Author |
Message |
Topic: [SELLING] Gold for Reputation |
Replies: 458
Views: 119122
Forum: Trash Posted: 28-12-2015, 16:39:57 Subject: [SELLING] Gold for Reputation |
[quote ascuns] you'll have the rest of the reputation tonight because i'm not at home atm. ty
EDIT : Done. Happy new year and thank you ! |
Topic: [SELLING] Gold for Reputation |
Replies: 458
Views: 119122
Forum: Trash Posted: 28-12-2015, 15:40:50 Subject: [SELLING] Gold for Reputation |
Orga send 100k gold on Toiletpaper. Sending rep now. (Will send you from two accounts , this one and Zypher.) |
Topic: Pony Zone 10 - 2016s |
Replies: 12446
Views: 1047626
Forum: Romanian Posted: 28-12-2015, 15:38:53 Subject: Pony Zone 10 - 2016s |
La multi ANI ! |
Topic: Pony Zone 10 - 2016s |
Replies: 12446
Views: 1047626
Forum: Romanian Posted: 24-12-2015, 22:42:36 Subject: Pony Zone 10 - 2016s |
Salut. Sunt fan Zypher ! |
Topic: Recruitments |
Replies: 26
Views: 5399
Forum: Trash Posted: 25-10-2011, 14:08:23 Subject: Recruitments |
Ingame name: Gargoyle , mdu
Real life name: Alex
Age: 19
Job: Doesn't matter
Class and Race: Paladin Human / Priest Human
Main spec/off spec: Holy (On pala) shadow (on priest)
Item level print screen: too lazy to make print screens atm but on both chars ... |
Topic: Best Player In Class [GENESIS] |
Replies: 613
Views: 161528
Forum: Trash Posted: 14-10-2011, 15:54:55 Subject: Best Player In Class [GENESIS] |
Mage: Cand o sa se repare ignore resilience de la mage atunci o sa dau edit si o sa postez unu bun.
Priest: Cand se repara proccu in prostie la shadow orbs la fel
Warlock: - Aodzilla
Rogue: sjnkzftw, trouble ,nellyboy
Druid: pauza.
Hunter: Failwraith
Sh ... |
Topic: Hoarda pierde bg-uri la greu?? Nui problema! |
Replies: 14
Views: 2064
Forum: Romanian Posted: 09-10-2011, 20:27:40 Subject: Hoarda pierde bg-uri la greu?? Nui problema! | |
Topic: Connection Issues |
Replies: 1
Views: 390
Forum: Romanian Posted: 09-10-2011, 14:05:40 Subject: Connection Issues |
Nu stiu cum se face dar in ultimele 2 zile , am observat ca de fiecare data cand intru in wow am in jur de 6k ms . Dupa ce dau alt f4 din wow de vreo 2 3 ori isi revine... . Cred ca e vreo problema cu peering-ul fata de server . am dat ping pe si am loss de 25% , la fel si pe forum . NU e de la netu meu p ... |
Topic: Inca un Question <3 |
Replies: 2
Views: 689
Forum: Romanian Posted: 25-09-2011, 09:10:10 Subject: Inca un Question <3 |
Ermm...cand o sa dati si voi drumu la Baradin Hold? Pe ptr am facut si scriptu mergea oarecum ok . Oricum bossu e leguma si pe blizz deci.... 1 raid macar pe saptamana sa avem si noi ar fii fain |
Topic: [FIXED] Glyph of backstab |
Replies: 5
Views: 1487
Forum: Trash Posted: 23-09-2011, 21:15:16 Subject: [FIXED] Glyph of backstab |
confirm asa e am facut teste pe dummy |
Topic: Guys,I need some help. |
Replies: 6
Views: 927
Forum: Romanian Posted: 23-09-2011, 18:22:51 Subject: Guys,I need some help. |
[quote ascuns] Make sure u have the correct realmist set , and u have used the freakz_launcher. |
Topic: Question? |
Replies: 5
Views: 1390
Forum: Romanian Posted: 22-09-2011, 12:00:03 Subject: Question? |
Puteam foarte bine sa cresc archaeology sa mi-l iau daca mergea O_o . Cum altii au iteme din tailoring facute pe retete de 2 bani care nu erau la vendor , asa putem avea si noi . Face parte din gameplay si mie unu nu mi se pare corect . Ori rezolvi Archaeology ori faci cumva sa fie bine pentru toti. Si nu vad ce te intereseaza pe tine ce vreau eu si ce nu ? ;/ |
Topic: Question? |
Replies: 5
Views: 1390
Forum: Romanian Posted: 22-09-2011, 11:54:47 Subject: Question? |
[quote ascuns] Si va rog sa nu va manifestati ca specimenul de deasupra . Atata timp cat nu aveti ce lua de la archaeology nu postati doar sa fiti voi jm3ch3ryy |
Topic: Question? |
Replies: 5
Views: 1390
Forum: Romanian Posted: 22-09-2011, 11:51:23 Subject: Question? |
De moment ce nu merge archaeology bine ... ati putea face un vendor de unde putem sa cumparam pe anumite reagents...honor spre exemplu sau eu stiu itemele ce le iei de acolo ?o_O
Chiar am mare nevoie pe paladin de e best in slot pe 4.0.6 pentru holy paladin.
Pareri careva? |
Topic: Best Player In Class [GENESIS] |
Replies: 613
Views: 161528
Forum: Trash Posted: 22-09-2011, 10:20:47 Subject: Best Player In Class [GENESIS] |
Priest: Niciunu .
Rogue: Deocamdata nam vazut pe nimeni sa joace cum trebuie
Druid: Laserfeet
Hunter: Pauza.
Shaman: Pauza.
Warrior: Crashy
Death Knight: Deadsoull(UKM)
Paladin: :DDDD Gargoyle ( EU ) |