Author |
Message |
Topic: Reclama |
Replies: 0
Views: 309
Forum: Trash Posted: 16-06-2011, 15:13:27 Subject: Reclama |
Fara reclama |
Topic: Reclama |
Replies: 0
Views: 357
Forum: Trash Posted: 16-06-2011, 15:12:44 Subject: Reclama |
Fara reclama |
Topic: Reclamatie Muc_Cel_Mic |
Replies: 1
Views: 365
Forum: Trash Posted: 01-05-2011, 13:20:11 Subject: Reclamatie Muc_Cel_Mic |
Nick-ul tau in joc: BuLLeT
Nick-ul persoanei reclamate: Muc_Cel_Mic
Descriere incident:ma calca intruna cu masina [DB] ![-](images/smiles/christmas_1.gif) |
Topic: Demisii Grove Street |
Replies: 291
Views: 44682
Forum: Trash Posted: 29-04-2011, 18:09:12 Subject: saL |
Nick: BuLLeT
Motiv: Lider inactiv de 7zile nu vreau sa fiu singuru on ! |
Topic: reclamatie hiphopfury |
Replies: 3
Views: 487
Forum: Trash Posted: 26-04-2011, 17:47:02 Subject: reclamatie hiphopfury |
Da , se lupta cu mn si nu mai avea viata si alerga pe strada , si a intrat din greseala hhf in el si a murit , dar nu te-a omorat intentional ... |
Topic: Reclamatie Expawnz |
Replies: 1
Views: 393
Forum: Trash Posted: 24-04-2011, 20:25:10 Subject: Reclamatie Expawnz |
Nick-ul tau in joc: BuLLeT
Nick-ul persoanei reclamate: ExPawnZ
Poze: Cenzura...
Descriere incident:a fost obligat la event sa tina tinta in sus ca avea joy clar si na vrut si lam omorat , si dupa ... |
Topic: Sugestii |
Replies: 3646
Views: 354542
Forum: Trash Posted: 24-04-2011, 19:59:10 Subject: saL |
Propun sa se bage case mai multe ...prea putine pt 100playeri |
Topic: Reclamatie Sefann |
Replies: 5
Views: 727
Forum: Trash Posted: 24-04-2011, 16:30:08 Subject: Reclamatie Sefann |
Nu ma intereseaza ce sa intmplat prima data , nu trebuie sa ma injure , sa vb frumos !!!
Posturi unite automat, 24-04-2011, 17:30:08 |
Topic: Reclamatie Sefann |
Replies: 5
Views: 727
Forum: Trash Posted: 24-04-2011, 15:47:30 Subject: Reclamatie Sefann |
Nick-ul tau in joc: BuLLeT
Nick-ul persoanei reclamate: stefann
Descriere incident:Eram afara la gsls si sphex__ si stefann lau atacat pe killforfun , lau o ... |
Topic: Aplicatii Grove Street |
Replies: 1691
Views: 172909
Forum: Trash Posted: 19-04-2011, 19:27:53 Subject: saL All :) |
Nick: BuLLeT
Level: 10
Oras de provenienta (LS/SF): LS
De cat timp joci?: 4luni
Varsta: 15 ani
Job-uri precedente: arms dealer
Job curent: arms dealer
De ce vrei sa te alaturi?: Este un gang u ... |
Topic: Demisii Leaders |
Replies: 889
Views: 99104
Forum: Trash Posted: 19-04-2011, 18:27:39 Subject: saL |
Nick: BuLLeT
Factiune: The Mafia
Motiv:vreau sa incerc altceva ... |
Topic: Intrari / Iesiri The Mafia (LOG) |
Replies: 311
Views: 32758
Forum: Trash Posted: 19-04-2011, 18:19:53 Subject: Iesiri |
Azi 19.04.2011 a iesit KillForFun |
Topic: Demisii The Mafia |
Replies: 343
Views: 38206
Forum: Trash Posted: 19-04-2011, 18:19:23 Subject: Demisii The Mafia |
demis` |
Topic: Demisii The Mafia |
Replies: 343
Views: 38206
Forum: Trash Posted: 18-04-2011, 20:33:43 Subject: Demisii The Mafia |
demis` |
Topic: Intrari / Iesiri The Mafia (LOG) |
Replies: 311
Views: 32758
Forum: Trash Posted: 18-04-2011, 20:32:14 Subject: Intrari |
Azi 18.04.2011 a intrat Ricky_Montana
Posturi unite automat, 18-04-2011, 21:32:14
Azi 18.04.2011 a iesit llive |