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  Topic: Reckful vs. Koreans

Replies: 1
Views: 550

PostForum: WoW Movies   Posted: 14-08-2013, 16:54:47   Subject: Reckful vs. Koreans
  Topic: Good ideas-dont you think?:O

Replies: 4
Views: 517

PostForum: WoW Movies   Posted: 15-07-2013, 09:09:58   Subject: Good ideas-dont you think?:O
  Topic: More vote shop items.

Replies: 9
Views: 1206

PostForum: Other   Posted: 15-07-2013, 08:01:37   Subject: More vote shop items.
Maybe that cristalyzed firestone so we can upgrade FL items...i believe that wont mess up the economy more than it is now.
  Topic: Klinda PvP weekend Massacre

Replies: 3
Views: 695

PostForum: WoW Movies   Posted: 14-07-2013, 17:43:08   Subject: Klinda PvP weekend Massacre
  Topic: Creepy things in wow

Replies: 16
Views: 3422

PostForum: WoW Movies   Posted: 14-07-2013, 16:26:11   Subject: Creepy things in wow
@Shpace Eu nu am postat videourile alea pt ca am crezut ca Wow trimite mesaje subliminale legate de satanism,illuminati etc. , l-am postat aici pt ca mi s-a parut interesant de ex. karazhan crypts sau ...
  Topic: Creepy things in wow

Replies: 16
Views: 3422

PostForum: WoW Movies   Posted: 13-07-2013, 12:48:08   Subject: Creepy things in wow 1 ...
  Topic: This Is Bug..

Replies: 5
Views: 1400

PostForum: Other   Posted: 11-07-2013, 09:35:11   Subject: This Is Bug..
This thing happens to everyone after arena spectating,but if use the arena spectate in dalaran you wont fall after.
  Topic: Frustating thing that makes me wanne quit freakz BG's

Replies: 22
Views: 6299

PostForum: Other   Posted: 11-07-2013, 09:27:33   Subject: Frustating thing that makes me wanne quit freakz BG's
I recall one time i saw a dk which seemed to have transmogrified in the dk start zone items and i thought he looked cool,imagine my surprise when i inspected him and he was actually wearing that items ...
  Topic: mm pvp hunter question

Replies: 9
Views: 1862

PostForum: Other   Posted: 11-07-2013, 09:22:56   Subject: mm pvp hunter question
Spider's web its just an immobilize effect while monkeys blind is a far more better cc.I'd choose a monkey anytime over a spider,its like an extra scatter shot.
  Topic: Rally up Horde Exodus -PVP

Replies: 14
Views: 2482

PostForum: Other   Posted: 11-07-2013, 09:19:13   Subject: Rally up Horde Exodus -PVP
you dont need an entire premade group..just 1 or two well geared friends to make bgs easier,not an entire guild.Anyway i have to say that not only on horde you can find those 70k hp players but on al ...
  Topic: PVP Best class

Replies: 83
Views: 18769

PostForum: Other   Posted: 06-07-2013, 12:32:46   Subject: PVP Best class
De cand cu bufful la cripling poison care acum da 70% slow tin sa cred ca sub rogue e op fara sa luam in considerare cat e de stricat pe server si fara sa tinem cont ca orice rogue cu 30k gold are fea ...
  Topic: ilvl minim pentru battlegrounds

Replies: 45
Views: 9740

PostForum: Other   Posted: 26-06-2013, 15:33:27   Subject: ilvl minim pentru battlegrounds
Eu sunt de acord cu implementarea unui ilvl minim pt bgs deoarece m-am saturat sa ma chinui pe fiecare caracter nou sa fac setul vicious albastru + fingers si necks si daca se poate si trinkete si alt ...
  Topic: Honor Gained

Replies: 5
Views: 930

PostForum: Other   Posted: 26-06-2013, 15:15:09   Subject: Honor Gained
A good way to take advantage of this is to cap as many flags as possible in eots because that grants less resources but the same ammount of honor(around 40-50)
  Topic: Stop the Multiboxing

Replies: 17
Views: 4403

PostForum: Other   Posted: 26-06-2013, 15:12:36   Subject: Stop the Multiboxing
To answer your 1st question:yes multiboxing is allowed on retail and 2nd its no big deal.I mean i have a preamade for bgs of 3 ppl(including me) and we stomped over those shammys everytime...u just ha ...
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