-2012, 14:40:57   Subject: Ce clase recrutati?
Sunt warrior!
  Topic: Recrutari

Replies: 5
Views: 1532

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 06-01-2012, 14:38:12   Subject: Ma primiti inapoi?

Posturi unite automat, 06-01-2012, 14:37:14


Posturi unite automat, 06-01-2012, 14:37:42


Posturi unite automat, 06-01-2012, 14:37:58


Posturi unite automat, 06-01- ...
  Topic: Sa ne cunoastem

Replies: 14
Views: 2306

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 06-01-2012, 14:30:57   Subject: Wrather????
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