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Topic: [REJECTED] Bug Loot Galakras |
Replies: 1
Views: 381
Forum: Item Recovery Posted: 22-10-2016, 20:24:48 Subject: Bug Loot Galakras |
Character Name: Dausazaca
Item Name & ID: Drakebinder Greatstaff 112723
Armory Link:
Leaderul a dat nee ... |
Topic: Siege of Orgrimmar |
Replies: 224
Views: 51742
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 09-08-2016, 14:20:45 Subject: Siege of Orgrimmar |
@Norushen If you are doing the healing trial and you are paladin you can't heal the npcs with spells that require holy power. (it's the same problem like at Immerseus puddles ) |
Topic: Siege of Orgrimmar |
Replies: 224
Views: 51742
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 13-06-2016, 17:13:45 Subject: Siege of Orgrimmar |
[quote ascuns] I said in a upper post the holy power using spells are not working on puddles |
Topic: Siege of Orgrimmar |
Replies: 224
Views: 51742
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 13-06-2016, 10:06:18 Subject: Siege of Orgrimmar |
@Contaminated puddles cannot be healed by some spells
Monks Revival should heal the puddles also. (and here it doesn't work) |
Topic: Siege of Orgrimmar |
Replies: 224
Views: 51742
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 12-06-2016, 16:27:15 Subject: Siege of Orgrimmar |
As you can see in [url=]video posted by Maev upper ,swirl is not working as intended. It's a visual bug ... Maev got knocked back and he was behind the boss when Immerseus was channeling swirl. |
Topic: Siege of Orgrimmar |
Replies: 224
Views: 51742
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 12-06-2016, 02:23:19 Subject: Siege of Orgrimmar |
//ro ^Maine cand o sa ajung la Fallen Protectors o sa fac un filmulet sau o poza si revin la acelasi post cu edit (asta daca nu e reparat) |
Topic: Siege of Orgrimmar |
Replies: 224
Views: 51742
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 12-06-2016, 01:56:58 Subject: Siege of Orgrimmar |
1. As MW, Monk it's not working to heal the blue puddles with spell Healing Sphere ( it should work I played 90 days on blizzard with monk and I think I can bring you proofs in a later edit)
2. As , paladin you can't heal the blue puddles with spells wich cost holy power ( it applying only the absorb... an ... |
Topic: Classified Lottery |
Replies: 33
Views: 6569
Forum: Trash Posted: 10-05-2016, 15:01:09 Subject: Classified Lottery |
Nume in-game: Stingarrow
Numar ales: 30 |
Topic: Shield recover loot magaera |
Replies: 1
Views: 484
Forum: Item Recovery Posted: 07-05-2016, 15:08:01 Subject: Shield recover loot magaera |
Character Name:Stingarrow
Item Name & ID:Visage of the Doomed 95516
Armory Link:
Details: Am o poza cu lootul din chat daca te ajuta. Guilda noastra da need la tot ce are nevoie din acele iteme dar nu au dat destul de repede... si a disparut chestul cu loot d ... |
Topic: [LoL] Stingarrow |
Replies: 1
Views: 648
Forum: Server Group requests Posted: 01-05-2016, 14:41:01 Subject: [LoL] Stingarrow | name: Stingarrow
LoLKing link:
Mi-am reinstalat sistemul de operare si nu mai am iconita de lol player. |
Topic: [LoL] Stingarrow |
Replies: 1
Views: 732
Forum: Server Group requests Posted: 12-02-2016, 20:14:18 Subject: [LoL] Stingarrow | name: Stingarrow
Lolking: |
Topic: Hunter T15 2P |
Replies: 0
Views: 342
Forum: Trash Posted: 01-02-2016, 15:12:45 Subject: Hunter T15 2P |
Are cineva idee daca functioneaza bonusul de 2P T15 ? Eu pe hunter am 2 piese dar mi se pare ca thunderhawk ala casteaza o singura data strike si da doar 50k... Din cate am vazut pe internet trb sa casteze de vreo 5 ori si sa dea damage in 20k-70k.Daca s-ar intampla asta ni s-ar mari substantial damageul.
@off : Voua ... |
Topic: Item Resto |
Replies: 1
Views: 499
Forum: Item Recovery Posted: 25-07-2013, 17:28:55 Subject: Item Resto |
Character Name: Giugno
Item Name & ID: [Hardheart Ring] 3 [Essence of Destruction]
Armory Link:
Details: (optional) : pe data de 25 iulie 2013 ora 18:15 cam asa s-a dat restart la server si s-a dat rollback as vrea cele ... |
Topic: Daily Quests DKP reward: |
Replies: 1773
Views: 89834
Forum: Trash Posted: 21-07-2013, 16:20:48 Subject: Daily Quests DKP reward: | |
Topic: Daily Quests DKP reward: |
Replies: 1773
Views: 89834
Forum: Trash Posted: 20-07-2013, 17:45:17 Subject: Daily Quests DKP reward: | |