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Topic: Best Player In Class [GENESIS] |
Replies: 613
Views: 161845
Forum: Trash Posted: 08-07-2012, 15:36:33 Subject: Best Player In Class [GENESIS] |
Phixels ai devenit pupincuristul serverului vad:)) bun asa. Poate intr-o zi o sa inveti si cum sa joci priest la nivel mai sus de mediu.
Oricum pentru hpal warr iti trebuie skill imens..wait...jk.
V ... |
Topic: Best Player In Class [GENESIS] |
Replies: 613
Views: 161845
Forum: Trash Posted: 08-07-2012, 14:27:53 Subject: Best Player In Class [GENESIS] |
[quote ascuns] Nu stiu de unde traiesti cu impresia ca am facut 2.4k pe AT da sa-l intrebi pe Bestdkeu cum dadea spectate cand eram pe la 2.9k mmr si 2.8k rating. Oricum se vede cine s-a simtit ofensat, tu in afara de freakz nu ai facut nicaieri rating. fair nough sunt cativa ... |
Topic: Best Player In Class [GENESIS] |
Replies: 613
Views: 161845
Forum: Trash Posted: 08-07-2012, 02:08:19 Subject: Best Player In Class [GENESIS] |
Rofl freakz heroes, 2700 freakz = 0 anywhere else. |
Topic: [REJECTED] Feral Druid - Major Bugs |
Replies: 137
Views: 27652
Forum: Trash Posted: 06-05-2012, 09:40:58 Subject: [REJECTED] Feral Druid - Major Bugs |
Nu inteleg cum toate abilitatile in afara de Rip sunt practic nerfate.
Nici nu inteleg de ce ma obosesc sa dau Shred cand pot sa stau fata in fata si sa spamez Mangle ca un retardat, ca oricum da cu mult mai mult damage ca Shred..
Ferocious e un jk de spell, ravage cu 505% damage da mai putin ca mangle si shred ... w ... |
Topic: Merge Exodus/Evolution |
Replies: 40
Views: 6170
Forum: Romanian Posted: 02-05-2012, 23:49:25 Subject: Merge Exodus/Evolution |
I can't connect just now and all day server has been lagging / DC-ing. It's unplayable and I don't understand why only Exodus has problems. Genesis and Evo are fine.
I'm sorry but there's absolutely no point in playing here atm. |
Topic: Merge Exodus/Evolution |
Replies: 40
Views: 6170
Forum: Romanian Posted: 29-04-2012, 16:27:41 Subject: Merge Exodus/Evolution |
No it's not better. And it makes no sense to have two romanian realms. Exodus is dying slowly and you guys know it. |
Topic: Merge Exodus/Evolution |
Replies: 40
Views: 6170
Forum: Romanian Posted: 29-04-2012, 16:20:55 Subject: Merge Exodus/Evolution |
Pvp is down and so is Pve, only a couple of guilds are doing raids, even pugs are hard to assemble.
A fusion between Evo and Exodus would be great since at peaks there are only 1k players on each of them. A 2k population would make no lag and it would improve gameplay experience overall. |
Topic: [BWNGAMING] Videos + Livestream |
Replies: 29
Views: 3993
Forum: WoW Movies Posted: 23-01-2012, 13:56:08 Subject: [BWNGAMING] Videos + Livestream |
"Pwned! GG ba! Haha." Ce e asta? Asa va bucurati voi cand castigati meciuri la 1400 MMR? |
Topic: [REJECTED] Killing Machine PPM |
Replies: 11
Views: 1560
Forum: Trash Posted: 25-12-2011, 11:53:15 Subject: [REJECTED] Killing Machine PPM |
Si eu am la fel, merge normal... depinde de situatie presupun, eu chiar nu am avut procs consecutive. |
Topic: [REJECTED] [Druid] Feral abilities influenced by spell power |
Replies: 27
Views: 6276
Forum: Trash Posted: 21-12-2011, 23:17:57 Subject: [REJECTED] [Druid] Feral abilities influenced by spell power |
Deaia au aparut recent tot felul de wannabe ferals ce dau damage imens. Imi place ca nimeni nu s-a obosit pana acum sa raporteze, dar exploateaza toti . Cool shit. |
Topic: [FIXED] Cyclon in Anti-Magic Shell |
Replies: 9
Views: 2299
Forum: Trash Posted: 19-11-2011, 00:27:35 Subject: [FIXED] Cyclon in Anti-Magic Shell |
Ala e pt Commanding Shout, si e invalid. |
Topic: wintrade? |
Replies: 9
Views: 1633
Forum: Romanian Posted: 19-11-2011, 00:26:13 Subject: wintrade? |
Lmao locku 96 - 0, tinand cont ca nu a fost vazut niciodata la arene vs niciun team. Also team & personal ratings *** up.
Clar wintrade. |
Topic: Phixels - Discipline Priest PVP |
Replies: 74
Views: 11869
Forum: WoW Movies Posted: 18-11-2011, 11:47:01 Subject: Phixels - Discipline Priest PVP |
[quote ascuns] Lmao, venind de la o persoana cu avatar cu un ponei presupun ca ar trebui sa fie mult 2.2k pe AT?
La ce populatie e acolo acum 2.2k il faci intr-o zi lejer cu mai orice comp. Call me cand faci 2.7k+.
Si ce e cu atitudinea asta de megastar? Ai cateva filmulete si te crezi zeu?
Invatati sa nu mai comentati aiurea ca va ... |
Topic: [REJECTED] DK and Anti-Magic Shell |
Replies: 5
Views: 1330
Forum: Trash Posted: 17-11-2011, 21:49:43 Subject: [REJECTED] DK and Anti-Magic Shell |
Important bug, droods have free reign on Cyclone -.-''. |
Topic: [REJECTED] Resilience bug general. |
Replies: 4
Views: 827
Forum: Trash Posted: 31-10-2011, 16:43:16 Subject: [REJECTED] Resilience bug general. |
Sau ca sa nu mai munceasca el atata,ai putea si tu sa-ti pui 100% crit chance si sa vezi ca pe resil unele hituri nu sunt crits.
Asa ... e destul de complicat la ce crit chance are un player normal sa testezi, ca e vorba de sansa in final. |