- Character Name : Rocklee
- Class : Monk
- Main spec / Off spec : MW / BW
- Main spec ilvl : 840 MW
- Prior Wow Experience (if any)? : Played since wotlk, so i got many years of experience...
- ...
1. Name IRL & Character Name: Ouassim/Rocklee
2. Age: 28
3. Character armory link:
4. Class: Monk
5. Main Spec/OFF spec: MW/BM
6. Screenshot of your Interface: http://imgur.com/wb3iciC
7. ...
Character Name: Valerya
Item Name & ID:
Armory Link:
Details: (optional)
Hello, please im having issue with my artifact weapon Ashbringer, i lost it after a server crash, i used the fix in the website but it give me only the weapon for the tank spec b ...